Hello! I'm new to this and would love some support!

Hi there,

I'm "soon to be" 52-years-old and want to stay in the good health that I am... but losing some weight would help tremendously to stay that way and to make me feel better about myself. Two of my daughters are also members here and encouraged me to join. I would like to lose about 70 pounds. I have been a yo yo dieter for years. I need to make a life change and stick with it!! I'm sure there are alot of you out there that feel the same way! Let's do this together!

I have people tell me that I look younger than my age and I do feel young at heart... now I just need to get this body in good shape! I would feel much better about myself. I lost about 40 pounds last year on my own and exercising. BUT, the holidays got in the way and I fell off the wagon. Then, about the time I started back exercising, I ruptured a disc in my neck and quit and then had surgery this past June. Now, I feel much better and it's time to start back in. I recently moved to a new place and just joined a new gym.. looking forward to getting back into it.

I sometimes feel that I eat the wrong things because I'm bored or depressed. I got divorced about 12 years ago and have three adult children and two grandkids. My family is great, but I'm really miss having a special person in my life and would like to get my self confidence back. I feel good about everything else but that part of my life.

I hope we can give each other the support we need! I can't wait to be able to put on anything and look good!!



  • ruggie
    ruggie Posts: 26
    Take it one day at a time! You can do this! Good Luck!
  • frecks
    frecks Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Sharon! I know how you feel about the bordem bit! I have been using this site for about a week now and i have lost weight and i just generally feel great in myself! I have tried the special K diet and others like it and non work but i love this as i can still eat things i like but keep an eye on what im eating, Its also encouraged me to exercise more. its great your daughters are on here too, they'll be a great help. Everyone on here is a great support and always there to pick you up when you have a downer.

    Hope you find this site as benifical as I have. Good Luck! x
  • OhioGal44685
    Hi Sharon - you know the first step was making the decision to do it. Once you get it in your head it does become easier. I have found that when I begin to loose weight that encourages me to continue. I know that I turn to food when I don't have things to do. Just keep thinking good thoughts and you will get to your goal.