Friends for motivation? How do you do it?

I started two days ago and I'm excited to start heading towards my goal weight! I'm hoping to be around 130 by the end of August. My problem is staying motivated. I love to sleep in so getting up at 5 am to work out and still have enough time to get ready for work is always hard for me. And by the time I get off of work I'm ready to just kick my feet up for the evening. So, how do you stay motivated? Do you just buckle down and just grit your teeth through it?

It would be great to have some motivational friends on here! Especially if you have trouble keeping on track too. That way we can help each other get down to business.


  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I'm like you! Love sleeping in, even though I know that working out in the mornings works best for me because after I get off work I just want to go home. When I was on track, I made made sure I was in bed early (10pm) so I could wake up at 5:30 in order to get my workout in and have time to get ready. Making my lunch, having my gym bag packed, and even planning out my outfit the night before helped. You (and myself as well) have to get into the mentality of "okay, gym first thing!" and there's no excuses.

    Once the routine is established, you look forward to it. I'm hoping to get there too.
  • Kayjaybee88
    Kayjaybee88 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you! I hate getting up early and I am also tired after work to really want to exercise, so I just have to work up my gumption and make myself do it. Luckily I have a treadmill in my bedroom and I can watch tv while I do it if I want!:happy:
  • saundeec
    saundeec Posts: 9
    Motivation is really a hard thing. If you find that working out in the morning isn't really your thing then maybe working out in the morning isn't the best plan. Each person has a time of day where his/ her body is really ready to work out so you can experiment and see when it feels most comfortable for you :) even doing little things at work can really help out! if you sit at a desk swap your desk chair for an exercise ball (it's loads of fun) and if you're on your feet a lot try doing little stretches or even jogging in place. It might feel a little silly at first but it can also be a lot of fun! Good luck! You can do it :)
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Try parking as far away from the entrances to where youare going. It will give you some extra waling time. Then make the walking a little brisker. If going to work I know you don't want to get sweaty but coming out speed it up. Maybe take an extra lap around the parking lot before going home. Put on dance music in your car on the way home. Any kind of movement, wiggling,etc. does burn calories. Take an extra pair of shoes for after work. Take another extra trip efore going ito your residence. I t doesn't sound like much but I know how you feel about getting up so early and thenwanting to kick back at home. Dance to your favorite music while making meals. Be as creative as you want. Add some light free weights during your movement until you get stronger. I hope thiese little tidbits will help.
  • Bevans1307
    Bevans1307 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I started a few weeks ago. I have to get up early to work out too. Sometimes I can fit it in at lunch time but that rarely works up 'cause one or both of the kids ends up waking up so when my alarm goes off I really have to force myself to get up. Like you, I cannot bring myself to work out on an evening, by that point I just want to chill out. The one thing that keeps me motivated is seeing the numbers on the scale go down each week and I know if I don't work out properly that won't happen. Also, I have found that since I have started eating healthier I feel better and my skin is better which is a definite bonus.I have Friday as a cheat day (although I know some people disagree with that!) so during the week I don't feel like cheating at all. The pounds are coming off so that works for me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. :)
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    First have a workout that you truly enjoy.

    I try to workout in the am. I have a workout room at home that helps and my goal is to get a 5am workout twice a week because I truly feel better the rest of the day. I haven't made my goal in the last month :grumble:

    I workout right when I get home from work.

    There are some days when I don't want to workout and I do just grit my teeth and do it. I have Turbo Jam and ChaLean Extreme videos, so I am able to mix it up. I also make a calendar for the week on what workouts I want to do each day along with a dinner menu. The dinner menu also helps with grocery shopping.
  • I am a night owl and prefer to stay up late and wake up late. Exercise is not my thing, and does not come naturally. I try to fit exercise into my daily chores whenever I can that way I don't have to take it out of my free time. I walk the stairs and volunteer for errands involving walking at work for example. Over time walking became easier, which allowed me to do more. Motivation came for me by habbit, and I think changing the foods I ate helped me with this as well. Also, I am a geek at heart and I purchased Zumba Rush for the Xbox Kinnect which is awesome. I ended up purchasing a treadmill, which allows for the convenients that a gym doesn’t.
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I used to work out at night, after work, but it was so much easier to just go home and watch t.v. and eat on top of that. I got into the habit of lying on the couch and ordering pizza delivery almost every night. One Sunday afternoon I was disgusted with myself and really wanted to do something about it. I told my friend that I was planning to go to the gym at about 5 in the morning before I go to work, she said she was going to join me. We had no problem waking up at 4:30 (I think we were excited about it as weird as it sounds) and had a great workout. We've been doing this since December of 2011 and have not stopped. I've lost 15 lbs since then and I feel better than ever! I actually look forward to my morning workouts and when I arrive home from work, I don't feel guilty for not working out because I already have for the day. I get excited about my morning work out when I put my gym bag together as well as my lunch for the next day. Knowing that I'll get my workout out of the way is what motivates me and the great mood my workout puts me in is what motivates me (I think I'm addicted to morning work Try to find what fits into your schedule and your personality. :smile:
  • tikimatt
    tikimatt Posts: 23
    I've been self-employed most of my adult life. That being said, I turned what some would call discipline(getting work done) into the easiest, most enjoyable part of the day, "I Show Up." That's my secret. I don't care how I feel, good or bad, motivated or not, I know one thing for sure, if I show up, something is gonna get done. And once the ball starts quick and easy was that.

    Just show up and something Will get done.

  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    Feel free to add me - I also struggle to make myself show up as well. It really does help to use this site, it's so sweet to see someones supportive comment on your post after you log your exercise. The only tips I can offer are similar to those that other people posted here. Find something you enjoy - for me the elliptical is OK but it's not exactly calling my name at the end of the day, you know? So I started just making myself try different classes at my gym. You're going to think, "Oh no, what if I don't know the routines? What if I'm not in good enough shape? What if I can't keep up? What if, what if, what if....?" Ignore those thoughts and just make yourself go. I had all of those thoughts but when I go to a Zumba class at my gym there are new people every time and we all mess up and nobody notices or cares. Once you find something you like you'll actually want to go and it will be something to look forward to, not something to just endure.

    Also, I had to accept my limitations on one front: I am not a morning person. I will never, ever be a morning person. So planning to get up at 4:30 and go to the gym before work pretty much just sets me up for failure if I don't make it, and then I feel bad. I don't want to feel bad so I accept that an early morning weekday workout is not happening and I go at night instead. So just plan to go when you'll actually show up, whatever time of day that is. You'll feel so great when you do it!
  • crsanner01
    crsanner01 Posts: 3
    Would love other friends on here that will offer support and motivation, and in return I will absolutely do the same. I am about 10-15 pounds from my goal and could use all the help!
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I know how it goes. I hate!! mornings! I also have to wake up at 5am for work, and I dont get home til around 9pm. If Im too tired to go to the gym (this happens too often lol) I at least try to do a 20 workout of some kind, such as pilates or lifting barbells. Also on days that I know I eont be doing anything, I try to reduce my calorie intake. Do not starve yourself! Just dont eat as if you will be burning away the extras.
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Getting up early is always difficult. I have a job that often requires me to work late - making it extra hard. You just need to try to establish a routine. I try to go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 and then I get up at 5:30 am. If you keep the same schedule every day your body starts to adjust and get used to it. That said, I also try not to sleep in too much on the weekends (around 8) and keep a somewhat similar schedule (obviously going out will throw this off a bit) - but its best not to mess with your sleep schedule too much. Anyway, I find that if I have classes at the gym that I enjoy or a workout that I look forward to its much easier to get up. I joined a gym that I like and I feel like people expect to see me there so it holds me accountable.

    I'm sending a friend request now - the more motivation the better :)