dtiff Member


  • Stuck in a moment- U2 Runaway Train- Soul Asylum
  • I don't think there is a way to avoid them, there are irresponsible dog owners everywhere. Just make sure to be prepared, carry mace or something to protect yourself with
  • Do they understand the difference between bark and no bark? it is important to teach them what both mean so that when you tell them "no bark" they understand. I teach my dogs to bark on cue by saying "bark" or "speak" then I reward them. When I want them to be quiet "no bark" or "hush". I also agree with petreebird, that…
  • thanks everyone for the advice! level 3 it is : ) hopefully I like it more than 2
  • that is amazing!! you must be so proud of yourself : )
  • I also only have one cup a day which I bring to work with me and it helps me have something to be excited about lol... I guess its the little things in life that make me happy : ) I use regular creamer and flavored coffee and regular sugar. So I guess its my splurge, but it makes me too happy to give up ha ha
  • Hello all, well my initial test was 50 so I am starting week 3 tomorrow so I can do it on Mon, wed, fri : ) I'm excited!!
    in WEEK 3 START Comment by dtiff April 2012
  • I want to do it too. No idea how many I can do but will check when I get home later
  • bump, thanks for sharing : )
  • The absolute most delicious breakfast ever!! a Thomas "everything" bagel thin (toasted) two slices of turkey bacon one tomato slice 1 TBS low fat chive and onion flavored cream cheese put it all together in a little breakfast sandwich I'm telling you this is the most delicious breakfast, beware its addicting :bigsmile:
  • I did day 3 of level two today and it sure is hard but Im proud that I am able to do it. I haven't been doing it everyday, I alternate with the elliptical and walking so I was really only doing it like 3 days a week. I am not sure if I will increase the amount now that I joined this group or not. Got vacation on May 19th…
  • I am on level two but do not do it everyday either, I take a day off to do the eliptical and sometimes on my rest day just go for a walk. I feel like I get burnt out if I do it everyday, still having great results!
    in "Failure" Comment by dtiff April 2012
  • Thats funny I am on day 4 of level two and also go on vacation on May 19th!!! :glasses: oh and I would love to be added to the group since level 2 is kicking my butt!! haha
  • Oklahoma but a GA peach at heart, born in NC though
  • Gosh, I sure wish I had a schedule that was that consistent lol. Between working full time, going to school full time, working out, being in 2 clubs, and volunteering twice a week with my therapy dog I am just thankful when I get things done in any order at all! I love to have a plan and if I wasn't so busy then I would…
    in When? Comment by dtiff March 2012
  • I don't have migraines anymore as I was able to determine which foods were causing them for me because I refused to take medicine everyday. But I strongly recommend going gluten free, the overall effects are amazing and I guarantee you will feel better all around. I think it will probably take about 2 weeks to start…
  • Amazing books!!
  • I completely understand feeling guilty for doing that, but like you said tomorrow is a new day. Splurging one day won't sabatoge all the hard work you have done and it sounds like you have many reasons to celebrate. Don't be so hard on yourself : ) Good Luck with your new job
  • that sounds delicious!!