

  • Thank you so much for the encouragement everyone!!!!
    in New to MFP Comment by saundeec May 2012
  • Thank you so much Whitey25817! I'll keep those tips in mind! I really love the one about not plugging in your exercise. thats really smart :) Great job on meeting your goal!!! ] Thank you Skeebee! those are some really encouraging words :) Thank you KellyAnn1874 and Missi3601! I will most definitely add you!
    in New to MFP Comment by saundeec May 2012
  • I would love to share ideas and tips with you for losing weight!
  • Wow! Props to you for trying to be healthy :) I have a disease as well that actually makes losing weight really difficult but after some recent soul searching I find that the best way to get through it, despite the obvious set back, is to just take it one day at a time and do the best you can with what you can do :) I find…
  • These are super helpful. Thank you so much for posting this!!!
  • Motivation is really a hard thing. If you find that working out in the morning isn't really your thing then maybe working out in the morning isn't the best plan. Each person has a time of day where his/ her body is really ready to work out so you can experiment and see when it feels most comfortable for you :) even doing…
  • Oh I totally know the feeling! Way to get out there and try this! I have total faith that you can do it :) feel free to add me and I'd be happy to work through my eating habits with you :) maybe we can give each other tips!
  • Thanks so much!
    in New to MFP Comment by saundeec May 2012