

  • My doctor told me the pills don't make you gain weight. For the first month it makes your body feel like it's PMSing so your more hungry, so you tend to eat more but if you track what you eat you won't gain weight
  • I was on a plateau for about three weeks and I got so frustrated I went ahead and took a few days off and ate whatever my heart desired. But once I started tracking my food again I got off my plateau within a few days! Maybe you need to just shake things up a bit.
  • Just wondering for those of you that have a day off, what day do you weigh in, or how long after you have your day off?
  • I agree with what most everyone is saying, but I know for myself I had to get rid of things I knew I couldn't resist (bbq chips for example) and I just can't keep them in the house. Again it's all in moderation but you don't want to tempt yourself to binge.
  • Also, I've discovered shirataki tofu noodles, I found them at safeway. They're 100 cal for a whole bag really low fat and only 15CARBS for the whole bag!!! They tatse less like tofu if you rinse them well and microwave them, I mix them with laughing cow.
  • Sometimes I just microwave trader joes roasted chicken patties. They're already seasoned so they're really good without buns. They're about 120 cal each but soooooo good.
  • I absolutley know how you feel, whenever I go home from college to my parents house I feel like I gain 20 pounds. Home is where the food is...
  • Thanks guys! This was actually really helpful!
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