Inchoately Member


  • I love songs I can't really take seriously... Like Salt n' Pepa "Push It" Led Zeppeling "Immigrant Song" --It makes me feel like a viking. Good for running in the rain. LMFAO "Sexy and I Know It" Michael Jackson "Don't Stop Till you Get Enough"
  • I just graduated college and don't have a big girl job yet, so I also have a tight budget. The YMCA usually helps out people with limited income. You just have to ask! I love my Y. When I do get a big girl job, I'll be donating to them for helping me out now!
  • Siracha. Just siracha and anything. But, I like spicy foods. I like just doing one whole egg, two egg whites, spinach, onions, and siracha. But, I like frying them so the one yolk of the egg is still a little runny. It makes the egg whites seem less lame. I'm sure you can do a lighter calorie huevos rancheros...with black…
  • I also work out at a YMCA with a large population of elderly people. Let's just say the only time I gave the stink eye was when I spotted a scarily sagging male organ hanging out of scarily short shorts.
  • Ladies, can we please call a campaign to "Stop Gym Stink-Eye?" Gyms are a place to better YOUR body, not stink up anybody else's endeavors. Maybe the sweatless person is recovering from a medical problem, had a royally bad day, or maybe her face is just made in the "stink eye" way. It happens. Get over it. Don't perpetuate…
  • Couldn't hurt to check in with the doctor. I'm sure you're fine, but nobody but a medical professional should really be answering this question for you.
  • I am trying to increase my protein intake and limit my carbs. Usually I eat two egg whites and one whole egg fried up with a litlte Pam. I can't do all just egg's too boring and makes me feel like I'm dieting. If I'm feeling sassy, I wilt some spinach and garlic with it. I eat it all with Siracha, because…
  • One of my favorite quinoa recipes: It's quinoa chicken salad. It has the grapes and almonds like a chicken salad would have, but with no mayo. It's GF/CF and a little high in calories (350), but filling and high in protein.
  • I love roasting veggies. You get a more nutty and full flavor by doing so. Asparagus--toss with a little salt, pepper, minced garlic clove, and just enough olive oil to coat. Throw in the oven at a high temp...425-ish or you can broil them. Just keep an eye on them. They usually take 5 minutes or less. You can do the same…
  • I'm eating some right now! I use Truvia, added nutmeg, fresh ginger, and lemon juice. Holy wow, it's amazing!
  • Me too! I just made baked apples with truvia, lemon juice, cinnamon, a smidge (>1 tsp) of Smart Balance Light and nutmeg. Deee-licious. It made a lot and was only 100 calories. I'm sure you can do something similar with berries. I think maybe apple, blueberries, lemon zest, truvia, lemon juice, and throwing it in the oven…