another p90x thread



  • lilpistol

    Hi All.. my first post... today was P90X Lean Phase 1 Week 3 Day 1 - core syn... did 90% of the workout - 470 calories. I really like the videos and Tony, and I definitely FEEL stronger, and my yoga is better... I've been yog'ing for 9.5 years and I want to get certified at the end of this year.

    So.. I'm 40 - trying to lose 20lbs... had some major surgery in Oct, but was only down for about 3 weeks total ... but have been working out 5-6days per week for the last 6 years..and rev'ved up my workouts the week before I started. I am not really thinking I am going to transform, but I want to get stronger and be more fit.

    Been entering on MFP since March 10th... and it appears I havent lost any weight... which is probably what's bumming me out.. I know that I shouldnt check the scale.. and that I should measure.. just a little bummed at the moment. Trying to hit the heavy protein load most days.. but I am always a little short.. but I keep trying...

    So.. MFP tells me 1200 net is my calories.. and it ads whatever I burn during the X workout plus yoga classes, pilates class, elliptical or treadmill... but 1600 cals day isnt real for me SO I continually strive for 1800 cals per day - with the concentration on Protein... I miss a little - some days hit 2000 -but maybe only one day per week.

    I am trying not to get bummed and keep pressing play and bringing it.. but today's bod wasnt where I wanted to be.. and I did a little more last week than the last in terms of adding elliptical or treadmill after 2 workouts...

    Guess I am whining. Will continue to bring it and will try to ignore the scale. Doing the GNC Muscle Meal shakes with mostly water to get the protein hit -and protein bars too.... Wearing the HRM and logging my cals.. HR gets to the140-150 when it's really tough.

    what am I missing? please share your thoughts...
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Have you ever had your body fat done (Not the one on a bathroom scale)? I did mine before I started p90x and I'm doing it again on Wednesday. I've only lost 4-5 lb, but I'm hoping to see a big change in body comp. since I can tell my clothes are getting looser.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    I have was a little bummed for a while about the stupid scales. Then I noticed my clothes are looser and my stomach is shinking. Everything is shifting to the right places. Also muscle weighs more than fat right? So I still look at the scales but not the only thing i look at anymore. Keep pushing play and bringing it
  • lilpistol
    just had a heavy protein lunch and read your comments.
    will do my best.
    thanks for the support.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    ok.. I would like to let you know first things first... do not rely on the scale.. (I know we do it out of habit)... but, go by you body fat! I too am jumping on the scal here and there and notice no changes at times.. but I now have to wear a belt... point is, you are working out and feeding the muscle protein.. muscle is gorwing!!! and muscle weighs more than fat!!! so, you could be losing fat and gaining muscle.. do not get discouraged.. my weight was cause i was eating so much to maintain that weight... so i dorpped it about 300 calories and noticed the weight coming off slowly (the right way.. losing it fast can cause you to gain it back quicker!)..

    Also, once you change your intake slightly and notice weight coming and you will eventually notice that you may be at a plateau again.. then try to drop just a tad bit more.. remember, you need to take in all of the calories for your current weight.. very important part of the workout... need the energy for the workouts and the fuel to keep the furnace going!! 5-6 meals.. every 2-3 hours..

    You will get the results you are seeing only if you eat right and keep pressing play.. and doing the workouts of course!!!

    Log your workouts!
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    got to go to work everybody. the dreaded 2-10 shift. everybody have a good day.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    thats good stuff robm007
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Shopie... Hey there, noticed you started a new thread of your own bro... Awesome! I trust P90X is still whuppin' ya... haha. I'll pop in an check on you from time to time. Keep bringing it brother...
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35

    I'm just like everyone here.. started at 32% body fat and am now at 21%... and honestly, I don't feel like I have the p90x body I am striving for just yet... hence me doing the p90x+ on round 2!!!.. I have come to far to stop now and not attain my desired results!! But, finishing up round 1 this week... I am feeling great, energized, body fat going down... I will keep ressign play!!! I shall have the P90X body!!! I will be a success story...

    So I tell myself...

    We all need to keep telling ourself this!! it will happen, come hell or high water!!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Robm... That's the kind of dedication it takes to succeed at this program man. When Tony talks about "Bringing it", to me, that encompasses physical sure, but mostly mental. You have to be tough in your mind and immune from excuses to get what you want from P90X, but if you hang in, you'll get it. Kudos to you for getting to round 2 and "X+"... That's my next stop when I finish up this round on 6/16/09... Planning on a light week afterward, then hitting X+ after that... and I am definitely sending in my success story to Beachbody this year so I can win that $250,000..!!!
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Very nice indeed!!

    I was in the service a few years ago (trust me, I am not even close to the shape I was in then).. But, I think P90X is tougher at times than the workouts we used to do... and not having someone yelling in your face can leave you slacking off a bit!! But what i have learned in the service is... It's all a mind game!!! guess what, so is this! learn to take that negative voice in your head and strangle it.. get rid of it!!

    $250,000 sure does sound nice.. and you know that there are many, many people trying to take that from you... Are you going to let them do that? I don't think so!!! you must bring it at all times if you want to play with those people!!! make sure to lock the diet and you will get the results that much quicker!!!!

    You want it? ... Go get it!!!

    ZERO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Robm... My kinda of guy, definitely no excuses bro. I was in the Army for 10 years all told, and I have to say, I am in better physical shape now than I ever was in 10 years in the military. Of course, back then, it was just about doing what I needed to do to pass the fitness test twice a year.

    Now, it's a whole different ball game. I'm here for me, my wife, and my kids, and I plan to be running circles around my grandkids when the time comes. More than that, I am gonna be cut, and I am going after that 250 grand, so watch out other Million Dollar Body game folks... I am on the hunt... :happy:

    You mention nutrition (which I am soldly on)... Since I've been doing this regularly, we've actually changed the way we all eat at home, and it's really great. I mean, we used to go through a 12-pack of Cokes a week or more, stuff that just seems so ridiculous now. Now it just irritates me that we lived like that, and it helps keep the fire lit under me and my wife to eat right and teach the girls good habits for their lifetimes.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Agreed... My wife did it with me last summer and we loved it.. she is doing the 10 minute trainer and likes that also.. I hear ya on the frustration of the years lost.. but, nothing we can do but look forward.. and once I get my results, then maybe I can relax a bit.. till then I will be pressing that play button... my dvd player will probably give before i do!

    Remember - This is to everyone...

    Yes, it is hard to get to that started... yes we wish we looked like we the fitness magazine models... but since you cannot buy it in a can... what are your options? not liposuction... that's cheating!!! what about you earining your body? I now see fit people and respect the amount of work they put into it... and for most of them, it wasn't easy... So, yes it can be painful.. but the pain is temporary!!!

    Temporary... remember that while working out.... It will eventually come to an end!!! and hopefully you will feel good that you will want to go back for more... because guess what... no one is going to hand it to you for free!
  • lilpistol
    :happy: thanks for the inspiration all... i'll keep you posted.... bringin' it!!
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    I love this in your face attitude. This is great. It gets me pumped up. My freakin arms are still sore from yesterdays workout. It feels great. You would think after working out for four weeks the soreness would be gone. I guess my muscles are confused. HA HA. I am glad you guys and gals are all here. I get on and read how pumped up everyone else is and having some of the same problems I am haveing it makes me go at it that much harder. I like it in the one workout when Tony says "Get your freakin knees up" That gets me every time. Going to bed now talk to you guys tomorrow
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Very nice indeed!!

    I was in the service a few years ago (trust me, I am not even close to the shape I was in then).. But, I think P90X is tougher at times than the workouts we used to do... and not having someone yelling in your face can leave you slacking off a bit!! But what i have learned in the service is... It's all a mind game!!! guess what, so is this! learn to take that negative voice in your head and strangle it.. get rid of it!!

    $250,000 sure does sound nice.. and you know that there are many, many people trying to take that from you... Are you going to let them do that? I don't think so!!! you must bring it at all times if you want to play with those people!!! make sure to lock the diet and you will get the results that much quicker!!!!

    You want it? ... Go get it!!!

    ZERO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am super proud of you, Rob!! You are kickin' butt and taking names! :bigsmile: You know I'll be there w/ you and that $250K! :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I love this in your face attitude. This is great. It gets me pumped up. My freakin arms are still sore from yesterdays workout. It feels great. You would think after working out for four weeks the soreness would be gone. I guess my muscles are confused. HA HA. I am glad you guys and gals are all here. I get on and read how pumped up everyone else is and having some of the same problems I am haveing it makes me go at it that much harder. I like it in the one workout when Tony says "Get your freakin knees up" That gets me every time. Going to bed now talk to you guys tomorrow

    Keep it up and you will see results! :drinker:
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Jess - If it werent for you, I would not be as focused as I am today.. Me going after the 250k... not just yet.. mayber after my 3rd round!! You were right on the money when youaked me.. "how does you clothes fit"... after you drilled in my head that I "MUST" eat all my calories..

    Today, on day 3 of the 13th week... I am still sore! but, in a good way as Tony would say!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all! Just wanted to pop onto this thread!:smile: Week 3, day 3- shoulders and arms, ARX; plus, I work out with my trainer and will run 2.5 miles!!!! I just LOVE P90X!!!:heart: Although my weight really hasn't changed, I've lost an inch off my waist and hips in just 2 weeks!!!!:drinker: I just love how this program makes me feel! I'm motivated every day to push play because I know I'm getting results!

    Have a super day, everyone!:bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess - If it werent for you, I would not be as focused as I am today.. Me going after the 250k... not just yet.. mayber after my 3rd round!! You were right on the money when youaked me.. "how does you clothes fit"... after you drilled in my head that I "MUST" eat all my calories..

    Today, on day 3 of the 13th week... I am still sore! but, in a good way as Tony would say!

    Hahaha, I'm that voice in your head! :laugh: You will get there, you are so focused and on track!! :bigsmile: Yep, sore in a good way is a GOOD thing!! :flowerforyou: