

  • I love Jillian Michaels DVD's, but I also do They have hundreds of FREE videos and range from intensity and exercises! I have been doing them for over a year and they are amazing!!! They are everything from no weights to weights to kettlebells and they have workouts as short as 5 min to as long as…
  • has a LOT of different videos and they are FREE and amazing!! A lot of them are without weights, but they have some for kettle bells and hand weights. I have been doing their videos for over a year and love them!!! Check em out!!
  • I have been doing and I LOVE them!! They are FREE and they have TONS of different workouts on it, including strength. I have been consistent in doing thier workouts and I am seriously in LOVE with the tone in my back and my arms!! ( I never thought I would say that before I lost 80 lbs!!!) If you are on…
  • I have about 20 of her DVD's!! I lost 80lbs (That was my goal) doing them!!! I still do them daily!! I have so many that I switch them up and never get bored! I LOVE them all!!! It only took me 9 mths to lose the weight, but I included eating healthy also! So, with both changes in my lifestyle, I was successful!! Good…