another p90x thread



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello, all! Just wanted to pop onto this thread!:smile: Week 3, day 3- shoulders and arms, ARX; plus, I work out with my trainer and will run 2.5 miles!!!! I just LOVE P90X!!!:heart: Although my weight really hasn't changed, I've lost an inch off my waist and hips in just 2 weeks!!!!:drinker: I just love how this program makes me feel! I'm motivated every day to push play because I know I'm getting results!

    Have a super day, everyone!:bigsmile:

    YAY April!! I love losing inches in the waist... it really helps those jeans fit better. :bigsmile: You know the program works and it will keep working as long as you keep pushing play. :bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Agreed... My wife did it with me last summer and we loved it.. she is doing the 10 minute trainer and likes that also.. I hear ya on the frustration of the years lost.. but, nothing we can do but look forward.. and once I get my results, then maybe I can relax a bit.. till then I will be pressing that play button... my dvd player will probably give before i do!
    That should be everyone's goal that does P90X... To outlast your DVD player... lol... Love it!

    My better half is slowly but surely getting hooked on Turbo Jam right now. I try to encourage her with my example, and I think it's starting to work. I can only push her so hard before she starts to push back and get irritated, so I keep my encouragement for her mostly on the passive side for now...
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    hi everyone just checking in. About to start my workout. doing back and arms today. check in later have a good day
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    workout done boy did that kick my butt. I got a calorie counter and burned 500 on a strength day. can't wait to try it out on a cardio day
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Shopie - what do you have as a calrie counter?
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    mio watch type. the only thing i don't like about it is you have to put two fingers on two buttons on top of the watch to get your heart rate. I couldn't afford the more expensive ones so I went with this one so i at least have an idea what i am burning
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Awesome.. my previous one was a MIO... I just wanted the screen lock and be able to moitor my calories that i was burning throughout the workoutz.. But, better... initiative is key..

    Keep it up!!!

    Did you ever modify your diet slightly???
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    yea since i started the second phase i have been feeling great lot of energy and the weight is coming off pretty good too. My wedding ring is about to fall off my finger. My wife said she is really starting to notice my stomach getting smaller and my chest getting bigger. This phase two triceps and biceps workouts are awsome. I can hardly lift my arms when i am done. I started taking in a few more carbs before and after workouts so i think that is what is helping with my energy.
    Keep pushing play buddy
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    so the phase 2 eating is helping you drop some weight? I'm a little nervous about switching, but I know need to trust the program. I works for so many people!
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    I am not following the p90x eating program. It is not really pratical for me. Married with four kids it would be really expenceive. I pretty much have been putting what i eat into this web site. The only thing i have been doing is going a little over on my protien and a little under on my carbs. I have just been eating lean and trying to listen to what my body needs. The other problem with the p90x eat program is i am a picky eater.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Nice - Carbs do play a big part in my workouts! I would just be careful on putting carbs in after your workout... I guess it depends on the time of day you workout.. I work out at night, so eating I am hour or so before my workout and not eating afterwards.. I do wake up starving though.. I have read that after your workout, your body should start burning fat from your body and not a meal.. another words, don't eat cause your body will start burning the meal instead of the body fat... make sense?

    Just a thought.. we are all different.. but, to see if it will work for you, try it for about a week or two.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    i workout in the mornings. I get up at 7:00 eat some eggs. Wait about an hour and half then do my workout. Then i will wait about an hour after my workout before I eat my lunch. I work 2-10 shift which is my biggest problem. I work at a prison and the food there is not real healthy. So i eat a little there then i take an apple, orange, and two protien bars. We eat our supper at 3:00 pm which is real early. So i spread my apple, orange ,and protien bars from about 5 to 8 pm. Then somtimes I will come home from work and do one of my wifes 10 minute trainer workouts before i go to bed. I think that helps because it burns fat while i am sleeping. That is just a theory.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    I found this article boy is this good stuff. Please read

    The Worst Food in the World
    By Steve Edwards
    Since all great things come in threes (or is it celebrity deaths?), we're going to complete our sugar trilogy with a look at the worst food in the world: soda pop. Forget about brands; whether it's Coke, Dr. Pepper, or even Hansen's Natural, it's all junk. There are different degrees of "junkiness," but this is Nutrition 911, so we're sticking with the bird's-eye perspective. The taste might make you happy, but from a nutritional point of view, soda's only place in the world is to make people fat, sick, and unhappy.

    Alarming statistics
    In America, we drink a lot of cola (or "un-cola"). A lot. On average, we each drank 52.4 gallons in 2005, and this figure includes infants, healthy folks, prisoners, etc., meaning that the average soda drinker actually gulps (their word) more than this. Carbonated soft drinks are the biggest single caloric source in the American diet. Teenagers in particular are hooked on the stuff and get an average of 13 percent of their daily calories from "pop." If this doesn't scare you, it should. In terms of sheer amount, these statistics could be alarming if it were any one food. A proper diet should have some balance and diversity. And soda pop is the antithesis of "any food." It's bad food.

    "Empty calories"
    We use the term "empty calories" for foods like soda that have no place in a nutritious diet. This term is ridiculously misleading. The calories in soda are far from empty. Most of them come from sugar. In the U.S., it's nearly always high fructose corn syrup, the cheapest, most processed sugar on the market. Other ingredients include caffeine, various phosphates and acids, and artificial colorings. We'll get to their effects on the human body in a minute, but first, let's stick to the simple stuff. Per day, the average teenager consumes between 10 and 15 teaspoons of refined sugar via soda—which, according to government standards, is about their daily requirement for all foods. This means that for the average teenager, his or her soda consumption virtually eliminates his or her chances of eating a balanced diet. There's nothing empty about that.

    Weird science
    The soda companies are a marketing juggernaut. They spend roughly $700 million a year on media advertising alone—not to mention hundreds of millions more sponsoring events, athletes, musicians, and such. This volume of cash makes it difficult for consumers to avoid them, by design. To avoid the temptation to drink Coke, you've got to be highly principled or living in the middle of the jungle. And even then, well, I once happened upon a soda vending machine halfway up Mount Yarigatake in the Japanese Alps, and a friend traveling in Guatemala found Coke in a rural area that didn't have running water. Let's just say that soda companies are going to continue making it easy for you to find the stuff.

    This type of marketing machine won't go away quietly. With the stats listed above, you could certainly put two and two together and link soda companies to the childhood (and adult) obesity epidemic that is arguably the world's most serious health crisis. Yet, while researching this article, I came across a widely published "study" stating that "soft drink consumption has no effect on childhood obesity." Suspicious from the get-go (the word "no" being a huge red flag), it didn't take me long to find this statement: "The research paper was supported by an unrestricted gift from the American Beverage Association." Bingo. Remember those Philip Morris tobacco "studies" that promised a long and healthy life from chain smoking?

    What makes it so bad?
    Besides the simple caloric trade-off, sodas are formulated to give you a rush. The sugar is mixed with phosphates designed to speed it into your system. It's so good, in fact, that many cyclists prefer Coca-Cola to specific sports food when they need a sugar rush near the end of races. And while a sugar rush is a good thing when you're trying to exceed your anaerobic threshold and you're out of blood glycogen (never mind if you don't know what this is), it's a bad thing whenever you're not, which even for a competitive cyclist is 99.9 percent of the time.

    Beyond the simple sugar rush, these acids and phosphates alter your body's pH levels and inhibit the absorption of other nutrients. Then there are the effects of certain artificial coloring agents. For example, yellow #5, commonly used in soft drinks, has been linked to attention deficit disorder, hives, asthma, and other allergic reactions in some children.

    Then there is the nutrient trade-off to consider. A person who drinks one Big Gulp per day must go to great lengths to maintain a balanced diet. Otherwise, he or she will almost certainly be deficient in numerous vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and essential fatty or amino acids—none of which is found in soda. For this reason, soda is often linked to type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, dental erosion, and a higher risk of kidney stones and heart disease. And that's just a start. There's plenty of less scientific data linking soda to poor scholastic habits, which we'll get to in a later class.

    Diet sodas and juices
    In an attempt to become thought of as healthier, soda companies have diversified into non-carbonated beverages and diet sodas. While these are an improvement in some ways, they are hardly a solution to the problem.

    First off, most juices and other caloric non-soda alternatives are mainly just sugar and water without the carbonation. A quick label comparison between a commercial orange juice and a Mountain Dew would show a similar "bottom line" with regards to calories and sugar. The only improvement would be the lack of the non-caloric offenders.

    But that's no small matter, as the true effects of these ingredients have not been thoroughly studied. Despite their no-calorie status, diet sodas have been linked to assorted illnesses. Recent studies have backed up my more anecdotal evidence that I've yet to have a client not lose weight by kicking diet soda. Granted, all of my clients drank an excessive amount, but regardless, there is little doubt that the pH balance of diet sodas hinders the body's ability to absorb nutrients, and that just may be the tip of the non-caloric iceberg.

    A large-scale study in 2007 showed that men and women who had more than one diet soda a day were 31 percent more likely to be obese and 25 percent more likely to have both high triglycerides and blood sugar, and they had a 50 percent greater risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Never mind if you don't know what metabolic syndrome is. Just trust me when I tell you that you don't want it.

    How can you help?
    In my world, soft drinks would come with the same type of regulatory language as cigarettes and booze, at least. Actually, in my world, we'd all be educated and wouldn't require this language at all, but that's Politics 911, not Nutrition 911. Anyway, here are five ways you can help educate the public about the dangers of soda, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Contact your local government officials and/or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and suggest that:

    National and local governments should require chain restaurants to declare the calorie content of soft drinks and all other items on menus and menu boards.
    The FDA should require labels on non-diet soft drinks to state that frequent consumption of those drinks promotes obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, osteoporosis, and other health problems.
    Local, state, and federal governments should provide water fountains in schools, government buildings, parks, and other public spaces.
    School systems and other organizations catering to children should stop selling soft drinks (as well as candy and other junk foods) in hallways, shops, and cafeterias.
    State and local governments should consider levying small taxes on soft drinks, with the revenues earmarked for promoting health and fitness. A national 2-cent tax on a can of soda pop would raise $3 billion annually.
    Are you scared yet? You should be. Or you could just stop drinking soda. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? That's all the time we have this week. Next week, we'll take a look at water. We know we're supposed to drink that, right?
  • ldumaua
    ldumaua Posts: 17
    This may be a silly question. But, with the P90X, do you have to have a who set of weights at home? What all is required to get started on this program other than the dvd?
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    WOW... I sent that along to several people.. Had no idea that so many things were linked to Soda out of all things.. I was aware that it is bad due to fructose if you are dieting.. but to see the health issues really got me thinking..
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    LOL - I remember when I asked that question last year..

    All I have is dumbels from 5 pounds to 25 pounds. After doing a nice routine, 25's get so heavy after a while... As a guy, I want big muscles.. so I tend to lift heavier.. My workout buddy has 30's thta we are going to start using...

    Actually, I bought a workout band from Target and it has a nice enough tension to get you going if you cannot get dumbells... actually, you can get different resistance on bands.,..
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    And you know what’s scary?

    They don’t even mention the fact that now the major soda producers are producing “Energy” drinks with the same empty ingredients as before – but more: extra caffeine, ginseng, guarano (whatever-the-hell-that-is) and other assorted chemicals.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    just got done with my workouts did cardiox, ten minute trainer cardio, and ran two miles burnt 960 calories. Man am i feeling good. Yea about the soda i was a huge sado drinker. I was on another thread and they were talking about drinking water and how often a person has to go to the bathroom. Somebody posted that the reason is because your body stores up fluid and when you start drinking alot of water your body gets rid of all the extra fluid that it doesn't need anymore. They said that it could take up to six month to start going to bathroom less often. Man you learn some good stuff on these message boards.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    hey everyone make sure you go up this thread a little and read the article about soda. good stuff
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    This may be a silly question. But, with the P90X, do you have to have a who set of weights at home? What all is required to get started on this program other than the dvd?

    Yep, it's a whole set of DVD's and you need dumbbells or resistance bands and a way to do pullups. Let me know if you have any questions!

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