jwerdlike Member


  • Thanks, Ladies :) I'll pass the info along... And if anyone else wants to share, feel free!
  • What I mean by the recomp is you have your on days / off days and you carb cycle, essentially. Sorry if the terminology for that is wrong. What I've been doing lately is a 16 hour fast on training days (3 days a week), then anywhere from 19-22 hour on off days. I've seen some results from doing this but I'm wondering if…
  • Bump for the morning crew
  • The wake up for me was when my daughter was born. I wanted to not only be around for her, but I wanted her to have good eating and exercise habits. I was at my heaviest when she was born (and part of that was just because I would eat and binge with my wife on whatever was in the house, could be ordered or could be served)…
  • Bump. Am I in the wrong thread?
  • For now you can do walking db lunges. Try to go as heavy as you can. I don't have a squat rack either but I have noticed some gains from doing the walking db lunges. GL! You can also switch it up and do romanian deadlifts if you feel like it.
  • Do what ultimately makes you happy. My wife wants to get the same things done and I fully support her in her decision to do so, not because I'm some shallow a**hole but because I support what will make her happy and have better self-confidence (as she puts it). The ultimate decision is yours and yours alone.
  • If you are considering 24 hour fasts, I'd highly recommend picking up Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat. http://www.bradpilon.com Essentially with this program you are creating a caloric deficit by going without eating from one point to the next. And instead of other popular IF methods your window starts again as soon as your fast…
  • but your body can get sugar from say fruit, which is going to be much more nutrient dense than desert or a can of coke. as long as you aren't working out like crazy, you can limit your carb to around 100-150grams a day, instead of the 200-300garms people usually eat and you will notice results almost instantly. especially…