frcklz613 Member


  • What's your name? Melissa Where do you live? Virginia (near Richmond) What are your food vices/ cheats? CHOCOLATE!! Although recently it's been too many pita chips. Those are addictive! What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Not having enough time to devote to exercise What's your favorite…
  • Haha, I thought it was Unrealistic Goal Weight. Not sure! Btw, I'm close to being your twin. I'm 5'3 and reaching for 106!
  • Not far from being your twin! Height: 5'3 SW: 132 CW: 110.5 GW: 105
  • Mine is my pre-pregnancy weight, but my goal is really once the "muffin top" is gone and I can comfortably wear my dress pants for work. I don't think there's an exact science, but I know the recommended weights for me always end up equaling a tire around my middle. That's always where my weight ends up. I will always have…
  • I found a list of Bob Harper's skinny rules (from Biggest Loser), and they've been my biggest help. Plus they're very specific, which I needed. A few I've really held to: - Drink a large glass of water before every meal. No exceptions. - Don't eat anything within 3 hours of bedtime. - Don't drink your calories. - Have…
  • I was depressed about my weight after giving birth (had a C-section and did not realize how much recovery was involved), but I couldn't motivate myself. After I went back to work and had been back a little while, one of my students asked me why I still looked pregnant (4th graders). I knew it was an innocent question, but…
  • Hi everyone! I had my first child (a boy) back in December. I gained almost 50 pounds and have been working hard since March (when I finally got my kick in the butt) to lose it. So far, I've lost almost 30! I'm really close to my goal but keep hitting walls. I've always been very petite (didn't break 100 until college),…
    in Intro Comment by frcklz613 August 2012
  • No weight loss this week. One day I went down to 114.5 (last week's weigh-in was 115), but it's been closer to 116 most days. Need to get off my butt and get more active if I want to fit in my work clothes by start of school (day after Labor Day). My goal is 110, so it's within reach! Keep pushing on, girls! Any loss is…
    in Weigh In Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • Awesome, congrats!!
    in Weigh In Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • Started at 119 Last week - 117 This morning, I was SOO excited! 115! This is a weight I actually saw before I got pregnant, so I know I can take it from here. My clothes still don't fit since it's all belly fat this time, but that's why I'm still working. I need to check the inches again. 2 lbs each week will cut it just…
    in Weigh In Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • I weigh myself almost every morning, so I always have a pretty good idea what the scale will say. It's still stressful though...
  • I weigh myself almost every morning, so I always have a pretty good idea what the scale will say. It's still stressful though...
  • Today's weigh-in was 117 (2 pounds down), but I did reach 116.5 earlier this week! Very happy to finally see results again, and I'm hoping to do some more Insanity later!
    in Weigh In Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • Haha, I tried to enter my height, and it put my feet and inches in the same box (53 feet). I was freaking out trying to figure out how i had a 0 BMI...apparently VIetnam is the lowest though, bc that's what it gave me for the oops!
  • Cambodia - lower BMI than 88% women my age in the US. My problem is that it's ALL in the belly, making clothes fit very awkwardly.
  • Not so great with my food choices, but I'm pushing with the exercise and trying to make better decisions food-wise. A few big positives though: I haven't had anything but water to drink for the past week, have cut out any foods 3 hours before bed, and I actually made it to the end of the Insanity fit test this morning! Now…
    in 5 days in Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • Love the detail on the back, and to echo everyone else, you look gorgeous!!
  • Alright today considering we were celebrating a birthday. Ended up BARELY in the green after counting my little bit of cleaning and toting around my 20-lb infant. I'll take it though! When I weighed this morning, I was back down another pound that I found earlier this summer!
  • I'm trying to follow Bob Harper's Skinny Rules (from Biggest Loser). Found them on Pinterest. He recommends a full breakfast and no carbs after lunch along with a few other simple tips to follow. Another thing is to not eat anything 3 hours before going to bed. Still working on that one...…
  • Today's a big cleaning day, then I hope to go for a long walk somewhere pretty (that is, if it's not too hot). I burned about 335 calories cleaning this morning!
    in July 7th Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • 119 as of yesterday morning.
    in Weigh In Comment by frcklz613 July 2012
  • I just did the Zumba party (found a link to the video online!) since I couldn't make it to the gym today. Burned almost 200 calories on it!
  • I'll join! I'm trying to lose 10 pounds to get closer to my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost 10 quick when I started, but I've barely lost anything in the past 3 months. Help!