Freezing almond milk or greek yogurt

kbugsmeemaw Posts: 107 Member
So we just got a Yonanas machine and I am trying to come up with different ideas. I am thinking about freezing some almond milk, sugar free pudding or greek yogurt (like dannon) to add some different flavor. Just wonderering about how well it will freeze? Anyone tried any of these? Any other ideas? Thanks ahead!!


  • BUMP!! Interested so if you try it out let me know..
  • burtnyks
    burtnyks Posts: 124 Member
    I use Blue Diamond brand almond milk and it says on the container "do not freeze." I make protein ice cream and use soy milk which seems to freeze well.
  • jenniferb_00
    You can kind of freeze greek yogurt...sometimes i put the 100g packages in the freezer a while before eating them. Don't get me wrong id rather have ice cream but it does the trick.
  • lshender
    lshender Posts: 33 Member
    I've tried freezing Greek yogurt. You end up with a solid lump. I love frozen bananas and grapes though. They really are a wonderful frozen treat with no guilt.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I make my own frozen yogurt. If you don't have an ice cream machine, it'll still might have some ice crystals in it depending on how much water is in it. I make my own without a machine though and it doesn't have crystals in it, but it does have a little vodka. It's based on a really fattening/delicious recipe from Nigella Lawson, but it hits the spot and is so delicious. She uses heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk, but I use egg whites and yogurt as a substitute.

    4 Egg Whites or 1 cup Whipped Cream
    1 cup Plain Greek Yogurt (I use homemade, but you can use flavored store bought too)
    3/4 cup Sugar
    1/4 cup Butter (softened) *
    1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
    1 tsp Extract and/or 1/2 cup pureed Fruit
    1- 2 tbsp Vodka (depends on how quickly things freeze in your freezer)

    * You can use something like coconut oil if you want, but remember that'll add that flavor to it

    Whip the egg whites until they reach soft peaks. Separately, cream the butter and sugar together and mix in the yogurt, flavorings, and booze. Fold the mixes gently together, pour into a container, and freeze for at least 6 hours.

    I make big batches of this in different flavors. If you want to add something like chocolate chips or almonds, you have to do it afterwards. If you add it before it's frozen, it'll sink to the bottom. But it's so yummy, cheaper, and easier than buying an ice cream machine and it tastes so good.
  • azjoanna
    azjoanna Posts: 16 Member
    Freeze your almond milk in an ice cube tray (like the kind from Wal-Mart...little green 1 inch cubes) Then when you make your shake just drop in a few cubes with the cup of almond milk, add a tsp of dry sgar free/fat free jello puddings to give varied flavors along with any frozen fruit, like strawberries, 1/4 cup crushed pineapple, bananas, blackberries, etc. I like a teaspoon of choc pudding mix with can make it as thick or drinkable with a straw depending on how many frozen cubes you add.
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    You can freeze almond milk, but it separates and you have to shake it more prior to use. It never quite looks the same, but it is very usable. I found all of this out by accident one day, when, because I was in a hurry, I absentmindedly stuck the container in the freezer while at work.
  • kbugsmeemaw
    kbugsmeemaw Posts: 107 Member
    Hmmm. I didn't think about adding it as a powder for flavor. I will definately be trying that.:happy:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I use Blue Diamond brand almond milk and it says on the container "do not freeze." I make protein ice cream and use soy milk which seems to freeze well.

    Blue Diamond Almond Milk...the only ALMOND milk I know of that has 2% almonds hahaha.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    BTW if you want to freeze greek yoghurt..... it has to have fat. Chobani 2% fat ones freeze damn good. The small little tubs are perfect. 2 hours in the freezer & you got ice-cream
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    my kids ALWAYS freeze yogurt, right in the cup, yes it comes out like an icee/hard thing not smooth yogurt, but its a good trade off i feel.
  • CurlySue8403
    I've seen this method all over Pinterest. What I'm curious to know is how long will almond milk keep while frozen? I know once opened in the fridge it only lasts about 7 days. What have you found with this??
  • Lady_jade99
    I keep hearing about this Dannon plain yogurt but can't find any. I'm in Canada... Is that strictly an American product?
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Dannon is by a French company. I would be highly surprised if they didn't distribute to Canada under another name. It's a huge yogurt company.

    As for freezing yogurt at home, this is something I've been testing a lot since I got my ice cream maker. The problem is getting something scoopable if you want to make a large batch you can eat over a number of days. I can't seem to find any recipe that works. The low fat and sugar in a (healthful) yogurt prevents it from becoming anything but a solid block even if you churn a lot of air into it. The only way to eat homemade frozen yogurt seems to be fresh or within that same day before it hardens to a rock.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I don't have experience with an ice cream maker or yonanas machine, but I freeze plain fat free Greek yogurt and almond milk all the time. When they are getting close to expiring I use ice cube trays and when frozen pop them into smoothies. I've also used my cuisinart with frozen fruit and a little liquid until it gets to be a sorbet consistency. I use yogurt, almond or coconut milk. It freezes a little harder so you have to let it sit out for a few minutes and use a scooper that's been run under hot water. Strawberry and pineapple are my two favorites so far.