

  • Read the other comments and agree you should probably eat something......but only if you're hungry. Try some fruit and frozen yogurt something that's a treat but has some nutrients.
  • You look great!!!!! Do not let your insensitive aunt's comment any more thought. Focus on the positive support you have around you! Spend as much time as possible with the good supportive people and as little as possible with the not so supportive people. Keep up the awesome work!
  • Definietely a difference! Way to go!
  • Totally know where you're coming from. I have put on 60 lbs since 2003 and I need to take it off. At my heaviest (without baby weight) I was 230 lbs. I am now at 211. I want to get down to 170 and then we'll see. Right now my goal is to be down to approx. my premarriage weight of 195 by the end of July. Definitely could…
  • You can add me! Good luck.
  • Welcome. I could use an encouraging friend also. Good luck!
  • I quit drinking Diet Coke when I was pregnant and substituted with Diet Rite (caffeine and uses Splenda). Now I am still breast feeding and don't want my baby drinking the chemicals, and have quit drinking even the Diet Rite. Super tough! I'm still addicted! I CRAVE a Diet soda, especially when I eat out. I substitute with…
  • Great job! Keep up the good work!
  • I am like some of the other responders. Do not buy and definitely don't have in the house. FInd something that tastes good that isn't super bad and you won't eat a whole bunch, like healthier chocolate milk (low in sugar and fat....) or yogurt. Possibly having a bit of the treat in the evening to look forward to but that…
  • Hi I have been half way doing the iphone app since last fall. Today is the first time I logged into the computer part. I just started a regular exercise program and I need to keep my calories in check. I have lost 15 lbs. so far but still have 45lbs. to go. Just did the math and I have gained 60 lbs. since 2003!!!!! I need…