

  • Take a look at this...
  • Creatine should be taken about 30-45 minutes before a workout... It will give ur muscles energy for a workout.. Extra pump. Also I beleive it will help with soreness. Protein (whey) will feed the muscle after a workout. More of a recovery drink.
  • Personally, I find plyometrics easier than core synergistics... Also, I have tried the P90X recovery drink this time around and noticed that i was not as sore as last time.
  • And you know what’s scary? They don’t even mention the fact that now the major soda producers are producing “Energy” drinks with the same empty ingredients as before – but more: extra caffeine, ginseng, guarano (whatever-the-hell-that-is) and other assorted chemicals.
  • LOL - I remember when I asked that question last year.. All I have is dumbels from 5 pounds to 25 pounds. After doing a nice routine, 25's get so heavy after a while... As a guy, I want big muscles.. so I tend to lift heavier.. My workout buddy has 30's thta we are going to start using... Actually, I bought a workout band…
  • WOW... I sent that along to several people.. Had no idea that so many things were linked to Soda out of all things.. I was aware that it is bad due to fructose if you are dieting.. but to see the health issues really got me thinking..
  • Nice - Carbs do play a big part in my workouts! I would just be careful on putting carbs in after your workout... I guess it depends on the time of day you workout.. I work out at night, so eating I am hour or so before my workout and not eating afterwards.. I do wake up starving though.. I have read that after your…
  • Awesome.. my previous one was a MIO... I just wanted the screen lock and be able to moitor my calories that i was burning throughout the workoutz.. But, better... initiative is key.. Keep it up!!! Did you ever modify your diet slightly???
  • Shopie - what do you have as a calrie counter?
  • Jess - If it werent for you, I would not be as focused as I am today.. Me going after the 250k... not just yet.. mayber after my 3rd round!! You were right on the money when youaked me.. "how does you clothes fit"... after you drilled in my head that I "MUST" eat all my calories.. Today, on day 3 of the 13th week... I am…
  • Agreed... My wife did it with me last summer and we loved it.. she is doing the 10 minute trainer and likes that also.. I hear ya on the frustration of the years lost.. but, nothing we can do but look forward.. and once I get my results, then maybe I can relax a bit.. till then I will be pressing that play button... my dvd…
  • Very nice indeed!! I was in the service a few years ago (trust me, I am not even close to the shape I was in then).. But, I think P90X is tougher at times than the workouts we used to do... and not having someone yelling in your face can leave you slacking off a bit!! But what i have learned in the service is... It's all a…
  • Thanks.. I'm just like everyone here.. started at 32% body fat and am now at 21%... and honestly, I don't feel like I have the p90x body I am striving for just yet... hence me doing the p90x+ on round 2!!!.. I have come to far to stop now and not attain my desired results!! But, finishing up round 1 this week... I am…
  • ok.. I would like to let you know first things first... do not rely on the scale.. (I know we do it out of habit)... but, go by you body fat! I too am jumping on the scal here and there and notice no changes at times.. but I now have to wear a belt... point is, you are working out and feeding the muscle protein.. muscle is…
  • On yesterday's workout (plyo - 1069 calories).. the watch tells me my average heartrate was 151 and maximum was 182... it also says to train less in the highest zone... can't do that on plyo hope this helps..
  • Actually, That was the exact question I had a few weeks ago! I had a cheap heartrate monitor that did not do calories and I posted out to everyone for opinions.. everyone came back saying to get a Polar watch.. So after reasearching, I have found this watch on eBay for $140 (can't put a price on health)..…
  • I keep reading that the P90X+ is insane! and results are amazing upon researching... I think I am leaning towards the + on round 2... I am getting a bit anxious to get it started.. Why do I fear the pain and I have not even started it yet...
  • Spring is right around the corner.. I personally would not be able to double up.. Keep it up.. remember to listen to your body!!! Almost at the half way point!!! Keep pressing play!
  • Shopie - I would consider maybe adjusting a bit.. since i modified my intake, I was stuck at a certain weight.. by dropping it 300 calories, I am now seeing a nice and slow weight loss... Jason - Welcome.. I see you have been around P90 for a bit.. I am thinking of customizing P90X+ for round 2... any intake on this?
  • Hey all - just finishing up my second time around on p90x , did it last summer and lost 30 pounds in 80 days.. (went on vaca on day 81) and decided pick it back up in January... I am now on my 13th week and getting ready for my second consecutive round!! everyone is correct, diet is very important.. Carbs are very…
  • I was ready to buy the f11.. I really liked the features! But I saw I can get the ft60 for the same price, I just had to. Google "polar ft60"... Awesome watch. I didn't realize Polar was so popular till this coversation.
  • I currently have a Mio classic (bought it at Walmart).... I caved!!! I ended up getting the Polar ft60. I picked it up new (sealed) from Ebay... $100 cheaper than the retail price.
  • RachVR6 - where are you in the program? how far into it?
  • Give it time.. And it's good to have someone like Jess (P90X coach) to help you out on any questions you may have! I know that patience and consistency along with a good diet is key!!! (at least for me).. Also, no jumping on the scale everyday! That drove me nuts!!!
  • I fell in love with the Polar FT60 ... WOW.. Price is also WOW!!!
  • I'll google the Polar F6... thanks.. I hope it has the features i need!
  • Did you just get the p90x dvd's or did you get the p90x+ dvd's? I just watched thet Ab core +.... oh boy, I'm in for a treat on that one!!
  • I have decided that for my second round.. I will doing one week classic+ and lean+ on the next for the entire 3 month's... Loving the results!!! Thanks Jess for all your help thus far! Determined for that P90X body!!! It will be mine!!!!
  • All - I am looking for recommendations of a good heart rate / Calorie monitor, counter!! I currently have a simple heart rate monitor and it does not give any calorie burned info. I would like one with a single button that will switch to the heart rate or calorie screen and stay there. I noticed on mine that it switches…
  • I see how I can benfit from the classic and adding doubles here and there.. what about adding the muscle? As a guy, I of course want the broad shoulders, biceps etc..