Howdy - new to forums.

A friend got me using the app a few weeks ago, but I am wanting to tweak a few things, so I figured it was time to dip a toe into the boards.

I'm probably unique in that I have a fat disorder,and am still trying to get my treatment referrals due to a recent move.

Since doctors are not taught about fat disorders, they mistakenly think they are rare, so it's been a journey. I'm due to start PT, OT, and SLP, and hopefully MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) soon. Until then, I'm here more to keep myself honest and motivated on the nutrition front, to have documentation to show doctors and insurance companies what I eat and how much I exercise. I don't even own a scale, but I am hoping to get one soon, and a Fitbit. For me, it's all about the NSV. :)

Because of dietary restrictions, I really struggle to eat a perfect diet all the time. I'm almost always under on calories, but I rarely get a stable balance with salt, fat, carbs, and protein. I do eat a lower carb diet, but still, nutrition is medicine for me, is the difference between the downhill slope of bedridden and the progress of functional.

I'm usually good at problem solving, but I'm hoping to browse the boards and find some gems or ask some questions to figure out what's next.

BTW, does anyone have any recommendations for iPhone or iPad apps that track more nutrients that work well? The macros are great, but I really have to keep up with the micros too.

Thanks. :)


  • saundeec
    saundeec Posts: 9
    Wow! Props to you for trying to be healthy :) I have a disease as well that actually makes losing weight really difficult but after some recent soul searching I find that the best way to get through it, despite the obvious set back, is to just take it one day at a time and do the best you can with what you can do :) I find that the my fitness pal app is awesome! I don't know if you have it or not but it really helps you keep track of things and I think it even does a little on nutrition. but the best way I find good things to eat is online. there is so much out there so certain recipes and foods can be found for your specific needs. Good luck and if you want any support I'm happy to be there for you!
  • runuma
    runuma Posts: 6
    Saundeec it's nice to meet you!

    I hear you about just committing to your health. With a fat disorder the scale doesn't respond, which is why those nom-scale victories are so important to me. My validation for my hard work is never going to come from the scale, instead it has to come from seeing how well I'm eating, tht I am getting regular exercise, and that I am feeling better.

    It is the upside of the whole autoimmune experience, my body likes clean living which means get immediate feedback. It helps. :)

    Thanks for sharing your story and the support!
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    I got a question about attaching pictures (before and after, etc. How do you attach a pic in the forums? I figured it was something simple that I'm missing. Can someone enlighten me. Thanks heaps.
  • Peterina2
    Peterina2 Posts: 1
    Hi, I have been trying to loose 30 pounds for ever, and haven’t been successful, until last year that I started exercising for my knee that got teared and had to go through surgery. I was browsing the On Demand Fitness and found this easy legs exercises.

    To make the story short that lead to some yoga exercises and a year later, even though I didn’t lose more than 10 pounds I looked great (according to friends, family and people who had not seen me for years). It looked as though if I had lost more than 30 pounds.
    I felt so good that enrolled in a Volley Ball tournament through work, and guess what! A coworker backed fast to hit a ball and dragged me down with her. She is a little bit heavy and with my weight under hers, I braced myself in a way that my wrist could not stand and broke it so bad that the doctors had to do surgery, After 3 months of not doing my yoga exercises . (It has been hard to exercise like I was before, since I am still recovering and I might not regain the mobility I had on my wrist to do the pilate' s yoga), that I am gaining weight again slow but sure.

    However, I thought I was eating very little but now with Fitnesspal keeping track of what I eat, I realized I am eating more than I was thinking. We’ll see.

    That was my story, I hope to find support through this site and not get discourage.
  • runuma
    runuma Posts: 6
    So sorry to hear of your injuries, peterina...

    Support is always there, don't hesitate to ask!

    You can take control, wherever you are, and wherever you emit to go. Just keep putting one foot in front if the other and aim in the right direction. :)