

  • I'm going to say fridge and cupboards lol -unsweetened almond milk -100 calorie popcorn -67% less fat margarine -fresh fruit and veggies (pink lady apples/mangos/broccoli usually) -light laughing cow cheese (in jalapeno)
  • I made the best broccoli last night and this is basically how: -rinse broccoli, cut it up into bit sized pieces - slice up some garlic cloves and toss in -drizzle a bit of olive oil over it, salt, and pepper and toss it to coat it -cut up a lemon and squeeze the juice over top.. I used just a quarter of a lemon -roast in…
  • Thanks so much for all the replys so far!
  • Haha no offence at all, I used to smoke everyday. I used to just get a ton of fruit and eat and eat and eat but the sugar is still bad. I basically quit smoking because of the munchies. I should try that but I always find my binge eating directs me to certain foods, like, oh I want to binge on chips. Chipschipschips, its…
  • It's an everyday fight for me too.
  • I honestly think I need real help because I have compulsively eaten since I was probably 8 years old and I am almost 22 now.. I just do NOT want to admit it out loud. It's what got me to be overweight. I am not overweight anymore (but still trying to get to my goal which is hard with the binge eating) but I am horrified of…
  • I know you said you have no money right now but I went to walmart and got myself a digital scale for pretty damn cheap there. If you don't mind the old school ones, they where even cheaper. Just a heads up for when you are able to get one. :)
  • "You're not fat, you're just chubby" - friend after I called myself fat "You need to lose about 10lbs" - mom after I worked up all of my courage to come out of the fitting rooms trying on jeans.. I ended up losing over 40lbs after these two comments I received in the same week.
  • Complicate for the most part. Although sometimes if I want chips at night he tells me no.