StacieRoth Member


  • My knees used to hurt after a workout also, as I got smaller the pain decreased. I would continue to workout, but do a less intensity, and build up to the harder stuff as you lose weight, the pressure on the knees can be intense. But for every pound you lose, it's 10 pounds of pressure off your knees.
  • It helped me at first, but after a while, it did nothing for me. Try to do the weight loss and diet without them, you can do it!
  • I have lost 137 pounds all together, and I do have some skin that needs removed... but I have done the good thing with working out to tone the muscle under the skin, don't let having the extra skin stop you in your weight loss though. Even with the excess skin I look and feel great!
  • My hubby is allergic to all types of sugar sub. But he can use stevia... do you use the packets or something else?
  • I'm not sure how true it is, but I did notice this on my own body. When I lost 30 pounds I didn't really notice a huge change in my body (even though) there was one, but once I hit 50 then 100 and even more 130, I really started to notice MAJOR changes. I don't know if you have that much to loose, but your body takes it's…
  • I work out at both, a local Curves, and I do an aerobic walking workout at home. I want him to join me in that, but he gets too winded he says.
  • He really doesn't give me an answer, except to tell me that he thinks he doesn't have the time for exercise, but if he took the time that he was sitting down watching tv or on the computer, he could at least get in a 15 min workout.
  • Have you ever tried Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos? They really work well, even if you have 2 left feet! You are just moving to the pace of the music and getting a good workout.
  • I tend to agree! If there are "no calories" in the peanut butter... then what is in it?? I'd rather eat peanut butter in moderation... I know what's in that... PEANUTS! There are somethings that I do "zero calorie" or "low carb" but for the most part I look for the reduced sugar things. My husband is allergic to Splenda,…
  • I have been going to Curves now for over 3 years! I'm so glad to meet another Curves lady on here! I too track it under "curcit training" but to be honest, I think I burn more calories than it says. I know if you are working it really hard you can burn up to 500 calories, but I stick with what the diary says just in case I…
  • It sounds like to me, that your blood sugar may be dropping. I know that is what happened to me before. Make sure either before or after your workout that you eat a good protein, cheese, yogurt, or even a protein shake, don't eat a full meal though, just a snack, your body will need something to burn off. Stay away from…