Hi, My name is Sam, and I'm a Diet Coke Addict...



  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I was a Cherry Coke Zero addict. I'm talking I'd have at least 6-8 cans a day. I thought, "Well it's zero calories so I'm safe." Since I'm trying to lose 50 pounds in 5 months I decided to switch to strictly water. It's only been about 3 weeks and let me tell you.....I feel SO much better. My vision is clearer, I am not tired throughout the day, I feel mentally awake, I'm sleeping better. It sucked for the first few days but really after about a week it got easier and easier. I've had ONE diet coke in the past three weeks and that's because I was at the Rangers/Yankees game and had it with my nachos lol. Trust me, from someone who has been where you are, just STOP. It really is that easy. Don't buy them. When you go out order water, get lemon for your water to spruce it up. Seriously, you will feel so much better. Like I said though, you will have to push through that first week or two but once you do---you won't regret it. Good luck! (if I can do it, anyone can)
  • geokatjen
    geokatjen Posts: 11
    I quit drinking Diet Coke when I was pregnant and substituted with Diet Rite (caffeine and uses Splenda). Now I am still breast feeding and don't want my baby drinking the chemicals, and have quit drinking even the Diet Rite. Super tough! I'm still addicted! I CRAVE a Diet soda, especially when I eat out. I substitute with Ice Tea.......but once baby isn't on the breast I don't know if I'll have the will power to stay off the stuff. I agree with you saying that it is a calorie free treat when dieting. I love the crisp refreshing taste! Good luck!
  • Nolalee
    Nolalee Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Sam,
    I have never replied to any post before, but I know a lot about being addicted to diet coke. It was my drug of choice for about the last three years. It was all I drank everyday. Sad but true. Everyone in my life told me I should stop for many reasons, even my doctor. But I didn't, I couldn't. Until no week ago. On May 2, I made up my own mind I had to give it up. I found that when I drank it I craved sweets. Not so good when you are trying to eat more healthy. I've tried to quit many times by cutting down, but failed. I went cold turkey this time. My advice...excedrin migraine. I told it for about three or four days last week for the headache withdraws. So far so good. I drink so much water right now I can't imagine putting another liquid in my body! lol. Last week I lost 9 pounds. I think giving up diet coke actually made that happen. I don't really know, but I feel like it.

    Anyways, good luck. I know how hard it is! It totally sucks, and even though I'm done with it doesn't mean my mouth doesn't water just thinking about it!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :) I just joined last week
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I have come as your saviour....


    I saw it too.... I am checking labels...
    I don't use crystal light/great value powders anymore BUT I am using MiO

    Any Issues with MiO? I dont see aspartame in the ingredients but could it be masked under another name?
  • usmcpatience
    usmcpatience Posts: 168
    Wow! I certainly didn't expect to get all the responses! Thanks for the suggestions and support, guys! You're great.

    Someone asked me why I don't drink the "real" stuff in moderation, and the answer is, quite frankly, but I don't like the taste. The only reason I started drinking it was because there was a vending machine near one of my long evening classes in college that was out of everything BUT diet coke for a couple of weeks. It only took those couple of weeks to get hooked. The real stuff is way too sweet for me.

    I still drink plenty of water most days, but the pop I know is not good for me. Heck, even the carbonation is bad for you! I weened myself (reluctantly) off the caffeinated pop, but now I'm still stuck.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I'm a diet pepsi addict. I can't even imagine giving it up lol. I know it's bad for me, but I'm losing weight and can't really substitute something as good that doesn't have any calories.
  • usmcpatience
    usmcpatience Posts: 168
    LOVE this.
  • usmcpatience
    usmcpatience Posts: 168
    I'm a diet pepsi addict. I can't even imagine giving it up lol. I know it's bad for me, but I'm losing weight and can't really substitute something as good that doesn't have any calories.

    I think this is my problem. I KNOW it's bad, but it's such a great "bad" habit. I fear getting rid of it will cause me to replace it with something much more caloric!
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I too, I am a DC addict. And yes, DIET coke - I have never been able to stand the taste of regular coke. I was brought up on the stuff unfortunately, my entire family drinks it and my sister in law calls it diet crack. It IS an addiction. I don't have a solution, but I feel your pain. When I first started losing in January 2010 I cut it out for 3 months and I forget how I ended up adding it back in, but I did. In moderation. I can ONLY have some if I have drank ALL my water for the day (and I drink A LOT) - so its usually after 5 PM. Instead of coming home and having a beer after work I look forward to my DC. I allow myself 2 glasses a day (24 oz) and factor the sodium in as well. So yes, I realize it is bad for you, but I haven't given it up yet. I've tried sodium free sodas and its not the same and no better or worse for you.