Office Workers - Lets beat the chubby blues!



  • kelseyleigh30
    I work at a pediatric office and sit in a cubicle all day. Not only do I hear kids crying all day ;), but we get SO much bad food brought to us. There is always a cake or donuts in the kitchen.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm an office worker as well... and my office loves treats! They have a monthly birthday celebration as well as treats on the day of a employee's birthday. It's tough. I usually have just a little! It's so hard to resist!
  • mrocka
    mrocka Posts: 55 Member
    fellow office worker here,

    I too sit majority of the day but i have started to take the stairs more & will soon begain to bring my shoes to gets some walking
    in during lunch......good luck to you im going to add you NOW!!!

    btw I'm Mary :-)
  • mcelledge
    mcelledge Posts: 68 Member
    i go to curves on my lunch break and then sometimes after work depending on what i have to do at night.
  • vlynnvale
    vlynnvale Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in the office game too!

    Sometimes after a stressful, 8-5 day at work the last thing I want to do is work out in the evening. A friend and I have started going to the gym before work even starts, bringing everything with us to shower there and get ready for the day.

    We also jog up and down the stairs for two to three minutes, three to four times during the work day. Hoping to work up to five minutes though! You can definitely feel the burn on this one!
  • kizzyt
    kizzyt Posts: 17 Member
    I work in an office too, in London, I have had to completely re-think my lunches since joining MFP as I used to eat out 3 or 4 times a week and even when I "thought" I was making a healthy choice I have since realised it was far from it!! :) now I just eat out for treats or stick to once a week and reduce my portions and the rest of the time bring lunch in!

    I also suffer the "birthdays" thing at work, lately though I have just not had any and it's not been too bad. I find it harder when I am bored really.
  • weightlessness
    I work in a small office where my co-workers usually eat out every day. It's insanely difficult to stay good, but luckily I feel guilty if I spend money on lunch (we can't afford it!), especially when there's left overs at home that need to be eaten. Probably the hardest thing for me is keeping up my water intake and finding time to do little exercises here and there. I'm not one of those people who get thirsty all the time, so I usually have to push myself to drink my daily allotment of water, doing that at work is so hard because it's easy to forget!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I find working in an office good because I always get my water intake in!! But I also make sure I never ever have cash in the office always at home or in the car because i use to take a trip to the canteen for one kitkat every afternoon and if i dont have any cash i can't be temted