

  • Lost one pound even though I haven't had much time to exercise. After finals next week I'll be able to go to the gym more and hopefully lose more weight.
  • Fellow grad student here. I started school in the fall and joined MFP in January. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Forgot to post yesterday but no weight loss for me this week. Couple of things that are contributing to that are TOM and final projects all due in the next 2 weeks. Hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow since I've made some progress on school stuff tonight. Keep up the good work for those who lost and those who didn't…
  • Like previous posters have said get it checked out. I also agree with a stationary bike and swimming as exercises. After an ACL reconstruction and miniscus repair I was allowed to do them after a few weeks and with PT and doc approval.
  • Congrats!!!! I'm a half pound away from this success story myself.
  • Silverroxy- I'm sure there will be another one next month... I joined the Feb group and some of us moved over here from that one. If no one starts it up tomorrow morning you could start it.
  • Goals for 3/29 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes 2. Log all food- yes 3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour- yes and even more walking since I went to the mall to go shopping with my friend 4. Finish 2 homework assignments- finished 3 Goals for 3/31 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Walk for 1 hour 4. Finish…
  • SW 184 Week 1 178.5 Week 2 177 Week 3 177 Week 4 175 Final weigh in 174.5- stupid TOM I was down to 173 earlier in the week, but this is my weight this morning so it's the one I'm counting GW 168.5 I didn't make 10 pounds, but I still lost 4 pounds at least. Hoping to make some changes next month and see some more…
  • Goals for 3/28 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes 2. Log all food- yes 3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour- no and yes. I forgot it was spring break and the pool was full of kids by the time i got to the gym. 4. Stay positive even with so much negativity and emotional issues going on in my life.- yes I've accepted my…
  • I would have to say grad school and the homework that goes along with it. I'm in an accelerated program and completing an internship at the same time. Hoping to have my classes done in December and then my research project will be completed the following spring. I'm going to need motivation during this challenge because my…
  • 1. I will continue not drinking regular soda, I switched to rootbeer since I'm trying to cut caffeine (will eventually cut this too) 2. I plan to cut my starbucks habit, was every other day, which will not only help my calories but also my bank account :happy: 3. Less couch time... more moving and losing
  • Goals for 3/27 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done 2. Log all food- done even though it is NOT pretty (lots of emotional eating) 3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour- no way I had a pity party instead 4. Work on homework- done Goals for 3/28 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1…
  • Today's weigh in was 174.5 but that was not eating much last night or this morning... not a good idea especially due to the drama that is causing it. Hoping to be 173 next week but would always be happy with more weight loss. Ultimate goal for this challenge is 145.
  • Goals for 3/24 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes and then some 2. Log all food- yes 3. Taking my nephew to the zoo so I will be walking a lot- 3.5 hours of walking while carrying my nephew is quite the workout 4. Try to do some homework- didn't happen, but a nap sure did Goals for today even though the day is almost over…
  • My plan is to swim 3 days a week and walk 4 days a week. I plan to add strength training later, but for now I want to stick with swimming and walking.
  • Hi I'm Bree. I am almost 28 (birthday in mid April) and love this group because I am going on a trip to Cancun in July and losing 30 pounds would make me much happier when I have to put on a bathing suit in front of everyone. I joined in January but have not been as dedicated as I should have. I've lost 9 pounds so far but…
  • I'm in. A friend posted pics of me on facebook that were taken yesterday and it was an eye opener that while I've lost 9 pounds I still have a lot to lose.
  • SW 184 Week 1 178.5 Week 2 177 Week 3 177 Week 4 175 GW 168.5 Only 3.5 pounds lost so far, I need to get moving if I want to lose even close to 10 pounds.
  • Goals for 3/22 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done 2. Log all food- done 3. Swim for 1 hour- no I forgot I was babysitting my nephew all day 4. Work on 2 homework assignments- I got 3 done and another started Goals for 3/24 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Taking my nephew to the zoo so I will be walking a…
  • Goals for 3/20 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done 2. Log all food- done 3. Swim for 1 hour- no I walked instead 4. Work on homework- done I didn't set goals for today, but I've done a pretty good job sticking to my consistent goals. Goals for 3/22 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Swim for 1 hour 4. Work on 2…
  • Goals for 3/19 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done 2. Log all food- done and under calorie goal 3. Swim for 1 hour- done Goals for 3/20 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Swim for 1 hour 4. Work on homework
  • I started cutting Pepsi in January. I used to drink at least 2-3 20ozs a day, but cut back to one a day in January. In February I cut to one every other day. March 1st I cut out all Pepsi, but I still occasionally have a rootbeer when I feel the need for a Pepsi. My next challenge for April is to start giving up my every…
    in SODA Comment by aandbthomas1 March 2012
  • Thanks for posting this. I needed it after a lack of scale movement at my last weigh in, but my clothes are starting to fit better.
  • Goals for 3/17 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done drank 11 2. Log all food-done 3. Walk 60 minutes-done 4. Work on homework -done Goals for today even though it is almost over 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- almost done at 8 so far 2. Log all food- done 3. Clean carpets- done Goals for 3/19 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2.…
  • Goals for 3/16 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes 2. Log all food- yes but 60 calories over 3. Walk for 60 minutes and swim for 60 minutes- walk yes, swim no 4. Work on homework- yes Goals for 3/17 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Walk 60 minutes 4. Work on homework Frustrated with today's weigh in, I know my…
  • I haven't been logging my exercise minutes so I'm not sure exactly how many I have, but I figured I'd log today's minutes walking 60 minutes total 360/1440
  • Sw 184 3/2 178.5 3/9 177.0 3/16 177.0 Haven't exercised as much as I should, but have made decent food choices. I'm making a goal to exercise at least one hour a day everyday next week and hope that gets me out of my exercise slump. Congrats to those who lost this week and let's keep moving forward.
  • Goals for 3/15 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- 7 so far, hoping to make 10 before bed 2. Log all food- yes but 90 calories over 3. Walk for 60 minutes- yes 4. Work on homework- no did laundry and cleaned house instead Goals for 3/16 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Walk for 60 minutes and swim for 60 minutes…
  • Goals for 3/14 1. Drink 10 glasses of water- only 6 2. Log all food- yes but about 100 over 3. Walk for 60 minutes- no but will do it today 4. Work on homework- yes Goals for 3/15 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Walk for 60 minutes 4. Work on homework
  • Been a few days since I've made my goals and there is a noticeable difference without them. So its back to the basics for me and hopefully headed back in the right direction after two days that were not so great. Goals for 3/14 1. Drink 10 glasses of water 2. Log all food 3. Walk for 60 minutes 4. Work on homework
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