Just need some reassurance

I weigh myself everyday. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. So I have had a loss every day all week. Even if it is .2 it is still something. Well today it went up .7! I was tempted with cake yesterday and so proud I resisted but how can I gain anything? I am on restricted calories and no longer a couch potato so what they heck happened? I was only 10 under my calories and the only thing I did different was skipped the walk yesterday.

Talk me through this please. I am feeling sad.


  • andrewford
    I hope you get some encouragement from some folks that have been around here longer and know more than I do. I will just share my personal thoughts on the matter...

    I was having some difficulty when I first start out at this. For the first couple of weeks I didin't really weigh myself, so when I dropped a few pounds it was a great feeling when I weighed in. So great that I started weighing every day. When I weighed every day I saw a different story, down one day, up a bit the next. Kinda discouraging. Since then I try to only weigh in once a week, at the start of my work week. I see a loss each week, even if it isn't much.

    The key here is to keep at it. Results aren't always immediate but there is pay off in the long run.

    Good luck!
  • TheHuhu
    TheHuhu Posts: 6
    Isn't it normal that sometimes it goes a little up and a little down? I know some women that gain a little of weight when they get close to a certain time of the month. I think the water in your body can be a factor too, like if you drank a lot you'll be a little heavier till it's gone down again?
    I don't think you should be worried too much about this, don't stress yourself out!
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I wouldn't freak out too much over that. I weigh everyday and it can change by as much as 3 pounds. Probably just water weight!!
  • kimberly428
    What was your sodium intake yesterday? I find if I have some crackers in the evening it makes that much of a diff. Just drink LOTS of water today and try again in a couple days. Try to stay positive!!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks. Normally it isn't such a big deal but after seeing it go down for 6 days in a row it really threw me this moring when it went up and even my ticker changed a whole pound :( In the big picture it probably isn't a big deal but totally not what I was expecting. I love this site because no matter how crappy I feel or what is happening it is a great source of motivation.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Weighing yourself everyday isn't the best of ideas :sad: as weight fluctuates so much - you could weigh yourself 5 times in one day and get 5 different readings! It's the long term trend that's important. Choose one day to weigh yourself each week and only weigh yourself at the same time and under the same circumstances on your weigh day.

    Also, I know it's boring and that you've probably heard it a trillion times but water is soooooooo important so be sure to drink a few litres each day.

    Stick with it and know that each time you make a wise food choice and each time you work out you are taking tiny steps in the right direction towards your ultimate goal.

    You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Maybe you compensated with water to avoid the cake, which was nicely done btw. Or maybe you have put on some muscles. You know I weighed myself on Monday and decided to change my weigh in days to Friday because after a weekend I seemed to weigh more then I did on Fridays. So I went to Friday weigh in days so I wouldn't get so discouraged.
    You've been doing great, I'm sure you're feeling better so go with that. You feel great, keep it up, as long as you feel good and continue it will work itself out. Weight is a number. Its about being healthy, and being able to look at yourself and say, "I like me". Its not about the numbers on the scale since every scale is different. Hope your day goes well.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I hope you get some encouragement from some folks that have been around here longer and know more than I do. I will just share my personal thoughts on the matter...

    I was having some difficulty when I first start out at this. For the first couple of weeks I didin't really weigh myself, so when I dropped a few pounds it was a great feeling when I weighed in. So great that I started weighing every day. When I weighed every day I saw a different story, down one day, up a bit the next. Kinda discouraging. Since then I try to only weigh in once a week, at the start of my work week. I see a loss each week, even if it isn't much.

    The key here is to keep at it. Results aren't always immediate but there is pay off in the long run.

    Good luck!

    Spot on posting!!!

    This is an excellent example as to why it is not advisable to weigh everyday.

    To the OP, fluctuations in weight occur daily, it is natural for this to happen, it can be due to a large number of factors, exercising causing a build up of fluid on the muscles being one of them, time of the month for women being another, the list is enormous.

    If you weigh everyday you will notice these fluctuations as the poster I have quoted excellently stated. If you weigh just once per week, you will miss all these fluctuations and not get disheartened.

    Give yourself the best possible chance, it is hard enough to lose weight without putting this problem in the equation too. x
  • frecks
    frecks Posts: 20 Member
    If you are not longer a couch potato you weight gain may be due to muscle build up as muscle is heavier than fat x
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Isn't it normal that sometimes it goes a little up and a little down? I know some women that gain a little of weight when they get close to a certain time of the month. I think the water in your body can be a factor too, like if you drank a lot you'll be a little heavier till it's gone down again?
    I don't think you should be worried too much about this, don't stress yourself out!

    Hmm maybe I am one of the people that gain around that time of the month! She paid me an unexpected visit today so I will blame her.
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    .7 is not alot. water weight most likely.

    its the long haul that matters!