kizzyt Member


  • thanks for all the replies people, and dont worry, the only person I want to compete with is myself, if I can get to 36 minutes by the end of the year I'll be chuffed! I've done charity runs before where people complete in about 22 mins, I think its amazing but I am fully aware that that's unrealistic for me so I am happy…
  • I am not sure if I gain or not as I havent been doing this long but I do know I want to eat the world!! Mine is due today and I have already given in to the chocolate craving. No dinner tonight to make up for it :)
  • I work in an office too, in London, I have had to completely re-think my lunches since joining MFP as I used to eat out 3 or 4 times a week and even when I "thought" I was making a healthy choice I have since realised it was far from it!! :) now I just eat out for treats or stick to once a week and reduce my portions and…
  • I did some more spinning in the gym this morning, 20 mins this time, it was HARD! I dont think I am quite ready for the class yet but I am looking forward to building up my time and endurance in the meantime. I am enjoying it! :) well done for going at 6.45, I was at 6.30 this morning too, its hard but I do think it sets…
  • I found "the Girl with the dragon tattoo" a struggle to start with and ended up loving it! I just finished Jodi Picoult's "Picture Perfect" I love her books. Now I am reading a trashy novel (Louise Bagshawe - Desire) before starting the next one in the GWADT series...
  • I went to a few spinning classes some years back and remember it being really good. My new gym has spinning bikes out in the open plan area so yesterday I thought I'd try them out and today my legs are ACHING!! I have been a regular at the gym for years, do various different machines and weights so it was great to feel the…
  • thanks for the info, that's really helpful!
  • tha's great, I though so!! I do distance too, depends how long I have got and what else I have done etc but this morning I did 2400 in about 11.5 mins, I average just under 200m per minute at the moment so I try to better that each time :) I feel like my stamina is increasing though, I used to have to stop for a bit during…
  • I hadnt even thought of adding mine! I only have one per day but I havent added them, I dont swallow the gum though!
  • thank you! I found a listing for uncooked in the end so just split it by 4 and logged that :) couldnt check my label as I'm at work just planning tonight's meal!
  • I get confused with the cups thing too as I am English so we dont really measure in cups! :) thanks for the replies, Kevster did you mean 200-250g per person cooked? I think rice weighs more cooked right?
  • I caught impetigo in January and I am convinced it was from my gym. It was horrible, very painful and I had to have double strength antibiotics for two weeks to clear it, it made me feel really low. I am now left with a scar in the middle on my forehead (like Harry Potter, ha!) which I have been using Bio Oil on to reduce.…