3laine75 Member


  • Yeah, hitting protein from plant sources while lifting sounds fun! Red meat is fine, OP, some people say stick to once or twice a week but I couldn't face chicken and fish all the time. I have red meat 4/5 times a week (for either lunch or dinner) - it's doing me no harm, and is delicious! :)
  • Get all your nutrition in with the 'clean' stuff then have the 1000 cal takeaway - simple.
  • Macronutrients - carbs, fat, protein. Protein can be set anywhere between 0.6 and 1.5g per lb of bodyweight, fat min 0.4g per lb bodyweight and fill the rest with carbs. Have you set MFP to gain? Gain 0.5 lb a week (250 surplus per day) is a good place for us ladies to gain. Have fun bulking :)
  • What height are you? 2500 seems low for gaining.
  • Use the wee bit of paper with a folded corner icon (above the box for typing) to post pics.
  • Glad you're happy with your results - who knew throwing heavy stuff about could make you feel so good?! I'm with Jo, if you can stand it, try to stick with it for a wee while longer (I'm losing strength on this cut which is rubbish :()
  • Microwave it for 10/20 seconds - I prefer almond oil for my hair though.
  • I forgot, you can use it as deodorant too - didn't believe that one till I tried it myself.
  • It's got a higher burn point than olive oil so great for frying (still need the olive oil for the steak though). And it is great for hair and skin, I wouldn't say it's magic though - just a different oil.
  • I think there's loads of improvement - the hip sway thingy isn't as pronounced, told you - mine went away itself too XD The bar is still a bit squeegee but seems to be what you're comfortable with. Stick the knees out and if you find it getting uncomfortable/feel your form is off - deload again. I'm not much help, my own…
  • Have a nosy at the 'beginners guide to bulking' stickie in the gaining section, there's a link to a great site on there with all the info you need. I'd just add that, instead of worrying about what to eat, I'd just EAT at this point - 109 is seriously underweight for your height.
  • I don't know anything about All-pro, sorry. If I had to pick between Stronglifts and new rules, I'd go Stronglifts - new rules is a bit skiddly for a beginner (I tried it first before switching to starting strength). Don't get me wrong, it's a good book and worth a read and many others like the programme, I just found it…
  • Why low fat? Just curious. It's not that complicated to use the diary here to make your own plan. Customise your macros/calories/number of meals and you get a great plan that only includes stuff you like :) http://fitmencook.com this is a good site for meal prep ideas or rifle some of the public diaries for meal ideas.
  • Sorry, couldn't resist,
  • Nope. True story - one of our biology teachers refused to teach the evolution section of the S grades and Highers. She was also one of the RE teachers O.o (they did get another teacher in, didn't just skip it (as in the case of the above poster XD))
  • Get squatting! Strong Curves, as mentioned, is a great programme.
  • Did you ask? Not being snarky, just interested. If you asked and he/she couldn't advise, I'd ask to see someone else. Reason being, most people will shy away from advising you because of the medical condition. I wouldn't trust my health to randomers on the internet.
  • In fairness, when I mentioned physics I was referring to energy balance. CICO in the heading. Of course nutrition wasn't covered, that'd just be silly. I'm a long, long time out of school too. It was and is taught (although I'm in Scotland, OP might be English) and I've still done some silly diet things. The point is,…
  • If your missus does all the cooking and you're happy that it's a good balanced diet, for your goals, why not just squeeze in a 500 cal snack (or 2x 250)? A surplus of 500 a day should give you, roughly, 0.5 kg gain a week. Like someone above mentioned, make sure you're getting some heavy weight training in so that you gain…
  • Should we also teach that - No, you haven't won anything on that free scratch card, No, Mr Ubonique in Zimbabwe hasn't left you everything in his will, No, a guy in Nigeria doesn't know if your PC has a virus, No, you haven't won £1000000 from a magazine sorting house, No, you will not be a millionaire selling Kleeneze,…
  • IT IS covered. In biology, physics, home economics, guidance and PE. I'm, personally, pleased that the majority of teaching time is spent on maths, English etc rather than wasting more time on it for people who aren't paying attention.
  • Watch out for spiders ;)
    in Doin' it Comment by 3laine75 April 2015
  • We've already established that it's taught both in the US and UK, maybe you weren't paying attention. Maybe it should be taught more, so it can be forgotten/ignored more? Is that your point?
  • Haha 'muscle on' - love it! OP listen to Jo :smiley:
  • I'm in the UK too. It is covered, briefly, in biology. Also a BASIC grasp of physics helps. How long do you want a school day to be/tax to be increased to (or diverted from elsewhere), to cover what is common sense and should be taught, through example, by parents?
  • BULK!! Seriously, 1800 cals?! And 11 stone (I'm 10 and a half at 5'6 and female) at 6' tall. You're going to love the weight room so much more if you up your calories.
  • Can your doctor refer you to a dietician?
  • A 500 surplus is, generally, too much for a female ( 'clean' is neither here nor there). We can build about half the muscle the guys can. You more likely gained 75:25 fat to muscle so there's your problem, right there. I hate to break it to you (you might have eaten 'clean') but you had yourself a dirty bulk. A clean bulk…
  • You look great but you can definitely afford to keep going. How about a diet break to get those inches moving again (a few weeks eating at maintenance, before resuming deficit).
  • Yes, as others have said, hit the weights. I gain mostly in my midsection too, if I'm not doing anything about it. Stronglifts, starting strength, strong curves - don't worry that your posture is bad, get your form down and your posture will improve too. There are no 'right' foods, just a healthy balanced diet. You'll need…