

  • Oh, I forgot you asked for tips... Just keep good form, go slower at first so you can keep good form and don't hurt yourself. Hit play everyday & push hard! It's a tough program, but it gets easier the more you do it.
  • I can tell I'm stronger and have built muscle. I've also got greater cardio endurance, but I haven't lost any weight. Like none! I've lost an inch off my waist and I can see a difference in my body, but I am a little bothered by the lack of weight loss. My butt has gotten lots perkier and rounder so I guess that's a plus.…
  • I'm in week 8 of month 2 and I haven't seen crazy weight loss or anything. I can tell I'm stronger in my arms and thighs and flatter in the tummy. I'm pretty sure my butt and thighs are getting bigger from muscle which is bothering me pretty badly right now. I think you've got to consider where you started from. It doesn't…
  • Get ready to feel like you did in week one all over again! Just keep good form and go at your own pace, but push!!!!!
  • I really am shocked and appalled by the responses. As a woman who also wanted a boob job by the time I was 13 and was teased daily for my "valleys" (yes, they said I didn't even have plains), I did not feel sexy or confident with my natural chest. So to all of you that say she is beautiful and fine just the way she is, you…
  • I'm in week two of month two! Man it's hard, but the program is almost over. I'm definitely getting stronger with the second month.
  • Good luck!! You'll do awesome, just stick with it. I'm in week two of month two and it's finally getting easier. The first week is tough and the workouts are HARD! But it gets so much easier by week 4. Unfortunately you have to start all over in month two. But I can definitely tell a difference in my muscle tone, cardio…
  • I've had to eat later than I routinely do for the same reasons as you. Like today, I just finished today's insanity workout & I'm not hungry yet. But I just have to figure I should eat when my body tells me to as long as I make good food choices.
  • I finished month one today!! I'm glad to see recovery week is finally here, although I watched some of that video & it doesn't look like much of a recovery! I can tell a difference in my stamina, but haven't lost much weight. I'm excited to measure though!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one! I feel the same way... The workouts are still crazy tough, I haven't lost weight, and the videos are getting monotonous. I'm in week four and I can tell I'm stronger, but no crazy results like some people have had. I've increased my cals and try to eat 300-400 cal meals 5 times a day, but it…
  • Week 4 day 2 done!! I'm starting to feel stronger, but man these workouts still kick my butt! I can't believe this is the last of month 1! @rosetears143, was it had to get back at it after that recovery week?
  • Hey everyone! I just finished power resistance in week 3 day 5! Whew today really kicked my butt. Not sure why it was so hard, but I'm beat! When did those of you who have done it a while start to see results? I feel stronger, but not thinner. And I'm pretty sure my thighs and butt are actually bigger.
  • Amazing work everyone!! I'm on week 3 day 4. I've stuck to the schedule & geeze it's a hard workout!! I'm ready to see some results though. I actually think my butt is getting bigger, probably perkier but still, I want it to get smaller. I'm not losing weight either, but hoping to see more results next week. Keep going &…
  • I've been doing Insanity for 2 weeks. I redo the fit test today and I'm excited to see what progress I've made. I don't count calories, but try to make healthier choices and watch my portions. I got pretty burned out counting and logging every single thing I ate. BUT, you will definitely see some serious results if you do…
  • Hey y'all! I just finished my second week of Insanity! Today is rest day, thank goodness!! I did 7 weeks of the turbo fire program & stopped after a knee injury. My husband wanted to try this program so now we're doing it together to stay accountable. I'm so proud of him for sticking with it, he hasn't done any physical…
  • I LOVE turbofire!! I followed the program for about 7 weeks & got some great results. I injured my knee & took a break. Now I'm in my second week of Insanity because my husband wanted to try it out. I definitely prefer turbo fire! It took a few times to get the moves down, but it's so fun & invigorating! I can't wait to…
  • Director of nursing for a long term care facility
  • I struggle with eating too much tuna. It's quick, easy & high protein. But one of my docs saw me eating some & told me to be careful not to eat more than 2-3 times a week. Mercury poison can happen, but I try to buy the kinds with lowest mercury.
  • I use it in my protein shakes, delish!! I don't always want all the calories & fat of regular peanut butter so this is a great substitution.
  • I do both in a day and I think it's fine. Listen to your body.
  • Verogomez, you have a beautiful family! First and foremost congratulations on that and your weight loss progress and future goals! Pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss can take a very negative toll on the body and breasts for many women. There are a lot of options to help some of the areas you would like to improve.…
  • I LOVE turbofire!! I'm on week 5 and it's so addictive. It's lots of cardio & there's some choreography to learn, but it's easy to catch on. I do think it depends on what you're looking for and what kind of workout you enjoy best.