March Day by Day Challenge--Open to ALL!!!



  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Goals for 3/14/12:

    1) Stay under calorie allowance
    2) 30 Day Shred
    3) Have a healthy supper
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Tuesday were:
    1. 1. Go to the gym
    2. Minimal Housecleaning
    3. Keep calories down while still logging excess crap at night

    I completed all 3 of these goals. Well maybe not so much housecleaning

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Go to the gym & do my c25k
    2. Make a plan with my husband and secure it
    3. Minimal shopping
  • Well.... I sabotaged myself yesterday when my colleagues insisted that I order dessert last night.


    1.) Double or even triple my water to flush out all the nastiness.
    2.) Seriously limit the carbs!
    3.) Up the fruits and veggies today.... I'm in recovery mode here.
  • Been a few days since I've made my goals and there is a noticeable difference without them. So its back to the basics for me and hopefully headed back in the right direction after two days that were not so great.

    Goals for 3/14
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Walk for 60 minutes
    4. Work on homework

  • March 14:
    Water, cereal, prune juice, oj - Yup except skipping cereal...
    Pilates 30 mins - Make up tomorrow
    Walk 30 mins - Did 60 mins!!
    Email catch up - Sort of
    Moisturize - Blah
    5 dif veggies, 3 dif fruits - Success!!
    Catch up on laundry - Not even close
    Continue going to sleep earlier than night before - Yea right

    Have a great wednsday everyone!!

    Can't focus on the negative, I did ok-ish today with my goals. Onward to thursday! I'm really trying to focus on goals that I want to make habits. Just like I can't skip taking my thyroid med or walking the dogs, there are some things I really shouldn't be skipping either and those are in my top priority.

    March 15:

    Daily diet (cereal, prune juice, water, oj)
    Garlic feet
    5 dif veg, 3 dif fruits
    30 minute pilates and stretch
    30 minute aerobic/walk w light weights
    Sign up for birthing course
    Survive dinner and movie with pops in law and new gf (and attempt to have a positive attitude going into it)

    That last one will be difficult but I shall be grown up and mature about it and give it my all. WIsh me luck.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    March 14 Goals
    1. Log every that goes in my mouth - Check. Was starving yesterday so got very close to going over but made healthier choices.
    2. No chocolate today - Check. It was sooooo hard....
    3. Drink 72 ounces. - Fail. Only made it to about 48.

    March 15 Goals
    1. Log every thing that goes in my mouth
    2. Drink 72 ounces
    3. Prep a slow cooker meal for tonight.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for 3/14 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - nope
    2. excersie for 45 minutes - nope
    3. stay under 1500 calories - Done
    4. walk a minimum of 3 miles - Nope
    5. wash and vacuum car _ done
    6. finish housework - Done
    7. start c25k - Nope
    8. get oil changed in car - Nope

    My goals for 3/15 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 45 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. start c25k
    5. get oil changed in car
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    K, folks, a new day, a new outlook!

    Goals for 14 March
    1-drink 10 glasses of water--DONE, and then some!!
    2-Ripped in 30 + 30 minutes on bike--SNAFU during my day deprived me of my run, but I did do my RI30
    3-log EVERYTHING that I eat!--I did, it wasn't great, but I did.

    Goals for 15 March
    1-10 glasses of water
    2-RI 30 + 30 minutes bike
    3-keep very close tabs on cals, logging EVERYTHING
    4-go to sleep early
  • Hi All!

    Well yesterday I met my goals but didn't exercise. I've come home at night and ended up a couch potato. I was under my calorie goal but that's really not the way to go here.

    Ok... new day:

    1.) EXERCISE!!!!!
    2.) Only one cup of coffee and NO diet coke
    3.) Hit my calorie goal. (It's SO hard.... MFP set me at 1200. I'm always over.!)
  • Goals for 3/14
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- only 6
    2. Log all food- yes but about 100 over
    3. Walk for 60 minutes- no but will do it today
    4. Work on homework- yes

    Goals for 3/15
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Walk for 60 minutes
    4. Work on homework
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday were:
    1. Go to the gym & do my c25k
    2. Make a plan with my husband and secure it
    3. Minimal shopping

    I completed 1 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Go to the gym & do my c25k
    2. Make a plan with my husband and secure it
    3. Walk my dog-rain or shine
  • mebohan
    mebohan Posts: 46 Member
    late in the day, but lets see what i can get done

    Goals for Thursday:
    1) Step out of comfort zone and go to zumba with girl from work (YIKES IM NOT A DANCER)
    2) No alcohol
    3) get to bed at a decent hour (after folding the laundry)

    Goals for Friday:
    1) Don't hit snooze!!
    2) Two session of DS30 or Ripped in 30 (gotta make up for hitting snooze on Thursday!)
    3) No alcohol (save it for st. pattys day!)
  • Goals for 3/15
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- 7 so far, hoping to make 10 before bed
    2. Log all food- yes but 90 calories over
    3. Walk for 60 minutes- yes
    4. Work on homework- no did laundry and cleaned house instead

    Goals for 3/16
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Walk for 60 minutes and swim for 60 minutes
    4. Work on homework
  • txcraftr
    txcraftr Posts: 133 Member
    I'm new and having much trouble staying on goal.
    For Friday I'm going to
    1. Drink all my water.
    2. No diet soda.
    3. Exercise 30 minutes minimum.
    4. Stay within my calorie level, 1,500 calories.
    5. Not eat at night.
  • March 15:

    Daily diet (cereal, prune juice, water, oj) - not enough water
    Moisturize - why can't I do this daily??
    Garlic feet - done
    5 dif veg, 3 dif fruits - 3 vegs, 1 fruit...
    30 minute pilates and stretch - no, and am paying for it today
    30 minute aerobic/walk w light weights - same as above
    Sign up for birthing course - just gotta payoff it ow
    Survive dinner and movie with pops in law and new gf (and attempt to have a positive attitude going into it) - survived it.

    That last one will be difficult but I shall be grown up and mature about it and give it my all. WIsh me luck.

    March 16:
    Pilates 30 mins
    Walk 30-60 mins
    Daily fiber (water, cereal, OJ, prune)
    Daily veggies and fruits (5 and 3)
    Garlic feet
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    March 17 goal:
    30 minute Body Step
    30 minute Easy Cycle
    55 minute Body Attack
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    March 15 Goals
    1. Log every thing that goes in my mouth - Finished logging this morning as I had a few recipes to add. Was almost 300 over...was starving yesterday :(
    2. Drink 72 ounces - Better than yesterday. Got to 56ounces
    3. Prep a slow cooker meal for tonight. - No but was organized for dinner anyway.

    March 16 Goals
    1. Log everything...and stay under?
    2. Drink 72 ounces.
    3. Get in at least 30 mins of exercise.
  • Yesterday's Goals:
    1.) EXERCISE!!!!!--DONE (Finally tried my 10 minute trainer DVDs. I wanted to die 5 minutes into the cardio workout. I'm SO out of shape!)
    2.) Only one cup of coffee and NO diet coke--- ALMOST (I had one cup of regular coffee in the morning and a decaf iced coffee as an evening snack.)
    3.) Hit my calorie goal--- ALMOST (Went to a friends house last night and ended up going about 150 over from pita chips and hummus.)

    1.) Exercise after work!
    2.) Stay motivated at work today. (SO dreary outside.)
    3.) Log Everything!! Realize I'm going to go over calories but try my best. (Family birthday celebration tonight.)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday were:
    1. Go to the gym & do my c25k
    2. Make a plan with my husband and secure it
    3. Minimal shopping

    I completed 2 of these goals. Who needs groceries?

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Take my dog for a walk
    2. Buy a rain poncho
    3. Try out weights
  • Goals for 3/16
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- yes
    2. Log all food- yes but 60 calories over
    3. Walk for 60 minutes and swim for 60 minutes- walk yes, swim no
    4. Work on homework- yes

    Goals for 3/17
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Walk 60 minutes
    4. Work on homework

    Frustrated with today's weigh in, I know my lower amount of exercise is not helping, but I'm also thinking it might be due to the meds I started last week are also contributing to my lack of weight loss. Oh well tomorrow's a new day,