Rodderick89 Member


  • My local Sainsburys has a really rubbish collection of leggings/bottoms - Being 5 ft 10 makes it hard to buy trackies that aren't ankle swingers but even their leggings came up pretty short :neutral_face: Definitely appreciate the vanity sizing though ;)
  • I think my concern is being inbetween sizes at the moment, so things will get too big faster, as I tend to buy a size up, rather than squeeze into a size down. I think I'm just going to have to sweat it out in my crappy gym gear until I lose a few more inches then have a BIIIIIIG splurge on nice gear which as you say…
  • I haven't even watched the video and the fact someone chose to do 290 instead of 300 upsets me. It's the OCD in me that makes me finish my sets, as I can't possibly round down... guess it has to have perks! I really do get what you're saying about the whole makeup thing, as I say, it doesn't bother me, it just makes me…
  • I can see it catching on actually... we could post candid photos or sweaty selfies, perhaps turn it into a competition like this one..
  • I'm unsure why you've taken what I posted so personally - my point is that I don't go to the gym to look good during a workout, I go to burn calories, get stronger and increase my fitness levels. I started this thread to ask about recommendations for good workout clothes that are fit for purpose and comfortable (for me,…
  • SpecialSundae - I do love the Sweaty Betty range! I am currently 'paying' myself for each gym session I do (£1 each time I go), and I'm going to use the money I 'save' to buy some new gym gear... will definitely look at their sale range etc, and might ask for a couple of pieces as Christmas presents ;)
  • Having a 'treat' dessert after dinner, feeling like I wanted more junk food and just having a low calorie hot chocolate instead :) Also, did a full 30 minutes on the cross trainer at L8 (with 10 minutes up at L9), whereas a few weeks ago I couldn't complete even 25 minutes at L5!
  • I feel ya DawnieB1977!! I got my trainers from Sports Direct - Nike running shoes, which retailed at about £120, I got them for £40 in a sale as they were the last pair, and they are amazing! However most of the workout gear I saw in there this weekend was pretty bland and the tops were either generic cotton t-shirts (I…
  • Completing 30 minutes on Level 8 on the crosstrainer (10 minutes were actually level 9), whereas weeks ago I couldn't even complete 30 minutes at level 5 :) Love these threads - there is a longer one over at:
  • Sushi... yum! Although I doubt the chinese will serve that... I will have to suggest it for the next girl's night out we have :)
  • Sports bras are definitely the one item I have so far no skimped on.. bouncing around boobs is just plain painful! Thanks again everyone for your suggestions on where to buy workout gear - I found a decent pair of workout style leggings in Tesco this afternoon (£12) and a nice workout top in Sainsburys, also £12. :)
  • JoRocka - I know perfectly well how to apply mascara and eyeliner... unfortunately, the whole red face and sweaty side of things kinda ruins the effect. I have never seen, in the gym I use, a woman work out hard and look fantastic at the end of the session, but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all ;)
  • I can complete 30 minutes on the crosstrainer at level 8 and incline 2, and not feel as thought I am dying... whereas 30 days ago I could barely complete 25-30 minutes at level 5 (no incline). Yay :)
  • After a bad day of eating, I'll sit down and write down where I went wrong, e.g. no breakfast, chose a mars bar over a banana at breaktime, skipped lunch, leading to eating a pack of biscuits in the late afternoon... etc, to try and see what the reasons were. Then I tend to log EVERYTHING, and try to work out if I can…
  • LOL - randomtai, not all of us are blessed with your good looks ;) I'm thinking more of the handful of girls I see at the gym, wearing full makeup (i.e. dayglow orange foundation), high range workout gear, perfectly coifed hair... and they sit on the low bike for 20 minutes, stop-starting, whilst chatting on their…
  • Haha logg1e - that made me laugh. I agree, my motto is: However, 2 sizes too big joggers and oversized men's t-shirts are getting in the way and I need something that will help me stay cool. Unfortunately I'm not at a stage where I am comfortable wearing things that are tight fitting, or shorts/vest tops, so have fairly…
  • My breakfasts are usually one of the following: Slice of soya and linseed toast (no butter), with 30g peanut butter and half a banana. English muffin (toasted) with 30g original philidelphia cream cheese. 3 egg omelette with ham, spring onions, diced peppers and 30g half fat mature cheese. 30g-40g bowl of cornflakes, 200ml…
  • Also, the moo goo gai pan sounds like a great option, will have to check that out too!
  • You're right @barneygood, it's a rare occasion - I'm just worried about my total lack of self control and know that without some advance planning I'll easily sit and eat thousands of calories of food and undermine the hard work I've done in previous days, end up seeing a gain during my weekly weigh in and then give up on…
  • Thank you everyone for all of your input and great suggestions! I'm in the UK, so unfortunately no Walmart, but I am going to try some of our supermarkets (e.g. Sainsburys and Tesco) to see their selections. Hadn't thought of charity shops (thrift stores) or ebay/amazon, so thanks for those suggestions too ladies.. this is…
  • Options hot chocolate (mix the dry powder with a splash of milk first to make the drink frothy) for about 60 calories including milk <3
  • Didn't want to go to the gym. Read through this thread and the success stories thread for half an hour. Went to the gym. Had 700+ extra calories to eat to reach my net goal, so had a mars bar and ENJOYED it without feeling guilty! Sounds ridiculous, but that was the first guilt free chocolate I have had in over 4 years!!!
  • Thanks all for your input and advice :) I feel more confident now in choosing a 'healthier' option and staying within my net calories for the week. I am still in the very early stages of making this lifestyle change, so don't want to be gaining during my first few weeks. Thanks :)
  • Haha - interesting experiment, although I am also slightly amazed that no-one has popped up yet saying something negative about it being dangerous/promoting unhealthy eating!! I would LOVE to do this with mars bars... yummmmmmmmmmm! <3
  • That sounds yummy, I'll have a look! I just did a quick google search for some generic advice and found an NHS link covering all takeaways: For chinese it says: Try to avoid: sweet and sour battered pork balls with special or egg fried rice, prawn toast, spring…
  • I am thinking as my favourite part is the prawn crackers (strange, I know!) I might just work out general calories before hand, try and 'save' some calories each day before hand so I have some extra ones to splurge a little on the prawn crackers and then have a main chicken/veggie dish with something like soy sauce as…
  • My absolute favourite, 'easy' lunch is a sweet potato with baked beans. You could pre-bake the sweet potato, however I find it only takes about 6 minutes to cook in the microwave fresh at lunchtime. I use the Heinz baked beans 'snap pots', as they go straight in the microwave too, for 1 minute. Very quick, easy,…
  • Thanks for your replies - I know low sodium is unrealistic, a girl can dream eh! The takeaway we use has lovely staff, but I've asked them before what their 'healthy' options were and they weren't very useful. I think, as you say, meals that are 'meat and vegetables', and leaving off sauces (e.g. sweet and sour or satay)…
  • All very inspiring - I'm back at the start of my journey (again). Started at 219lbs, currently 206lbs, goal weight of 168lbs and then I'll reassess depending on how my clothes fit! 13lbs down... 38lbs left to go!
  • SW: 213lbs CW: 207.5lbs GW: 205lbs UGW: 168lbs Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (11/01 Saturday):213lbs 11/08 Sat: 210lbs 11/15 Sat: 207.5lbs 11/22 Sat: 206lbs 11/29 Sat: End of Month (11/30 Sunday): *7lbs down so far* :)