frecks Member


  • thanks for your replies guys, some great ideas x
    in Bored of food Comment by frecks May 2011
  • omg your pics are fantastic! well done! x
  • Thanks all! Im feeling more positive just reading these comments. I think my next move is to take a pic of my self in my bikini and leave it next to my bed so every morning when I wake up, I'm reminding myself of what I look like. x
  • I think in my head I wonder why I have bothered changing. I now walk to and from work which is 15mins each way (not long but better than driving), going to the gym twice a week for an hour and if I ma out shopping and there are lifts & escalators I use the stairs but im not budging. Im still fat and nothing is changing.…
  • Hi Sharon! I know how you feel about the bordem bit! I have been using this site for about a week now and i have lost weight and i just generally feel great in myself! I have tried the special K diet and others like it and non work but i love this as i can still eat things i like but keep an eye on what im eating, Its also…
  • if you find you are exercising and putting weight on it may be because your muscles are building up as muscle is heavier than fat x
  • I have only been using this website for a week as i want to look better in a jane norman silk dress (we all know what silk does to your bum!) and just by swapping foods to healthier versions and walking every day i have lost weight and feel so great in myself. Ive never tried weight watchers but have done things like the…
  • mmmmmmm all those ideas are good. i can wait to use it! thanks guys x
  • omg you look amazing!!!!!! i currently look like the old you and you have given me more inspiration. well done xxx
  • I flew from the nest about 5months ago and im eating better now as when i lived at home i would come in from work, eat noodles n watch tv and just snack. Now I have my own home, I have housework to do and if i don't eat properly i'll end up starving lol. I also cant afford take aways now! I think it has done me good to get…
  • If you are not longer a couch potato you weight gain may be due to muscle build up as muscle is heavier than fat x
  • Thanks for all your advice guys xxxx
    in Hungry =( Comment by frecks August 2010
  • I heard that once you have done the same exercises for a certain length of time that your body gets use to it so you dont lose weight. If you haven't done it, try to mix up your work out. hope that helps x