What are you currently reading?



  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    also, WWW.BOOKMOOCH.COM is a great book swapping site :drinker:
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    The Clan of the Cave Bear, 1980
    The Valley of Horses, 1982
    The Mammoth Hunters, 1985
    The Plains of Passage, 1990
    The Shelters of Stone, 2002
    The Land of Painted Caves, 2011

    My dad and sisters all read these ones, i have tried but never really got into them.

    Currently i am reading Anne's house of Dreams (#5 in the Anne of Green Gables series), and one called "Moving Out', it is about hints and tricks for people out on their own for the first time, co-written by Lynne Johnson, who wrote the "For better or for Worse' comics (although i have been out on my own for years, i still like re-reading it once in awhile, it has some funny parts). I also picked up '1001 household tips and hints' this week, so i am going through that.

    If i looked around, i am sure there are a few more i have on the go to...it always seems i have a book in each room and one at work!
  • pinbotchick
    Hi All,

    Anybody ever read Jean M Auel's series. She's writing a sixth book thats out next year. I absolutely love these books I re-read them every year and a half. I've never found anyone thats read the series though which is a shame. I'm so excited about the new book. I can't wait to read more of Ayla's story.

    Themes - Prehistoric, Strong Women, Invention, Survival, Fitting in, Spiritual, Mythical.

    The Clan of the Cave Bear, 1980
    The Valley of Horses, 1982
    The Mammoth Hunters, 1985
    The Plains of Passage, 1990
    The Shelters of Stone, 2002
    The Land of Painted Caves, 2011

    I will eventually get them read. I always ask my clients with stuffed book shelves there favorite authors/books and this series has come up several times.
  • pinbotchick
    Just started "Kitty goes to Washington" book 2 in the werewolf series by Carrie Vaughn... I really like the series. If you like "Twilight" and/or "Bitten" women of the other world, you'd probably like this series as well. Also reminds of Katie MacAllister aisling grey series... Enjoy.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    I'm currently trying to read "An Abundance of Katherines" by John Green.

    But it's happening at a really slow pace thanks to school work.
  • DreMo
    DreMo Posts: 3 Member
    I have read The Husband by Dean Koontz. it is his best in my opinion. When i find a compelling authour i seek out all their books. I'm stuck a 45 minute bike ride from the library, at the mercy of a driver (my husband) who thinks books are a waste of time. I want to go back to reading the Bible, and I'd like to compare it to the Q'uran. Ugh it was hard enough to find an english transltion Q'uran online, and even then you gotta enter the specific verse for it to pop up, you can't read it front to back. How can I do that, i don't even know the names of the books of the Q'uran. still I am curious what it says. I suspect that terrorists, both muslim ans anti-muslim, are twisting it, I'd like to see the source. In the meantime I'm intermittently reading the driver's manual, got to get my own license. .
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Right now I am reading 'The last child' by John Hart, it's very good.
  • katmil
    I'm currently 2/3 through Twilight Eclipse (who cares if it's aimed at teenagers??!) :) My 11 yo daughter wants me to hurry and finish it as she's just finshed New Moon.
  • kizzyt
    kizzyt Posts: 17 Member
    I found "the Girl with the dragon tattoo" a struggle to start with and ended up loving it! I just finished Jodi Picoult's "Picture Perfect" I love her books. Now I am reading a trashy novel (Louise Bagshawe - Desire) before starting the next one in the GWADT series...
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Just finished Stephen King - Under The Dome. A hefty read but very enjoyable. Some of his better 'recent' stuff.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Just finished Stephen King - Under The Dome. A hefty read but very enjoyable. Some of his better 'recent' stuff.

    A-MEN! I liked it so much. Now I find myelf wondering what would happen if a dome were to suddenly slam down in front of me while I'm driving...or walking...or sleeping. LOL Got right into my head with that one
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I recently got hooked on Beverly Lewis' books. I'm onto my 8th book of hers, "The Reckoning."
    I'm waiting for 2 more of her books to arrive and Nicholas Sparks' new book. Oh, can't wait!!
  • pinbotchick
    Just started "The Lace Reader" by Brunonia Barry. Within 10 min, I'm having trouble putting it down.

    I love Janet Evanovich but her newest "Wicked Appetite" has not caught my interest. It seems too out there. I'll keep trying.

    I did finish the 4th book in the werewolf "Kitty" series by Carrie Vaughn.
  • mizyvee
    mizyvee Posts: 74 Member
    bumping for ideas!

    Love reading and/or listening to audio books.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I am reading the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. I read a LOT and these books are the first in years that I honestly have trouble putting down. They are SO GOOD. I read the entire second book (Catching Fire) last night after getting it in the mail... didn't get to bed until 2 hours past my bedtime. I will probably get through a good portion of the third in the series, Mockingjay, tonight. Absoutely riveting reads!!!
  • kenl3
    kenl3 Posts: 2
    Just finished "Nickle and Dimed" How "not" to get along.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm almost done with "Atlas Shrugged"... I'm also working on the 8th book in the Kittty series by Carrie Vaughn.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    I read 'Where are you now' by Mary Higgins Clark mostly yesterday (i started it the day before) it is really good!

    Last night i started one called 'the concise Chinese-English dictionary for lovers' by Xiaolu Guo; it is about a 23 year old woman who has been sent to England from China by her parents to learn English. It is a bit of a tough read because it is written like someone who does not speak English like some lines are : "Is unbelievabal, I arriving London," (spelled as in book) and "I standing in most longly and slowly queue with all aliens waiting for visa checking."

    I have had a lot of exposure to immigrants coming from Korea, China and Japan, so as i am reading it, i can 'hear' her talking the way it is written, so i think it is not as confusing as it could be had i not had that exposure.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    3rd Degree by James Patterson
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I am reading the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. I read a LOT and these books are the first in years that I honestly have trouble putting down. They are SO GOOD. I read the entire second book (Catching Fire) last night after getting it in the mail... didn't get to bed until 2 hours past my bedtime. I will probably get through a good portion of the third in the series, Mockingjay, tonight. Absoutely riveting reads!!!

    Almost finished with Catching Fire right now. I love these books. Mockingjay is waiting for me as soon as I'm done. Love dystopian society fiction.