another p90x thread

i am starting another one. it seemed every p90x thread i got onto their is 20 pages. Which means that it is popular and it also means it works. I am a big believer in it. I also bought my wife the ten minute trainer. They are some good workout also. I will do one of them as an extra workout sometimes. The core workout for the ten minute trainer is good too. I just started my second phase of the p90x today. a ton of pushups.


  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    i am starting another one. it seemed every p90x thread i got onto their is 20 pages. Which means that it is popular and it also means it works. I am a big believer in it. I also bought my wife the ten minute trainer. They are some good workout also. I will do one of them as an extra workout sometimes. The core workout for the ten minute trainer is good too. I just started my second phase of the p90x today. a ton of pushups.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    it seems i am hungry all the time. It seems like i "bonk" as tony puts it. I have no energy. I just order the recovery drink and the protien drink today hopefully that helps.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Some people need more carbs than prescribed in the P90X nutrition plan. I am one of them. Lower carbs = bonk every time for me. Try upping your carbs a bit and see what happens. Give your body a steady stream of carbs during the day, then taper off in the evening when you are not quite as active.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    yea you hear all this about cutting carbs and how bad carbs are for you. But your right if you are working out you need them. Yesterday I did chest back and tris ( a killer workout) and I bonked. All day my energy was down. I felt like all I did was eat. I had a nice dinner (Unbreaded chicken and some beans and noodles) and i felt alot better after that. I even did a Ten Minute Trainer (cardio) at 9.00pm. I ordered the recovery drink. I hope that works as well as they say it does.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Yeah, I find that I need to fuel up well before the kiiler chest & back routine. For me, it is the toughest but most rewarding of all the workouts.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Hey all - just finishing up my second time around on p90x , did it last summer and lost 30 pounds in 80 days.. (went on vaca on day 81) and decided pick it back up in January... I am now on my 13th week and getting ready for my second consecutive round!! everyone is correct, diet is very important.. Carbs are very important for workouts.. especially on the hard ones like plyo.. Last night was the first time that I did plyo without having to pause for that extra minute!! I kicked it's butt.. burning 1069 calories in the process.. I have leared that it is so critically important to make sure you eat all of your daily calories (don't forget to add you workout calories onto your daily totals).. The nutritional guide said that I needed about 3000 calories daily (way too high).. and then I would have to add the calories I burned on an excersise to taht alos... (making it up to 4000 calories)... no way.. I decided to stick with 1800 daily intake calories and would have to add the calories burned for each work out.. so yesterday i hd to burn 2800.. I actually did about 2400..

    Carbs about an hour before your workout will make life that much better! And i too am starving all day!!

    I am starting to see the tunnel now.. (and it's not from faiting due to the lack of food)..

    Make it fun!!
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    hey just got down with plyo and man did i bring it. I didn't know how many calories i was burning. I was figuring about 600 to 700. I am male 37 years old 5-11 and about 200 lbs. My heart heart during plyo is normal between 158 to 164. If i am burning over 1000 calories like you are robm007 maybe I do need to adjust my diet a bit. I felt pretty good today though. I started my second phase yesterday and i can already feel my body changing. This muscle confustion thing is for real.
  • JasonArmbruster
    hey gang... Im new to the page... feel free to friend me... if you want to...

    Im on day 84 of "p90x Lean" ... then going into Round 2 with "P90x Classic" ...

    Cant wait for PLYO!!! Im on Core Syn. today ...
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Shopie - I would consider maybe adjusting a bit.. since i modified my intake, I was stuck at a certain weight.. by dropping it 300 calories, I am now seeing a nice and slow weight loss...

    Jason - Welcome.. I see you have been around P90 for a bit.. I am thinking of customizing P90X+ for round 2... any intake on this?
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Hi - I post a lot more on the other thread, but I want this on my list.

    I'm on week 5, day 2 plyo is done. I burned 540 cals so I know I worked. I've doubling up on weight days, but found that my legs are tired for Plyo if run after chest, should, tri. I guess I'll have to settle for walking (outside would be great if we'd ever see some spring weather in SD!)
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Spring is right around the corner..

    I personally would not be able to double up.. Keep it up.. remember to listen to your body!!!

    Almost at the half way point!!! Keep pressing play!
  • WTJoyce
    WTJoyce Posts: 86
    Week 11, just did Plyometrics, I'm also counting the calories and have had good results so far. I've lost 17 pounds and 4 inches around the waist. I too am wondering what I will do after week 13. I know i will continue with some of the routines anyway, especially ARX. I think I'll wait until week 13 is done to make up my mind. If I lost all or most of the weight I wanted to I'll do more strength training, if not more cardio and interval training.
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    Everybody is talking about calories. It is pretty easy to keep track of the intake of calories, but how about what we burn up. None of the p90x workouts are listed, so i am just guessing how many calories i am burning during each exersice. Anybody have any suggestions.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    I keep reading that the P90X+ is insane! and results are amazing upon researching... I think I am leaning towards the + on round 2...

    I am getting a bit anxious to get it started.. Why do I fear the pain and I have not even started it yet...
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    i think i am going to hold off on the + till i get through the x twice. I still have alot of gains to make on the x. I know i will be ready for the + when I can get through all of the workouts and still have some left. The + looks pretty insane.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Everybody is talking about calories. It is pretty easy to keep track of the intake of calories, but how about what we burn up. None of the p90x workouts are listed, so i am just guessing how many calories i am burning during each exersice. Anybody have any suggestions.

    Look into a good heart rate monitor that clocks calories burnt.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    Actually, That was the exact question I had a few weeks ago! I had a cheap heartrate monitor that did not do calories and I posted out to everyone for opinions.. everyone came back saying to get a Polar watch..

    So after reasearching, I have found this watch on eBay for $140 (can't put a price on health)..

    And It has the heartrate strap and calorie monitor.. Unfortuantley you will need to wear a strap to get a reading.. but it is not as uncomfortable as you would think!!!

    So this is how I am monitoring the calories burned on a workout... and plyo last week was 1034 calories, and this week it was 1069 calories....

    I do love the watch... very cool features to keep you on track!
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    thanks i didn't even know they made a heart rate monitor that kept track of calories. Hey robm007 do you know what your heart rate range was when you burnt the 1000+ calories.
  • robm007
    robm007 Posts: 35
    On yesterday's workout (plyo - 1069 calories).. the watch tells me my average heartrate was 151 and maximum was 182...

    it also says to train less in the highest zone... can't do that on plyo

    hope this helps..
  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    yea that helps a lot thanks