Team UK - August2010



  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Onion rings are my BIG problem! The ones in Wetherspoons are divine and I always have a portion when I have dinner there but, as tasty as they are, I can't help that the sight of all of the grease in the bowl makes me feel a bit poorly. Well done for resisting them.

    Hi to all the newbies! Look forward to hearing how you're all doing. Have spent a couple of days doing heavy duty gardening so haven't done a proper workout but have definitely burnt off all of the calories I've eaten (and a few hundred more according to MFP). Weigh in due over the weekend and hope that I've reached my goal of 2lb loss this week.
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    Queenmedusa - good luck for your weigh in! Sounds like youve been burning some serious calories!

    My day wasn't so great. We ended up being out all day and starving at 2pm with the baby asleep in the car - so had McD's drive through. I'd love to say I got the salad; but I didn't! Chicken nuggets, med fries & diet coke. I don't feel too bad because I eat McD's about 3 times a year and I'm still within my calorie allowance for the day.

    I did notice that I was craving chocolate LOADS afterwards though. Managed to resist though and had a meringue nest to satisy my sweet tooth.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I had an egg McMuffin on Wednesday so I'm not completly virtuous! I was going to a meeting with my boss but we weren't going to have time for lunch so we went to Maccy D for breakfast instead. I was within my calorie limit too (and it's my first McD visit of the year). To be honest I find it amazing how quickly the days calories go and am not surprised how I gained so much weight when I ate more than I am now. I used to happily stuff food into my face without thinking about it and have always eaten a lot of cheese but now I see how many cals are in an ounce of cheddar and think how many ounces I used to eat! Think we should be aiming for 70/30 ratio anyway - good to naughty (at least that's what my trainer said) so the odd treat won't hurt so long as you get back on track x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Same as last month I'm late finding this months thread! I've had a pretty good month, I'm the lightest I've been in over 10 years and have moved to maintenance. I wanted to lose weight as all my clothes were getting too tight as the weight was slowing creeping up and now my clothes are too loose! Going shopping at the weekend with my daughter, I'm going to brave trying on some size 10 trousers, just hope they're not too tight :embarassed: I have this vague recollection of being a size 10 in my late teens/early twenties..long long ago :wink:
    Still lost weight last week despite upping my calories, there's no way I will have this week though as I have drunk far too much wine.

    So my goals for the month are

    1. Try to be good with the alcohol consumption
    2. Maybe lose another kilo, but really need to lose a bit of fat and gain muscle - tone up some more, would love to get rid of the bulge between my bra strap and armpit (how attractive) but suspect it's with me for good now. It wasn't there when I was this weight before :grumble: .
    3. Don't let my diet go to pot now I have more calories to play with, the odd treat is OK but junk must not regularly sneak back in.
    4. Find the September Team UK thread before the month is half over :bigsmile:
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Good luck for today Yvonne. I decided today was the day for trying to get back into my size 14s! Could do them up but they didn't look pretty *lol* Don't forget that your body changes over time so even at the same clothes size your body will look different - especially when you've had children. You may want to try a different bra size! If you haven't been fitted recently it may be a good idea since a lot of women are walking around with the wrong size on and weight gain/loss will move your sizes around (you may go up a cup size and down a back size). You're doing great - what's it like to be a size 10? I've never been a size 10!!!!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    I've managed to run out of food for breakfast, any ideas ?
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    double posted, which is odd.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Wow, so many new faces! Great to see :) Although suddenly after being gone for 2 weeks I feel like a newbie! I've been doing much better in Birmingham, trying to exercise but the rain is so annoying! Its like every day! and the gym is awkward to get to from where I'm living. I'm always walking at least an hour a day but often quite slow if its super rainy while I'm walking.

    I only lost 0.5lb but I'm pretty sure I lost more than that. I was really sick last weekend and took some Loperamide and uh lets just say now I have a whole weeks worth of food inside of me :blushing: but I went to put my watch on for the first time all week (cant wear it in the hospital) on Friday and it was way loose so I figure thats a good sign :)

    We are off to see the sister act musical this weekend, Whoopi Goldberg is playing mother superior (just for 3 weeks) so it should be even better and I've already heard its quite good. Really looking forward to that.

    Take care everyone, I miss having more time to check the thread!!

  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I've managed to run out of food for breakfast, any ideas ?

    Normally I hate cereal, but I've been heaps loving fruit and fibre mixed with natural yoghurt. Or if you are talking yummy weekend brekky, you could get some of the tesco light choices sausages (only 150cal for 2) and dry fry some veg - last week we had cherry tomatoes, onion, mushrooms and zucchini (courgette but I'm Australian :P) and it was absolutely delicious!
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    I've lost another 1.3lb this week.... so now at 8.2lb loss since 26th July!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm not using this one as an official weigh in as I only weighed my self for 1st time last Thursday but today it said I had lost 1kg. So don't know if that is a water retention thing or just cos I was running on empty after the gym. Either way a good first few days.
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm not using this one as an official weigh in as I only weighed my self for 1st time last Thursday but today it said I had lost 1kg. So don't know if that is a water retention thing or just cos I was running on empty after the gym. Either way a good first few days.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    You may want to try a different bra size! If you haven't been fitted recently it may be a good idea since a lot of women are walking around with the wrong size on and weight gain/loss will move your sizes around (you may go up a cup size and down a back size).

    Oh don't even go there with the bra size thing, it's always the first place I lose weight :cry: Let's just say if they get any smaller I'll probably be able to borrow my 13 year old daughters bras!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    That's why I was wondering if a bigger one may help with the bulge issue. I went to Ridby and Peller for a fitting and went up a cup size! Not sure if there are any exercises to make that area smaller so it may be that your bra is turning it into a problem x
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Team

    :flowerforyou: Beckiboo - oh to have your willpower, I came home from work on Thursday and daughter wanted takeaway (pizza) hubby ordered donna meat and chips ( yes I know the calories!) . Now if I had been more organised I would have had something in the slow cooker or something planned I'd have passed on it, but willpower had deserted me and I went for a childs portion of scampi and chips. In fact it's been a bad week for me as on Friday (13th) I went into Leeds (retail therapy :smile: ) with a few friends and we stopped off at M&S for a cuppa and slice of cake.

    Need to get back on track starting today. I usually do a Sunday dinner so this week I'll have to up the veggies and drop a few roasties.

    :flowerforyou: Yvonne you have some good goals, I'm not doing too well with mine at the moment. I still haven't been exercising regularly. I wish I could buy some motivation to get me started!

    :flowerforyou: Nessaj well done on the weight loss, you are well on your way to your year end goal.

    :smile: To everyone else, never, never give up, remember we are in this for the long haul.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hiya WizzyWig :smile: Am sure you'll get back on track - it's a marathon not a sprint! It's the odd piece of cake that keeps us sane :laugh:

    Am really happy today and just wanted to come on here and say that I've reached my goal for the month! I wanted to get down to under the next 'stone' marker before my birthday and my birthday is this week and I've got there! It's such a relief to get back down under that number - next goal is to lose another 8lbs to get back to my 'pre-ex-boyf' weight. As I've already lost 7lbs in 3wks on MFP (13lbs since April) I think I'm gonna get there. Haven't set a date for that achievement yet but will think of that later! Am gonna make myself a celebratory low-fat-veggie-omelette! :drinker:
  • thecountess
    thecountess Posts: 12 Member
    sorry james i deleted your friend request by mistake not very computer good .i still cant figure out how to add food on here and use the site .so now im not only struggling with my aweful weight but also this site ...oh woe is me
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Just thought I'd pop in for a quick update. It's fantastic reading the successes and what others are going through in the UK, certainly gives me motivation. I had a bit of a struggle this week as I started a new volunteer post and didn't spend much time at home, but I fit in a Zumba class and three days of Wii Sports Active. Must not have been too bad, I'm down another two lbs :D. I started the 30 day Shred yesterday, wow what a challenge! Still need to concentrate on better foods though.

    I hope your August is shaping up!
  • Mel_pinkworld
    Mel_pinkworld Posts: 3 Member
    Another newbe here! I started dieting in August 2009, after realising how much my weight had gone up after returning from a cruise! (I put 10lb on in two weeks!!) But seeing how high my weight was at that time just spured me onto properly diet.

    I want to lose another stone by March next year and thats me done until the July wedding! However, I'm finding this last stone so hard to budge!
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    Wow, it's great to see so many new faces!! Hope you're all having a good weekend.
    I got weighed on Wednesday last week instead of Thursday as I was at a wedding on Thursday. I lost 1lb but I haven't been very good since! Really really need to get back into it today and hope getting weighed a day early can work in my favour this week as I have an extra day to try and work it off!
    I'm happy today as Blackburn got their season off to a winning start against Everton, happy days :laugh:
    Have a good Sunday everyone x