

  • I drink water, even if I drink a whole bottle of water while walking around it's better than eating something I shouldn't. I also find something to do, doesn't matter what it is, just something to distract you :smile:
  • I will help you! :smile:
  • I have heard you need to cut onions with sharp knives
  • I always have calories leftover but I will never eat if I am not hungry... I would never force yourself to eat just to get to that 1200 mark...
  • From what I can see she never offered advice to people who eat less than 1200 calories. She didn't come on here and say 'this is what i do & it works! you should do it too!!'.... that never happened. I think the point some of us are trying to make is that we are going to eat what we eat and we don't need to be judged. We…
  • Also, we should be able to have an opinion without our posts being deleted, or having rude comments made to us. Are we not allowed to speak up?
  • I honestly think it is different for everyone. I gained weight due to 2 pregnancies in 19 months. I have successfully lost weight in the past by cutting calories and kept it off for years until I got pregnant. I now have lost 10kg again (the leftover pregnancy weight) and am confident I can keep it off again. Those who say…