Hello! Any advice?

I have been using this site for a week or so and I am really liking it. I wish I would have found it sooner. It seems like a great place to track all of the food and has some great tips.

I have been looking at some of the success stories on here and I am completely inspired by everyone. I am going this alone and wouldn't mind someone checking in and keeping me honest! If anyone has some tricks or tips that have worked for them, please let me know! Some days it is harder than others to get out to the gym and resist the urge to watch some baseball on the couch!


  • ecrb
    ecrb Posts: 8 Member
    A friend of mine has a great quote: "You will never regret working out but you will regret not working out." I play this through my head when I'd rather not do anything. She also says "Are you working out to get healthy or are you working out so you can eat?" Her words have helped me alot. Good luck!!!!:smile:
  • Shayleah05
    Shayleah05 Posts: 17 Member
    Having friends on here really helps for motivation. So if you like you can add me:)
  • thecountess
    thecountess Posts: 12 Member
    any tips i have seem to be diet based as that is the area ive always focused on this time im trying to do it a bit different and bought a pedometer ..i dont walk well but it is encouraging me to do more ( especially on my bad days ) just a pity i cat find anywhere on here to enter the steps ive taken each dayat the end of the day ( it only seems to do it by a 2 hour walk at mod pace etc

    food wise..... each week i take a product and scrutinise it to see if i find a lower calorie version maybe using different brand or different store as the weeks build up i should end up with a perfect trolley shop always looking at portion size that i eat ie do i eat half the packet or all the packet

    i use long handled teaspoons for pudding ( sort of feels glamourous )
    and small plates and bowls
    portion food out straight after shopping uc=sing plastis sandwich bags to layer between 3/4 slices of cooked meats ( then freeze it all up