Insanity challenge

So I finally got the DVD and I'm starting it today! I cannot wait!
But has anyone seen real results with the insanity challenge as well as calorie counting?
If anyone has before and after pics of the insanity challenge I'd love to see them!
Also if anyone is currently on the insanity challenge please add me!


  • mrsdobbers
    I've been doing Insanity for 2 weeks. I redo the fit test today and I'm excited to see what progress I've made. I don't count calories, but try to make healthier choices and watch my portions. I got pretty burned out counting and logging every single thing I ate.
    BUT, you will definitely see some serious results if you do the program and eat well. The nutrition guide they include is really great. I prefer to eat 4-5 small meals if my work schedule allows. Be sure to eat plenty of the right calories becuase this is a hard workout and you'll need it!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    there is an excellent thread for insanity for people at various stages. I completed the first month and a week of month 2 and had to stop due to an ear infection. Gained a lot of definition and dropped a dress size. So all good! weight wise, i think it was only 1-2lbs difference.

    As its still nice outside, im concentrating on my running and will start insanity around november time! good luck
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I started yesterday, so we're pretty much at the same point! I really am enjoying it. Despite feeling like death during the workout, the pain passes pretty quickly afterward and just leaves a nice sore I-did-something-hard feeling of success. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Definitely check out the group that Mariababe posted. It was a big help for me during my 1st round of Insanity.

    I'm finishing week 3 of round 2 today (took my rest day on Friday; making up today!) I love Insanity! I lost 8 lbs but 27 inches overall. My profile pic shows my progress.

    I'll add you and I have a lot of Insanity-doers on my friends' list. I went and added a bunch when I got started; that was helpful.

    Keep pushing play!