Team UK - August2010



  • thecountess
    thecountess Posts: 12 Member
    hi wizziwig i am sure that you are right and organisation is the key to diet and even will power if i were more organised then things would be ready in advance so i would not then be tempted by other stuff ...perhaps i should see this as my key stratorgy be organised all the time
  • thecountess
    thecountess Posts: 12 Member
    is it possible to make your own onion rings and bake them instead of frying them ...sorta similar how do i find recipees on this site
  • uf353432
    Yippee - UK people - thats cool! :)

    I live in Dorset and came across this site through a friend. I have been logging food intake for past couple of weeks, and this week started logging exercise. My weight loss to date is from end of Jan this year since I started SW.

    August so far has been a bit slow - only 2.5lbs down in 2 weeks. In fact since hitting the 2.5 stone loss the next 1/2 stone has been really really slow. I was averaging about 7lb a month and its taking double the amount of time. My target for August was to loose the final lbs to acheive the 3 stone loss. I am half way through the month and just 2lbs off that goal.

    I am dog sitting for a friend this week, so along with my dog I have been taking them on a 70-90 min hike in the morning and 30min run in the evening. When my houseguest goes home next weekend, I hope to start running with just my labby starting at 1min interval running and increasing as my stamina increases.

    Next week is also really busy as I have plenty of days out planned. I am a childminder so school holidays always mean I can head out further afield and get some more exercise under my belt.

    I don't have a wedding, special occasion or holiday to motivate me, I am trying to shift the weight for me alone and to hopefully be a better role model to my daughters. I hope that everyones August continue to inspire other people.

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    uf353432 - you are doin the exact same as me. I too don't have any special occasion to lose weight, just want to do this for me and be a good role model for my daughter.

    I lost 2lb this week. This is my first weight loss in a couple of weeks as I tried really hard with my diet and exercise. Finally my efforts are starting to pay off!!!!
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    uf353432 & Sim247 - exact same reasons as me. I'm hoping to wait until 6 months to wean my daughter and I really want to do Baby Led Weaning (no purees, straight onto finger food. You just give them what you have to eat) so I need to improve my diet by then. I don't want her eating some of the rubbish I do!

    I'm awful at cooking too, so I suppose I should start practicing soon. Trying to plan a balanced diet scares me silly - I rely on the same things day in day out- all very carb heavy. Eeeeek!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well I went shopping today, didn't even try on any size 10 trousers, being petite it's challenging to find some I like that don't hang over my feet. I did intend to go back to the first shop to try on the only pair I liked but I soon lost the will to live. I hate shopping anyway and clothes shopping with a teenage girl should carry a health warning! Surprised it's not an MFP exercise, it's emotionally and physically exhausting :laugh: Needless to say I came home with nothing, she came home with a couple of bags full which will not doubt be scattered over the bedroom floor by tomorrow. Ahhh don't you just love 'em :heart:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    ....Oh and I had a bacon double cheeseburger in Burger King :blushing: Haven't had one in years and the first mouthful was bliss, had slight attack of guilt halfway through but hey-ho. Checked the nutritional info when I got home and compared to some of the options it wasn't sooooo bad :ohwell: Still within my calories thanks to my trip to the gym this morning :) Must get back on track for my goal to eat mainly healthily though, had chinese takeaway last night too. It's been a very naughty weekend foodwise.
  • uf353432
    uf353432 & Sim247 - exact same reasons as me. I'm hoping to wait until 6 months to wean my daughter and I really want to do Baby Led Weaning (no purees, straight onto finger food. You just give them what you have to eat) so I need to improve my diet by then. I don't want her eating some of the rubbish I do!

    I'm awful at cooking too, so I suppose I should start practicing soon. Trying to plan a balanced diet scares me silly - I rely on the same things day in day out- all very carb heavy. Eeeeek!

    I did BLW with both of mine at about 6mths old and it was fab - highly recommended. I did extended BF with both as well. My youngest who was 2 in June only stopped last month :)
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Ooops I had a chinese with friends in Chinatown last night, curse those vodkas as if I wasn't tipsy I'd have said no to the chinese. Must work harder at the gym this week to recover. That's been the only bad mark since I started this last week.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Hellooo, I want to join in :) I only started doing this seriously on sunday, but feeling really positive and determined to exercise regularly now, as well as monitoring my calorie intake. I was going to start the 30 day shred today but i've done myself an injury (possibly cycling on saturday?) and could barely get out of bed, the left side of my neck and shoulderblade are really stiff and painful, so i'm having the day off work, and going for a walk to Lidl and back (should take about an hour) to stock up on healthy goodies. They've got a nice blender in there today for smoothie making, so fruit, skimmed milk and fat free yoghurt will be in my basket too!

    My weigh in day will be saturday I think.
  • terrijayne
    terrijayne Posts: 31 Member
    hey team uk..ive been here for 50 days now and finally lost 1 stone!!! i live in dorset and am slightly disabled but mfp is awesome and has heklped me loads...can i join the team then??
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Goooood morning UK! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you are all ok and had good weekends.. Mat i have noted the cheeky Chinese you had!! lol dont worry i am exactly the same after a few voddys... always have something crap to eat!! Oops!

    So i had a pretty good weekend by all accounts... i usually overeat/binge/dont go to the gym... but this weekend was different.
    After the amazing detox which i started on Tuesday 10th Aug, i didnt want to ruin all my hard work... here are my results

    Start weight - 10 stone 10lbs.
    Finish Weight 10stone 3lbs....!!!! :noway:
    My eyes nearly fell out my head when i saw the number on the scales.. somehow i dont think my ticker is correct.. ill have a look at that soon! :laugh:

    so anyways.. back to my weekend... didnt drink andy booze apart from a small glass of Rose with my roast on Sunday..Went to the gym n burnt about 640cals so i felt like i desearved one!

    Today i feel fabulous!! my mini goal in my head is 10stone.. which i would like to be before i go to France on the 4th September! *Fingers crossed i get there* :drinker:

    Whats everyone elses goals for this month?

    :heart: KP
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    hey team uk..ive been here for 50 days now and finally lost 1 stone!!! i live in dorset and am slightly disabled but mfp is awesome and has heklped me loads...can i join the team then??

    TERRI - Well done on the 1stone weight loss.. thats great!! Of course you can join the team! look forward to reading your posts!! :flowerforyou:
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member

    Well done on a huge drop there, that's one good detox clearly.

    I don't think I need to drink any more vodka. I had 7 yesterday and didn't feel even the slightest bit tipsy. I reckon the diet coke and all it's bad additives stops the alcohol from forming in my brain haha. What a waste of £30. London vodka is not cheap !!

    No more chinese for a while now. Can't wait to go food shopping tonight - but buying the correct kind of foods.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey guys - I've been a bit slack on the posting, although I have been lurking and reading.

    Welcome to all the newbies, good luck with all your goals :happy:

    Things are going slow for me at the moment, I'm in the last 8 pounds or so of my loss and it is going, but it is going slowly! I've deliberately set my cals for quite a slow loss as I'm running a lot at the moment for the training for the half marathon, and I need the fuel! August is always a bit dire for me as there are quite a few birthdays (including my own), and we generally have a few days off work.

    My goals for the rest of this month is to make sure I do all my scheduled running, and to hopefully lose a pound.

    Take care everyone,

  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Hope you're all having a good day :smile:

    There was an abundance of cake at work today but I didn't have any of them :noway: I was really pleased with myself since I'm normally a sucker for a pretty cake (esp. cream ones). In fact the smell of the calories turned my stomach and I went back to my desk and ate fruit! :laugh:

    Also had my first Graze box delivered today. I really liked the selection they sent me so if anyone else has been thinking about trying a box but haven't yet taken the plunge you can use the following incentive code on their website - you'll get the first box free and the second for half price (normally £2.99 inc postage): R9R7GB3N

    Off for a walk to the post office now (a couple of miles for the round trip) and might get myself some fruit for later. Considering doing a 1 day detox later this week but not sure if it's worth doing for one day.
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    What's a graze box ?
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    I don't think I need to drink any more vodka. I had 7 yesterday and didn't feel even the slightest bit tipsy. I reckon the diet coke and all it's bad additives stops the alcohol from forming in my brain haha. What a waste of £30. London vodka is not cheap !!

    You know, the exact same thing happens to me! I can drink vodka and diet coke all night (my low cal drink of choice, bye bye guinness and black :cry:) and not get tipsy. May as well just drink the diet coke and save some money!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    In London I think the coke is more expensive than the shot of voddy.
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    That sounds like a fab detox! What did it involve? I was thinking about doing one, but probably just fruit, veg, rice etc - can't be too drastic because of the breastfeeding.

    Mat - I've not had a graze box but I've seen them advertised. The company sends you a box of healthy snacks (dried fruit, nuts etc) and the idea is that you leave it on your desk (for example) and snack on it throughout the day. I think