March Day by Day Challenge--Open to ALL!!!



  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    I like this challenge

    Stick to my calorie limit
    Stay clean with my eating
    No alcholic beverages
  • Goals for 3/22
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done
    2. Log all food- done
    3. Swim for 1 hour- no I forgot I was babysitting my nephew all day
    4. Work on 2 homework assignments- I got 3 done and another started

    Goals for 3/24
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Taking my nephew to the zoo so I will be walking a lot
    4. Try to do some homework
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Haven't been very good about checking in over the weekend, but I'm back again!!

    *Goals for 23 March
    1-10 glasses of water-DONE
    2-RI30-DONE *and* got in a 30-minute run!
    3-log EVERYTHING consumed-DONE
    4-avoid self-sabotage-DONE!

    Goals for 26 March
    1-10 glasses of water
    3-log EVERYTHING
    4-avoid alcohol
    5-email interview results
  • Ended up working most of the weekend so didn't reach my goals of cleaning and taking time to myself. BUT, I was good about logging everything and even came in under calories on Saturday. Yesterday was a different story, went over when I baked cookies for kiddos (ate like 4 on my own!) but exercised in the afternoon. I definitely have to get a heart rate monitor I was pounding it on the elliptical yesterday... did 30 seconds of extreme and 30 seconds of moderate for almost 30 minutes. Silly machine says I only burned a little over 100 cals... no way!

    Today's goals:

    1.) Limit sugar and carbs to make up for yesterday's cookie binge!
    2.) Increase veggies and fiber
    3.) Go to a kick boxing class tonight.
  • Goals for 3/24
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes and then some
    2. Log all food- yes
    3. Taking my nephew to the zoo so I will be walking a lot- 3.5 hours of walking while carrying my nephew is quite the workout
    4. Try to do some homework- didn't happen, but a nap sure did

    Goals for today even though the day is almost over
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Swim for 1 hour- done
    4. Work on homework

    Goals for 3/27
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour
    4. Work on homework
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Wow, what a ****ty day yesterday.
    I went to dinner at a friend's house last night, completely unexpected. Planned on only having one glass of wine (which threw that goal in the trash) and just kept drinking. That led to a lot of eating. And now my brain is fuzzy and I feel like I still have alcohol running through my system. That has started my day off today eating crap to just try to absorb the wine in my blood. I am so mad at myself I could scream. If anyone actually reads this, I could use some serious support right now. Thanks.

    Goals for 26 March
    1-10 glasses of water-NO
    4-avoid alcohol-NO
    5-email interview results-DONE

    Goals for 27 March
    1-10 glasses of water
    2-log everything
    3-avoid alcohol
    4-finish and email presentations from winter term
  • Yesterday ALMOST made my goals. Could have lightened up on the sugar more than I did. BUT did go to an hour kick boxing class last night and kept dinner minimal.

    1.) TONS of water to flush out the sugary nastiness.
    2.) Load up the fruits and veggies today
    3.) Plan calories around dinner. (Business dinner out tonight and its SO hard to be good.)
    4.) Don't be a bump on a log when I get home even though it might be later. Maybe a little yoga before bed.
  • Goals for 3/27
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done
    2. Log all food- done even though it is NOT pretty (lots of emotional eating)
    3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour- no way I had a pity party instead
    4. Work on homework- done

    Goals for 3/28
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour
    4. Stay positive even with so much negativity and emotional issues going on in my life.

    aklitten- drink plenty of water to flush your system and I hope you feel better!
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Even worse day yesterday than the day before. But I have a new day ahead of me, and I WILL reach all of my goals!!

    *Goals for 27 March
    1-10 glasses of water-NO
    2-log everything-NO
    3-avoid alcohol-sort of, just had a couple of sips of wine from Na'he's glass
    4-finish and email presentations from winter term-DONE

    *Goals for 28 March
    1-10 glasses of water
    2-If I bite it, write it
    3-avoid alcohol and chocolate
    4-RI30 + bike
    5-update website
    6-boil eggs for Friday Feastings
  • Well...we're in the home stretch here with March. Can you believe it?!

    Didn't meet all my goals yesterday. ALMOST did but blew it between dinner out and nighttime sweet tooth attack. I mean BLEW it. Ended up 400 calories over and in all reality, probablly a little bit more. :(

    Ok, TODAY's a NEW Day....

    1.) Up the ante on the water.... 60+ oz. to flush out my sugar overload.
    2.) Lots of fiber and veggies today.
    3.) Get my butt moving... maybe some 30 Day Shred. (Never actually made it to level 2 yet.)
  • Passover is approaching, and I need to get my cleaning butt in gear!!

    Thu: Office
    Fri: Spare bedroom and bathrooms
    Sat: Bedroom
    Sun: Living room
    Mon: Laundry and kitchen
    Tues: Entire apt
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Holy Cow! Its been a whole week!
    Goals for Last Wednesday:
    1. Dr appointment for my husband
    2. Eat at calorie goal-log late night snacks
    3. Burn 1000 calories or be satisfied with less

    I completed all 3 of these goals.

    Goals for Today
    1. Walk my dog
    2. Bootcamp or yoga at the gym
    3. Figure out dates, commitments & see if my daughter comes home sick
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    It's a new day! I'm ready to grab this bull by the horns!

    *Goals for 28 March
    1-10 glasses of water-DONE
    2-If I bite it, write it-DONE
    3-avoid alcohol and chocolate-DONE
    4-RI30 + bike-DONE
    5-update website-DONE
    6-boil eggs for Friday Feastings-bummer, nope!

    *Goals for 29 March
    1-If i bite it, write it
    2-Stay under cals by 100
    3-RI30 + bike
    4-make food for work for tomorrow
    5-Post office
    6-upload photos from conference
  • Well, didn't find time to exercise yesterday. Got home from my day around 9 p.m. Other than that, wasn't TOO bad.

    Today: Already been a bad girl... ate 1/2 a bagel in the office. (they were still warm! couldn't resist.)

    1.) Water, 60+ oz.
    2.) MUST exercise tonight. MUST!!!
    3.) No matter how late I get home, have to tidy up a bit.
  • Goals for 3/28
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes
    2. Log all food- yes
    3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour- no and yes. I forgot it was spring break and the pool was full of kids by the time i got to the gym.
    4. Stay positive even with so much negativity and emotional issues going on in my life.- yes I've accepted my current circumstances and am moving forward with my life.

    Goals for 3/29
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour
    4. Finish 2 homework assignments
  • Had a bad day all ways around yesterday. It was so bad I got a happy meal for dinner on my way home which wasn't until after 8 p.m. I then sat on my butt all night and watched 3 hours of TV before bed.


    1.) Lots of water!
    2.) Very minimal calories for most of the day. Have a work cocktail party / dinner thing which might be dangerous tonight.
    3.) Clean up a bit when I get matter how late it is!

    Serious exercise to make up for my naughtiness this week. Both days... minimum of 45 minutes of cardio and some strength on both Saturday and Sunday. I can do this!!!

    Sunday--- Cook something healthy so I have it for the week.

    Start some spring cleaning and shred old bills, etc. that are piling up.
  • By the way.... I REALLY liked this group. Even on day's I didn't stay on track, I still logged in.

    Anyone interested in starting over for April?
  • Goals for 3/29
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes
    2. Log all food- yes
    3. Swim for 1 hour and walk for 1 hour- yes and even more walking since I went to the mall to go shopping with my friend
    4. Finish 2 homework assignments- finished 3

    Goals for 3/31
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Walk for 1 hour
    4. Finish 3 homework assignments
  • Silverroxy-
    I'm sure there will be another one next month... I joined the Feb group and some of us moved over here from that one. If no one starts it up tomorrow morning you could start it.
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    the new board is up: please come by and say hi. New or old, all are welcome !!