Lastchancelj Member


  • Back from another trip to Cali. Made it to the funeral. While very emotional (the pics also include my MIL and Uncle (her brother) and just added some sadness) it was truly great to see the family. It was very small. The majority was our San Diego family and us. Following the funeral and reception, we headed to the hotel…
  • Well ladies...sadly my ortho isn't until h 27th!!! It's still pretty sensitive but I'm able to walk, just not sleep very well. And it's still very puffy. So I want to be sure there's no infection or figure out whatever is causing the swelling and tenderness. So I'll update you next Friday after the doc visit. I met with my…
  • Sarah - I'm with Sheesh. The nodes are clear - that is a very good sign. And you're so healthy - I vote benign and you'll be well. Sheesh - your trip sounds amazing. I hope hubby is able to to be pain free, or pain lessened on your journey!! I snorted when I ready your weather. We're already 105. We have some days of…
  • Happy Monday Ladies!! Sarah - thank goodness you were bypassed with tornadoes!!! I have family located at the fringe of tornado alley and I worry for them. Never thought I'd be adding you to the list. So very happy with the news that you're safe. And yes, his birthday is June 9. Sheesh - I truly wish vaccinations would…
  • Sorry ladies. Work has been insane. Life has been insane and I'm exhausted oh and I finally got my new laptop so that took several days to get it to be just so again. A couple of programs are still being challenging. We went to Disneyland for Memorial Day weekend. Rhea and her family as well as my daughter and son in law…
  • Last week was a bit crazy. Work was intense. I took Friday off for Rhea's pre-k promotion program (rodeo line dancing). She then wanted to come home (as they announced and man of her friends were also going home). So of course, Grammy had to offer to bring her home. And then asked her to stay the night. We had a great…
  • WOOT WOOT. Gotta shout it out. I woke up at 4am and rolled out of bed at 5ish. Showered AND... wait for it... I went for a 1 mile walk around the neighborhood. Dang that morning sun is BRIGHT and HOT already. Just have to share that I finally got my tuchas out there. I'll probably crash at lunch for a nap. Make it a great…
  • Happy belated Mother's Day to everyone!! We had a fabulous day. Rhea and her parents came over. We enjoyed a brunch that hubby made the Mickey Mouse waffle with bacon sausage and eggs. We spent time out in the heat while Rhea, Grandpa and her daddy were in the pool for a couple of hours. Then we ordered Cheesecake Factory…
  • Day 3 and I'm following the Optavia plan... very closely versus very loosely. Tummy is paying for it, but until I figure something else out... here we go.
  • Sarah - my challenge with hubby is that he LOVES fast food...even tho we both need to reduce our weight, whenever I ask for dinner ideas, he opts for fast food items. And he doesn't eat during the day much, he eats pretty much everything from 930p-2am - he doesn't go to sleep until 2-3am. So backward clocks. So I was super…
  • Happy Thursday Ladies. Sorry a day late. Yesterday was insane... Sorry not to check in. Work life balance is not great.. And in hindsight has not been for several months. The software is launched, and sales had two contracts (same person), which means my time on standby is ongoing...and I'm tense. My eating habits are…
  • Kelly - I also need to get my steps in again. With the software conversion, I had been so mentally tired, that it made me physically exhausted as well. Now that it's plodding along, I need to make myself a priority again and get out walking. We're in the 90's already so I need to get up a wee bit earlier and hit the…
  • OH man. So I tried a couple of times to log in, but we've been having internet connection issues for the past couple of weeks. And the past few days it's been worse. Saturday I went and got a new router. Worked for three hours and then stopped again. Went out again this morning, and I spent another hour on the phone this…
  • Quick check in. Sorry, it's been CRAZY. Sales goes live next week. So hopefully once they truly start using the new software my world will calm down. At least I'm no longer chasing 52 files and options. :) Weekend was INSANE. Jumped on to double check my taxes and submit this past weekend. I was close to the end when my…
  • Hoping everyone had a spectacular Easter. Hubby and I did a quick turnaround to cali. Spent time with my daughter and then we drove another hour or so and visited with our aging Auntie and cousins. Glad we did it. BUT, the weather was insane...too much rain. The drive home felt much longer than it actually was. Took…
  • So sorry for being offline. The cold took a bit to get over...and then hubby caught something else. That meant no Rhea visits so I actually hid in my office this past weekend and worked (so far I have not contracted what he has). Software is almost ready to launch. I'm at the point of waiting for others (again) to approve…
  • So so sorry. Sarah - your comment about missing our chats really hit home. I miss that as well and will do better checking in. I don't know why I haven't been on as much - sometimes still feeling the debbie downer person, but I'm working through some of that myself. And blessings to you for keeping your cool with the…
  • Just a quick jot. Kelly - so glad you're back Sheesh - your trip sounds amazing and I love how much fun you have no matter where you go. Your trainer will get you back where you need to be Sarah - my heart goes out to you. It's been a challenging time for you and I hope it eases up for you. Software - usually I LOVE…
  • Sarah - so happy to hear you're seeing an ortho. Hopefully you'll get some direction for relief. Sheesh is away in Mexico and Kelly has returned!! Kelly - I recall how crazy it was with the kids schedules. I'm attempting to get to my granddaughters soccer games once a week and so far I'm not doing so well. Hugs to you for…
  • Well hello Ladies!! So sorry to have deserted you both. Sarah - eeek on your plumbing issues. That's a hard hit. And I just read that you did not report the accident to Costco? Well, I'm glad you're moving around a bit, but that stinks to high heaven. Making a note to myself - and to others - be sure to make accident…
  • SW: 224.6 I am really struggling with that program I was on last year. The fake sugars just kill my stomach. So I've only been having 2 of the "fuelings" per day and doing fair at making other healthy choices. Not all of them, but a majority of them. And I'm heading back to Mickey Mouse land in 10 days and when I'm there,…
  • Just a quick check in. Sorry. Work-life has been crazy. This new software is driving me bonkers. I don't know what I don't know...well not knowing what I don't know is causing me extra work when I finally know. UGH. Plus this is our high sales selling season, so on top of a new software, sales is writing contracts and…
  • Oh Sarah!!!! So so very sorry!!!! Fingers crossed all goes well for you...and no. The insurance would probably have a 30-90 day active claim loss from addition. So don't kick yourself for not adding that. I popped on to wish you all a happy anniversary. I had a FB notification yesterday that I started the BB 1/8/2010!!!!…
  • Happy New Years Everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. I had PTO from 12/19 - 1/2. And I was sick for all of it. I told you doc started me on the antibiotics. And thank goodness as it was a full on respiratory/sinus infection on Christmas Eve. Though I wore a mask, I was able to participate (from a distance of course) Christmas…
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We’ll I caught the crud that turned into bronchitis. Doc started me on antibiotics and the strong cough syrup at night. Along with the zinc and D3 I seem to be improving. Though my cough still is pretty intense at times. So my daughter and neighbor have decided I’m not to touch the food…
  • She is so beautiful!!!! and you are too!!! Hush - no make up needed. Love the pics. Thanks so much for sharing and I'm so happy to hear all are doing well. Enjoy your family time!! Yes, I'm taking time for me.. I nap right after logging off of seriously I'm still so very tired. I ordered groceries for delivery…
  • WOW. Who would have thought that travel could wipe you out for a few days. I was dragging. I worked on Thursday and part of Friday. But Friday morning, I slept until 9am! We also had our company Christmas party and it was fun...I had taken a nap early afternoon as well as slept in and was able to attend. Saturday and…
  • Back from the funeral. I'm beyond exhausted. The travel was brutal. I got home about 4pm yesterday and was so tired I couldn't sleep. I ended up working for almost 4 hours to catch up. My backup person didn't back me up very well. I had a ton to handle last night and today. When I went to bed, I couldn't sleep. I did have…
  • Happy belated thanksgiving everyone. So sorry. Disney was a blast!!! We were up at 6ish and at the park for early entry every morning. We went until 10ish at night. We did go back to our room for a break. We had a gorgeous 3 room suite (a 1br suite with 2 connected rooms). It was AWESOME. Little Rhea didn’t smile in the…
  • LW 219.6 TW 220.1 Totally anticipated with what we've had going on. And today it's back to 218.6 so yeah. Inside of the house is done - enough. There's still more to do, but it's enough before we leave. Saturday my two sisters did indeed stop to visit for a couple of hours on their way to my brothers. After they left,…