Oops - it got deleted.



  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Also, we should be able to have an opinion without our posts being deleted, or having rude comments made to us.

    Are we not allowed to speak up?
    I agree with you; I got on here because of something I was looking at earlier today and following and the whole thing was deleted. I am thinking of leaving MFP, I don't see why everyone has to make a big deal about something they don't agree with. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other topics to choose from.

    I don't see why someone would need to leave MFP because they don't like the way the forums are run. I use this site primarily to just count my calories and track my excercise.

    The social part of it is just a nice little extra that I could easily live with or without

    Well, this is the 3rd time I have tried to get this on here right! I thank you for your comment; I think I was having a moment of childishness. I have enjoyed most of the stuff on here, and I need not to get so caught up!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    There are some people here who have been on this site for a long time, and they don't want other people to have to make the same mistakes they did. They feel quite passionately about helping others do this the right way.

    This might interest you: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/410771-i-can-t-reach-my-calorie-goal-it-s-too-much-food
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    This is in response to the previous thread

    Here's the thing. Eating regularly under 1200 calories isn't healthy. Do you want people to lie and tell you untruths to make you feel better?

    The threads where people are asking for help is because they are regurly eating under 1200 and it isn't working. So someone coming in and giving their six weeks of experience isn't going to help them.

    Starve yourself I really don't care. You're the one who will suffer in the end. But I'll say something if you're going to encourage others to engage in that behavior.

    People can probably stand to be less blunt (there one thread where people were flat out rude and scared the OP off) and not immeaditly start making fun of asking a new to them question. But people will give the advice they feel is healthiest.

    If your doctor puts you on less than 1200 calorie diet why would you be coming here for advice and not going back to the idiot who put you on it.

    As to whether you have an ED only you can answer that. But as to 'only we know our bodies' no we don't. If we did we wouldn't have got so big. By continuously eating under 1200 calories you're damaging your metabolism. That's your choice but if you ask for help don't get upset when it's offered.

    Beg yours?

    When was I telling people its my way or the highway? I dont recall doing that.

    And I WASNT asking for help. I was having a rant because I was sick of people's posts on here bashing those who dont eat as much as them. I never said that what I was doing was right for everyone. I never said that i had 6 wks experience so I am a champion and you should all do what I say.

    I did say that I had been on this journey for 6 wks and had lost weight, so i figure I must be doing something right.

    I didnt see anyone asking for help on how to up their cals in the other thread. I may have missed it, but i'm fairly sure no one did.
  • Kmih
    Kmih Posts: 7
    This is in response to the previous thread

    Here's the thing. Eating regularly under 1200 calories isn't healthy. Do you want people to lie and tell you untruths to make you feel better?

    The threads where people are asking for help is because they are regurly eating under 1200 and it isn't working. So someone coming in and giving their six weeks of experience isn't going to help them.

    Starve yourself I really don't care. You're the one who will suffer in the end. But I'll say something if you're going to encourage others to engage in that behavior.

    People can probably stand to be less blunt (there one thread where people were flat out rude and scared the OP off) and not immeaditly start making fun of asking a new to them question. But people will give the advice they feel is healthiest.

    If your doctor puts you on less than 1200 calorie diet why would you be coming here for advice and not going back to the idiot who put you on it.

    As to whether you have an ED only you can answer that. But as to 'only we know our bodies' no we don't. If we did we wouldn't have got so big. By continuously eating under 1200 calories you're damaging your metabolism. That's your choice but if you ask for help don't get upset when it's offered.
    From what I can see she never offered advice to people who eat less than 1200 calories. She didn't come on here and say 'this is what i do & it works! you should do it too!!'.... that never happened.

    I think the point some of us are trying to make is that we are going to eat what we eat and we don't need to be judged. We don't need to be told we are killing ourselves, or that people would like to 'slap some sense' into us.

    We are not starving ourselves. We do not have eating disorders. We just want people to stop the negativity towards us all.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Have you figured out why you're posting? Once again, what do you want?
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I think the point some of us are trying to make is that we are going to eat what we eat and we don't need to be judged. We don't need to be told we are killing ourselves, or that people would like to 'slap some sense' into us.

    We are not starving ourselves. We do not have eating disorders. We just want people to stop the negativity towards us all.

    THIS ^^
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I want the negativity to tone down! I know it will never stop, because this is the internet, but give us a break!!!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I want the negativity to tone down! I know it will never stop, because this is the internet, but give us a break!!!
    Here's a thought: Don't post your business all over the boards if you don't want possibly negative responses. Chin up, buttercup.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I shouldn't fuel this anymore but here is link to a US Government site.


    Check out the part about calories a woman can intake to safely lose weight.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Hi guys and gals,

    Please remember that while the old post may have been deleted and this topic has sprouted out of it - it still needs to follow MyFitnessPal Guidelines. Some of the guidelines violated in this thread are listed below:
    6. No Intentionally Hurtful Topics

    Topics which are started with the intent to belittle others, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. This includes stalking a poster through the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, or spreading gossip or rumors.
    11. No Airing of Grievances With Moderators

    a) Protesting a moderator or admin action is not allowed on the Forums or in Groups. If you have a question or concern about a moderator or admin action, please email one of the moderators or Steven, an MFP staff member, with your concern and we will investigate the matter promptly.
    b) If you have concerns about another poster, or wish to report a guideline violation, the only appropriate venue is to use the Report Post link or to message a moderator or Steven, an MFP staff member. You may not air such concerns on the message boards themselves. If you have a general concern that does not involve a specific member, you may post your question in the Feedback or Help forums.

    We love that you are all active members of our community but like other communities the MyFitnessPal guidelines are very important. I have locked this topic and it may be deleted at anytime.

    We are also very concerned about any instance of members attacking or insulting each other, all such concerns must be registered by clicking "report post" and not by hashing it out in the forums.
This discussion has been closed.