istarith Member


  • @ForMe2No I'm sorry you're feeling so disheartened... :( But you've been SICK! I mean my God, woman, how are you supposed to get better if you're insisting your body hit the treadmill? :wink: If you make yourself better, your body can do all the extra work of losing weight because it'll be strong! Lol - that said, I hope…
  • @ForMe2No I'm doing pretty great with this challenge; I've figured out for me at least the best idea is to kinda wake up and immediately chug a whole glass of water before refilling it to have with me the rest of the afternoon. Drink a glass of water before you get a glass off water! I gotta say, it's helping out an awful…
  • Starting Weight: 193lbs Week 1: 192.8 (-.2lbs) Week 2: 190.5 (-2.3lbs) Week 3: 191.7 (+1.2lbs) Total loss: -1.3lbs Boooo, I gained!! My weight has stuck at 191.7 (almost to the nose) all week, and it's sort of driving me crazy. I guess my body has just decided to stay here at this weight right now... :/ Welp, my plan is…
  • That is SO FANTASTIC that you're off your diabetic AND cholesterol meds!! You are completely transforming yourself!! AND you're just a half pound away from being under 200 pounds -- this is SUCH an accomplishment!!! I'm staggered and amazed, and I can't wait to see how you take this to completion! I'm grabbing the popcorn…
  • Hey Tom! It means that, because you've exercised and burnt up a handful of calories, you indeed DO earn "extra calories" if you need them or you want them! Most people carry on as usual and do not use the extra calories, because it will help you lose weight quicker. However, it's awfully helpful when you exercise on the…
  • @a1bowins It's totally possible. People running marathons actually will gain weight if they don't eat correctly while training (sometimes up to and over 20 pounds!); if you're fueling your body with junk, your body will use what it can use and store the rest. Nutrition is sort of weird like that. That, and sometimes your…
  • WELL, it's Saturday - and I regret to say that this challenge completely bowled me over. Stress at work and home meant that I didn't go to the gym near as often as I would have liked, and when I did I just ran. BUT THIS IS A CHALLENGE I want to do again for myself! >.< Very, very annoyed with myself about this... But I…
  • @KoshVorlon Way to go!! 20 pound loss!!
  • @KoshVorlon I... used to HATE exercise. And this was only maybe 4 months ago. Despised it - why would anyone do that to themselves?! What a terrible way to spend your time! And I even had some friends like "Oh, join me for my Zumba class!" and I'd show up to be a good friend, and I felt SO SILLY and OUT OF PLACE!! Why am I…
  • @kaysday and @chloe2300 Those are really great plans!! More power to you, kaysday, for aiming to work out 5 days a week; I wish, but I work all week! :* I aim to work out 4 times a week (3 or more is the real goal), and of course I'll try to keep my calories under goal every day (though lord knows THAT'S the roughest…
  • Pssh. Crashing and burning, really now... :wink: Sometime's, stuff is hard enough or poorly timed enough to take a break, that's all. And then you hop on that svelte, diet-friendly horse and grab the reins once more, and gallop towards hummus and carrots and no candy bars even though you want them! All of which is to say,…
  • EEE!! Hi again, Michelle!! :smiley:
  • Wow, @kaysday that is SUCH a loss already!! I'm sure you'll strip what you want off this year!
  • @KoshVorlon You've accomplished so much already! An 18-pound loss in 3 months is a freaking good deal; even if you did add on pounds for Christmas (and believe me, you're in good company; I think we all did!), that's not permanent weight we're talking about! 90 pounds? That's a lot, but that is incredibly doable! :)…
  • I just got my Fitbit too and was wondering the same thing! The Fitbit looks at how active you are during the day and adds the exercise calories to it. If you were on your feet all day and then exercised on top of it, you'll have more calories roll over into MFP. If you were sitting all day and then exercised, less calories…
  • Hello everyone! I've been on vacation for the past solid week (and have, of course, been eating anything that wont sit still), but I have my final, honest weigh in for this challenge: Starting Weight: 206 Starting Challenge Weight: 206 Current Weight: 193 Total loss: 13lbs I can't tell you how wonderful having this group…
  • :s Don't I know it!! I'm really sorry you're feeling so much stress; I think we're all going through something similar, so you're in some good company. Just this week alone, I've had: My birthday, a night out with friends to see "Star Wars," my husband's office Christmas party, my friend's Christmas party, and Christmas…
  • @curves2j Woohoo!!! I knew you'd win the "Got There First" award, you've been losing a nutzo amount of weight regularly -- WAY TO GO!! :smiley:
  • Maaan, it's going around (the lethargy and non-exercise, I mean...). I've skipped almost ALL of my runs this week. Don't let it get you down - get back IN there! Keep telling yourself you worked too hard and too long, and the junk snack you're eyeballing isn't 8-weeks of work worth it. Lord knows I've had to a few times…
  • @erebar I know a lot of people who swear by the RunKeeper app - I have it, but I don't use it at all since I run mainly on the treadmill (and the treadmill's in my building's basement, so no wifi to keep the app running). I'll tell you this though: I SWEAR BY; it's fun, informative, and often hilarious!! Plus,…
  • Heck yes!! Here's some things that work for me:* Get on a training plan. Currently I'm doing a marathon training schedule, and I'm not even training for a specific marathon - just gradually raising my miles. This specific one has helped a TON; it keeps your body working yet guessing; I highly recommend it! Even if I don't…
  • Starting Weight: 206 Week 1: 204.9 (-1.1 lb) Week 2: 202.5 (-2.4 lb) Week 3: 200.1 (-2.4 lb) Week 4: 198.9 (-1.2 lb) Week 5: 197.0 (-1.9 lb) Week 6: 196.8 (-0.2 lb) Week 7: 193.2 (-3.6 lb) Week 8: 191.7 (-1.5 lb) Total Loss: 14.3 lbs! This week was pretty rough for me; we've started "holiday hours" at the store, and I'm…
  • Such a great way of looking at it. I swear, you NEED to over indulge every once and again, and the holidays shouldn't be an excuse, they should be a REASON. Family time is eating time - you can be mindful of your food when you get home! :smiley: Good on you for staying so positive!!
  • @deety3 You beautiful woman, you. -_- I know all of those things, of course I know them... I just see all the fabulous ladies around this group - not to mention a good friend of mine in town - hit the gym on the regular, and I'm seeing the pounds literally drip off, and my scale staying put... It's rough to watch. I feel…
  • @motivatedsister Oh gosh no, I know better. I might eat 50 calories over one day and know that it's okay because I ran that day, but I don't let myself do it often if at all. I'm just, ugh. -_- Utterly defeated.
  • Starting Weight: 206 Week 1: 204.9 (-1.1 lb) Week 2: 202.5 (-2.4 lb) Week 3: 200.1 (-2.4 lb) Week 4: 198.9 (-1.2 lb) Week 5: 197.0 (-1.9 lb) Week 6: 196.8 (-0.2 lb) Total loss: 9.2 lb. ................................................................... . . . . ... ?!@??!?RJOIU!@($&*#_&?!?!??!^#&@!*%#&*@!??!??!?!?!??!!…
  • Idea!! Is there a big-box gym in your area? Hop online and fill out a request for a free day pass; they usually give them out so you can evaluate the gym for perhaps membership... ;) Get out of the house and go blow off some steam for free! As for the eating, my best tip is to take an hour in the kitchen prepping snack…
  • Oh my god, for SURE you bloat. That is absolutely a thing. It's not actual WEIGHT, though; my husband calls it "scale noise;" your lady-body is retaining water during this period. There's so much happening hormonally, there's so much physically coming out of you, and your body is on lockdown. I think I've only ever known…
  • Starting Weight: 206 Week 1: 204.9 (-1.1 lb) Week 2: 202.5 (-2.4 lb) Week 3: 200.1 (-2.4 lb) Week 4: 198.9 (-1.2 lb) Week 5: 197.0 (-1.9 lb) Total Loss: 9 lbs! I didn't hit 10 lbs this week (wah wah waaah), but I'm still losing a proper amount of weight per week! Plus, this week was rough - I had Faux Thanksgiving with my…
  • My opinion is, I say log, always log. Log when you under eat, log when you over eat, log when you're vacationing, log everything. I like to do this myself because I want to see WHAT 3,000 calories looks like; when it sits in my body, trying to gauge that number is impossible right now as I'm dieting and am not an expert…