People giving you the evil eye at the gym...



  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I wear my hair down and my makeup if I happened to wear it that day. And when I am on the elliptical I am most definitely moving my *kitten*. If I pull my hair back the sweat causes it to get heavy and gives me massive headaches. As for the makeup, it is usually because I don't have time to run home and even change so I will work out hard core in jeans if I have to.

    The point is, I work out. I don't judge or even look at anyone at the gym. I get in the zone with competing against myself from the day before. Thank goodness I don;t go to your gym. I doubt I would survive. DANG!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I''m not trying to be sarcastic at all but... How is the elliptical a lazy machine again??? Normally I see people trying not to fall off of them from exertion, but I dunno... OP, are you really good at elliptical, or just picking on people? :/
  • hey Stephy.

    i totally understand. why the hell do people even bother going to the gym if they aren't as awesome as you? yuck. just taking up space. you, with your perfectly undone hair and sparingly applied make-up - that's the only way to get the job done!

    don't even get me started on folks who are making a huge lifestyle change by 'walking' on a treadmill. the nerve of some people!

    friend me, k?



    Love it, love HOUSE!
  • I use the 'lazy *kitten*' elliptical because it is low impact on my knee that I injured a number of years ago.
    but I still work hard and sweat while I am on it. I know I look rough, but I don't care.

    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I get terrible headaches when I put my hair up, so I war it down to the gym a lot. And I wear makeup since I come after work/school. And I know many are the same. What's the big deal? Not everyone wants to look all dolled up, but not everyone wants to look at their worst either.

    It's one thing to still have your face on because you work out after work/school/end of the day.
    It's another thing to wake up, put on your make up just to go to the gym. On a normal day I wear
    light make up but I also know that I am going to sweat it all off and probably have mascara running
    down my face by the time I am done. I'd rather go with a naked face than to leave looking like a clown.

    ETA: The only time I get concerned with what another female is wearing at the gym is if her lady bits
    are hanging out..... have some modesty and respect for other people. :\

    Understandable! I usually have eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow on, but it never runs on me. I don't put that much on if im not coming from work/school though. Always eyeliner though

    I don't really mind what people wear either. I did see this one girl running on the track in front of me in short spandex shorts with her butt cheeks flopping out with every stride xD that was a bit much for me, but eh i just dont pay attention and get in "my zone"

    Okay so maybe I stared at her butt for a while xD
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    Sometimes my initial thought is to tell the girl, "Hey, um.. Idk how to say this but your butt cheeks are showing. D:" But then I replay that in my head, consider it creepy even if my intentions are good, and just let her butt cheeks fly.
  • Lmao! Even though I don't judge anyone at the gym.. I still have eyes and notice things. So sometimes I want to say something too! Just in case they don't know that their butt cheeks are wiggling out and about xD Like telling someone to zip their fly
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    hey Stephy.

    i totally understand. why the hell do people even bother going to the gym if they aren't as awesome as you? yuck. just taking up space. you, with your perfectly undone hair and sparingly applied make-up - that's the only way to get the job done!

    don't even get me started on folks who are making a huge lifestyle change by 'walking' on a treadmill. the nerve of some people!

    friend me, k?

  • I sure didn't know the eliptical was lazy, lol I bust my rump on it daily and I burn off many calories....each to their own though.
  • Inchoately
    Inchoately Posts: 11 Member
    Ladies, can we please call a campaign to "Stop Gym Stink-Eye?" Gyms are a place to better YOUR body, not stink up anybody else's endeavors. Maybe the sweatless person is recovering from a medical problem, had a royally bad day, or maybe her face is just made in the "stink eye" way.

    It happens. Get over it. Don't perpetuate the gym stink-eye by returning the judgmental hatred! You just do you. You're spending your time at the gym--make it count.

    I've been tempted to parody the situation by wearing super 80s wear occasionally. I mean like, unitard, leg warmers, and a scrunchy.....If you can work out in a unitard, you can work out in any situation.
  • Hah, well, I agree with some of what you said. I hate seeing overly made up girls go to the gym and do absolutely nothing there. One girl I am friends with came in, did 10 minutes of cycling on a slow speed and minimum incline, and then went to the pool/gym's food place and got chocolate.
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    I've been tempted to parody the situation by wearing super 80s wear occasionally. I mean like, unitard, leg warmers, and a scrunchy.....If you can work out in a unitard, you can work out in any situation.
    I don't see anything wrong with that though, unless you're attempting to blind me with neon hi-liter colors.
  • Inchoately
    Inchoately Posts: 11 Member
    I also work out at a YMCA with a large population of elderly people. Let's just say the only time I gave the stink eye was when I spotted a scarily sagging male organ hanging out of scarily short shorts.
  • Abbzzz
    Abbzzz Posts: 49

    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I get terrible headaches when I put my hair up, so I war it down to the gym a lot. And I wear makeup since I come after work/school. And I know many are the same. What's the big deal? Not everyone wants to look all dolled up, but not everyone wants to look at their worst either.

    I sweat so much there is no way i could wear my hair down even when it gives me a headache, it sticks to my face and is so annoying. I don't wear makeup because i worry about it running down my face.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    TBH, a few times when I actually gave a flying f**k about somebody else working out in the gym was when I thought "OMG this chick/guy is freaking amazing for doing crazy *kitten* workout and I applaud his/her dedication!"

    Keep up the good work folks. All these posers aint gonna be in there for long
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    Not to be rude, but i find it pretty odd that you are complaining about people staring at/judging you for what you are doing, and your original post did the exact same thing towards the people you are at the gym with (you know, the lazy *kitten* ones that you aren't sure why they bother going...).

    All i can say is wow...perhaps it's because you think the way you do, that you feel everyone is giving you hard looks. I'd bet money on the fact that no one is actually caring that much about what someone else is doing at the gym...especially if they are working hard. Maybe you should change your mindset and consider the fact that they may be admiring or in awe of your intense workout. (or perhaps you just look pissed at the lazy *kitten* so that's what's comin' back at ya).

    I'm being a little snarky, and i don't know i'm apologizing a bit...i just find your post a bit shocking.
  • I only give people the evil eye at the gym for making a mess & not cleaning it, or crop dusting
    I'm suddenly reminded of the "Ladies.. what underwear do you wear to work out?" thread and reading responses of leaving snail trails on the machine seats.

    My gym has disinfectant wipes in both the cardio and weight room to clean off the machines/seats.
    I have started wiping them down before and after I use them bcs of the amount of people I have
    noticed not doing it after they are done. EWWW!
  • I use the 'lazy *kitten*' elliptical because it is low impact on my knee that I injured a number of years ago.
    but I still work hard and sweat while I am on it. I know I look rough, but I don't care.

    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I get terrible headaches when I put my hair up, so I war it down to the gym a lot. And I wear makeup since I come after work/school. And I know many are the same. What's the big deal? Not everyone wants to look all dolled up, but not everyone wants to look at their worst either.

    It's one thing to still have your face on because you work out after work/school/end of the day.
    It's another thing to wake up, put on your make up just to go to the gym. On a normal day I wear
    light make up but I also know that I am going to sweat it all off and probably have mascara running
    down my face by the time I am done. I'd rather go with a naked face than to leave looking like a clown.

    ETA: The only time I get concerned with what another female is wearing at the gym is if her lady bits
    are hanging out..... have some modesty and respect for other people. :\

    Understandable! I usually have eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow on, but it never runs on me. I don't put that much on if im not coming from work/school though. Always eyeliner though

    I don't really mind what people wear either. I did see this one girl running on the track in front of me in short spandex shorts with her butt cheeks flopping out with every stride xD that was a bit much for me, but eh i just dont pay attention and get in "my zone"

    Okay so maybe I stared at her butt for a while xD

    LOL!! I sweat like crazy so even a little bit of make up would end up on my face. I would take the time to
    remove any make up because I know it would not stay put. :\

    And as far as looking at the other chicas... I def notice, and use some of them as a push to work harder and
    get closer to where they are.
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    Looks like there are a lot of opinions on this, I thought I'd throw mine in there.. .. while I don't judge anyone for being at the gym for whatever reason.. hey they're paying just like me so whatever --- but I do kinda find it funny ::

    Just some of my observances ::

    -- If you can hold a complete and non-out of breath conversation on your cell phone -- than you're not really working out.. kudos for moving on the treadmill instead of just walking around the mall though.. so thats cool i guess..

    -- If you're chewing gum while you're doing chest flys -- um you're not doing it right

    -- If you're wearing skimpy clothes around, don't be surprised when you're looked at or act like you don't want to be looked at "that way" -- Yes you do... you earned it and want to show it off.. so just be honest :)
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    use the lazy *kitten* elliptical?? Since when is me sweating my *kitten* off on the elliptical make the elliptical a lazy machine to use?? Not all of us can run.

    I guess you can count me in as lazy too, somehow I lost 40lbs using nearly nothing except an elliptical and the wii to work out....
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and lazy like 90% of the women there. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the lazy *kitten* elliptical for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business, worry about themselves and stop making people feel so awkward.

    That girl that does what you can't.

    You make the gym sound like some b*tchy teenage drama flick.

    Maybe you make really weird grunting noises when you run and disturb other people?
    Maybe your flicking your sweat around and its hitting other gym members?
    Maybe your superior attitude as the "Girl who can do what you can't "makes your face all sour so people are just responding to perceived hostility?
    Maybe your just a very very special snowflake and they are all just jealous.