New to MFP

Hi :) I'm just staring out with My Fitness Pal and I am pretty nervous about the whole thing . I imagine that I'm not the only one who is kind of scared of the whole process so I was hoping to meet other people who might feel the same way and hopefully we can all encourage each other!


  • Bruccee
    Bruccee Posts: 23
    Hi, I am here for 2-3 w., but I had an exams, so I didnt have enought time to lose weight, but now I have :) We can start with it together ;) Feel free to add me ;)
  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    Don't be scared! I just added you. I'm 46, so I've been in your shoes a lot longer then you, LOL! I have a long journey ahead of me and with the help of others on this site I feel positive I'm gonna make it. You will get friends don't worry. This post alone will get you many. Then as you post on threads or people see your posts on other members they will invite you also. If you see someone's post that you like you can click on them and add them too. Welcome aboard! Don't be afraid to send me a message from my profile page. I'm here to help get all of us to where we want to be. :flowerforyou:
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    you can do this. I started last month will be glad to add you
  • saundeec
    saundeec Posts: 9
    Thanks so much!
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    I started... well... was it 18 days ago? something like this. :D I'm glad you decided to start and I think I could be one of your friends :)
  • whitey25817
    whitey25817 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, this morning I reached my goal weight, and am down 33 lb and feel amazing, so from an old hand to a newby I offer this advice.

    This is my second time using the program and this weight has taken about 90 days to come off this time, the difficulty is not falling back into bad habits again. This time I am more focused and determin to stay at this weight!

    2 tips from me

    1. If it goes in your mouth, it goes on My Fitness Pal
    2. Exersize when you can, but don't enter it in, just treat those calories burned like bonus points, not an excuse to eat more.

    The best part about MFP is how much it teaches you about food. Some food I thought was OK was appalling in calories.

    PS: By the way, if you look at my picture you'll see what my problem was.

    Good luck
  • KellyAnn1874
    KellyAnn1874 Posts: 32 Member
    I just added you! I haven't been on here in months and don't have too many active friends! Let's support each other! Anyone else looking for friends feel free to add me too!
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    welcome! feel free to add me for support! ( always willing to accept new supporters!) Going on 90 days using mfp and its been great! Best of luck on your journey!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you! I know how you feel. I fell off the "train" a while getting starting on here, but once I figured out how to hop on and STAY on, it was easy from there on out. You'll do great! :-)
  • saundeec
    saundeec Posts: 9
    Thank you so much Whitey25817! I'll keep those tips in mind! I really love the one about not plugging in your exercise. thats really smart :) Great job on meeting your goal!!! ]

    Thank you Skeebee! those are some really encouraging words :)

    Thank you KellyAnn1874 and Missi3601! I will most definitely add you!
  • tikimatt
    tikimatt Posts: 23
    You're doing this already, you're here today!! Like WHitey said, record everything, it's initially a pain but you'll see trends in your eating habits, some good, some not so. You are on your way.:)
  • LCunkle83
    LCunkle83 Posts: 179
    Hello all. I have been a member of MFP for about a week now. I am trying to get my weight down. I am looking to lose at least 20 lbs but would love to lose 40. I have so far lost 4 lbs with exercise and calorie counting. Boy is it tough!!

    I am 28 years old and a mommy to an eight yr old and a wife to my wonderful husband of 6 years. My starting weight was 198. UGHH! I am 5'5" and cannot wait to fit back into my favorite jeans!

    I have a lot of support which is very helpful. Nice to meet you all!
  • I just recently put on like 40 pounds that I had lost, so I was not too excited to get back on mfp.
    But we can do this!
    All you need is some dedication, and of course, some support.
    Sending an add your way (:
  • GoTanieGo
    GoTanieGo Posts: 24
    Hi, and welcome! I am new as well, and was a a little nervous too. Anything new is kind of nerve racking, but once you are here for a few days, you'll see how easy it is. You'll also find encouragement and motivation from people who know how hard this journey is. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • saundeec
    saundeec Posts: 9
    Thank you so much for the encouragement everyone!!!!
  • LCunkle83
    LCunkle83 Posts: 179
    Totally jogged for 2 miles today!! So proud of myself! I have lost a total of 5 pounds in one week with calorie counting and exercise... This is def something I needed to do long ago. I cannot wait to start seeing the results in my clothing!!