grimacy Member


  • How cool would it be to get all of you who are getting married or those of you in a wedding, together in one private group on facebook. I already lead one and would love to do a specific wedding group. Let me know if you are interested and I will send you more details.
  • I am not getting married, but I know a few things about fitness and nutrition. If you care to share what you are doing maybe I can help you kick it into high gear.
  • Do you have something specific that you might want some help with? Nutrition, exercise, both?
  • Just wanted to say hi! I have been tracking calories here on and off, but just now finding out what a great site this is for support. Have a wonderful weekend. Bridget
  • I like this--I too would have agreed with the girl (sorry, don't remember your name right now) who said you need to motivate yourself even though others are encouraging you. That being said...I motivate myself to workout everyday because I love the endorphin rush, but I slack at times when it comes to portion size and…
  • Hopefully you read through all of the great posts and all of the great advice. You have to focus on YOU and not how everyone else is doing. Easy for me to say, but it is true. Everyone loses and changes in different ways and the scale is not the tell all. Where will you be if you give up? Back to square one. Where will you…
  • I will listen to you. I know for me that getting my frustration out is a huge help. When I am angry, I feel that urge to stuff it down with food, but if I get it out it feels a little better. Friend me if you would like. I am on facebook as well--Bridget Carney Scileppi Glad you reached out.
  • Yes, it was tough but I feel amazing afterwards. That is what you have to remember going into it and also what do you say to yourself before and while you are working out? This is hard, I can't do this, I hate this OR I got this, 5 seconds left I can do this. When Shaun T is doing those side to side ski jumps--this may…
  • Time to get it done!! E & E is digested and it's time to knock out Insanity Cardio Circuit...who's with me?
  • It's a 60 day high intensity at home workout program
  • I am doing Insanity and have gone through it before. I also have a private facebook page where I have 12 people doing these different programs. Would anyone be interested in getting into the group and I could support you through there? Let me know.
  • Hi! This is such a great site for keeping track of what is going in our mouths. I love the endorphin rush of a good workout, but I need to get the portion sizes back under control. Violette- I agree 6lbs is great and jojo has a great suggestion of mixing it up, upping the intensity or maybe tweaking your diet a little.…
  • HI Suzy- When I use the food tracker I get a rude awakening with what I am eating, so it really helps me. I haven't taken the time to look around this site and I am glad I am because there is a lot here. Support is so crucial when you are trying to lose weight and keep going with your workouts. Just to have someone to vent…
  • What are WATP videos?
    in Frustrated Comment by grimacy March 2009
  • Strength training is such a huge help when trying to lose weight and tone. The more muscle your body has the more you will burn and it boosts your metabolism. I personally workout with p90x and chalean extreme from beachbody and have never been happier. Good luck to you.
    in Frustrated Comment by grimacy March 2009