thecountess Member


  • I weigh in every evening after late dinner(teatime ) so that it motivates me to stop eating but my official weighin day for me is Monday begining of the week
  • i have problems and my dietion advises that when poorly you need suitable foods for your illness ...maybe with a cold i would imagine those foods of better quality with more vitamins
  • just saying hi on this posting im from lancashire and continuing to start dieting or dieting to continue dieting ...either way im here in the past ive always concentrated on food but this time ive decided to try and actually do more aswell so im sticking on a pedometer .but cant find anywhere on the site to enter pedometer…
  • any tips i have seem to be diet based as that is the area ive always focused on this time im trying to do it a bit different and bought a pedometer ..i dont walk well but it is encouraging me to do more ( especially on my bad days ) just a pity i cat find anywhere on here to enter the steps ive taken each dayat the end of…
  • i wouldnt eat nuts on a flight etc as i think they are toooooo many calories ...anyone got any other ideas for holiday flights as once i hit the airport ist like time ...freedom here i come !
  • is it possible to make your own onion rings and bake them instead of frying them ...sorta similar how do i find recipees on this site
  • hi wizziwig i am sure that you are right and organisation is the key to diet and even will power if i were more organised then things would be ready in advance so i would not then be tempted by other stuff ...perhaps i should see this as my key stratorgy be organised all the time
  • sorry james i deleted your friend request by mistake not very computer good .i still cant figure out how to add food on here and use the site .so now im not only struggling with my aweful weight but also this site ...oh woe is me
  • to devils avocado i think the getting into the plane seat diet is usually mty most succesful ..sooooo motivating i would die of embarrassment to hear those words ...extension please i always diet best about 3-4 months before a holiday ...i just need to try harder for the rest of the year
  • AMAZING A DIET UK TEAM everything is usually american this is great:happy: