sassified66 Member


  • 47 here and working on my healthiest part of my life... feel free to add me...anyone with positive outlook!
  • Thanks for your input!
  • I too only see links.
  • My daughter tried it and lost 20 pds in 2 months. When she stopped taking it all the weight plus some came back really fast! The best way is what we know but choose not to do it. Eat right and Move, move,move!
  • You made it!!!! Yes this is mom and im so glad you have joined the world of fitness...The support here is like no other program, your gonna love it and be successful! Just put your heart and work into it and you will rock it! So glad you are here with us! Love you!
  • Welcome all! Im 46 and have been on this life style change for almost a year near. Through my journey to better health I have bounced up and bounced down many of time trying to get it right.Determined not to give up it is my support pals that keep me here. This is truely the hardest journey of my life thus far. Any and all…
  • Mine was taken a year ago... It was my last years New year picture! BTW Happy New years to you all! Wishing each of you a successful start to a new year!
  • Welcome!!! Feel free to add me,check my profile of before and after pics, been doing this for almost a year, IT WORKS! Good luck and looking forward to supporting each other.
  • Sounds great! I make the 2 ingredient pancakes as well.... 1 ripe banana mashed up and two eggs.... beat up and cook like a pancake... I use sugar free jelly instead of syrup... makes like 5 little pancakes! Thanks for sharing the cookies!
  • Been under doctors care for 6 weeks now... Pain and popping in one knee. Through xrays and MRI.. Found out I tore my meniscus and doing exercise made it worse... Doctor recommended.. walking at slow pace.... any type of water based workout...and streight leg.. leg lifts and any type of upper body workouts..Id seek medical…
  • Good luck with all your trying to accomplish! I have done well with MFP, but soon I will venture the task <shaking> of quiting smoking.. I love to smoke and I am a Very dedicated smoker.. shamefully to say... I love it.... But with losing my weight I know I can be 10 times as healthy if I kick this habit.....I will attempt…
  • WOW! You look great and so happy! Very nice job and commitment! I love seeing how fitness and health changes a person on the outside... but your smile tells the big picture how you feel on the inside! Job well done... Keep up the inspiration!
  • welcome! This program is awesome, I think youll find youll love it! add me as your support! good luck!
  • You have done a remarkable job! Just shows what hard work and dedication can do.. hold your head proud and take a bow because you deserve it! Well done, well done! Hope your new life style continues with much success!
  • I tend to stay around 100 grams day.... it feels you up so you don't get hungry plus boost your metabolism while processing...good luck!
  • thanks, nicely put together... and they look easy and sound yummy!
  • welome to MFP, I wish you all of the luck in the world...this program is great! I have been here scince Jan of this year and it has helped me and the support is beyond awesome! Good luck in your journey... you can add me...!
  • Just hoping to inspire others as they did me before I started this program. I used to sit here and look at before and after pics...wishing it was me, but doing nothing to get there...then finally it clicked...along with this program and the support that comes with it.... for all, keep the hope, work hard,educate and…
  • Good luck with your journey.... Im a addicted logger LOL..dont want to miss the knowledge of others so i log on a few times a day... I love this program and the support it brings! Anyone needing support feel free to add me.... Good luck everyone!
  • Im 5'3 down 51 pds and have 30 to go. mother of 2 wonderful daughters, grown and on their own.. just me and hubby at home.I started this journey jan.1st 2012, and have been very happy with the healthier me I have become.This program and the support is wonderful! I will be 46 in june, its taken me 20 years to figure out all…
  • So many have motivate me on here.. first time in many years I have been able to stick with something and see results...I feel so much better in just the 5 months I have been doing this... down 50 pds now and loving the health benefits from the weight loss.. good luck to all on here, I know the journey is hard but so worth…
  • I use mine as salad instead of lettuce... I love the crunch of it andit taste great!
  • welcome to MFP, its a great support and traning tool. I have enjoyed it very much and am addicted to this and getting healthy! Here to support you if you wish to add me as a friend. Good luck in your journey!Im proof that the basics work... count calories and MOVE... so simple but yet took me 46 years to apply it!
  • I just cant kep myself from this page! I love it, so amazing to see you all transform yourself! keep it up!Its like watching your health grow back into each and everyone of you!
  • YOU ALL LOOK GREAT! So proud of all of you and your weight loss.It wasnt until Easter when my daughter did this profile picture of me at my 40 pound weight loss before and after that I truely realized how over weight I was... I new I was over weight and unhealthy, but to see the before and after pics.. all I could do was…
  • I just hit my 40 pds mark I started Jan. 1st of this year. and a month and half using mfp.. this program really works with dedication and hard work... you look great just keep doing what you are doing...