donnak7 Member


  • Clio Greek Yogurt Bars.... chocolate covered yogurt bar and only 140 calories. Tastes like cheesecake. I love them.
  • You're not a bad parent. The fact that you're asking questions means you care enough to figure out what to do. If he loves minecraft, embrace the minecraft. Instead of him wanting to watch the videos all the time, do something fun and active with him that revolves around minecraft.…
  • Loved this story.... I really want some baklava right now. I LOVE it. And port wine.... delicious! I can understand the temptation.
  • You are looking great! Nice job.
  • Don't let the weight number be something you worry about excessively. I, too, tend to weigh more in pounds than other women who wear the same size clothes as me. I learned that you can't go by weight alone to determine if you are where you need to be. Every body is made up a little differently. If you are a size 14-16,…
  • I just got some fundraiser cookie dough myself! I baked some for the kids, but I didn't touch a single one! 130 calories in each cookie for the tub I bought. That is crazy!! I agree with you. I would rather eat my calories on something tasty and healthy.
  • I know exactly what you mean. I'm a single mom with 3 kids so budget is a BIG thing with me. I look for the meat that is on sale and buy whatever is the best price that week. I was looking at my local flyer today and Lean Beef is $3.99 a lb, but I can buy Turkey Drumsticks for $1.49/lb, Chicken drums/thighs 99cents/lb, and…
  • Big difference! You're doing great!!
  • I have found that skim evaporated milk is a great subsitute for whole milk in lots of things.... Mac & Cheese, Homemade mashed potatoes. Makes everything SUPER creamy without the fat of cream, half - n - half, or whole milk.
  • A sports bra is best, but remember, all sports bras ARE NOT created equal. You need one with wider straps and lots of support. The little girly spaghetti strap ones will not help unless you are tiny. Spend the money and get a good one!
  • I find if you fill your day with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, you can easily feel quite full with fewer calories than other things. I also make myself smoothies in the blender that are low in calories and taste great. 3/4 cup fat free cottage cheese (trust me, it will blend very smooth and gets very creamy and…
  • I live in Western Maryland, so too far to be a walking buddy, but I will support you, just like many others will, as we all try to lose our extra weight!! Good Luck!
    in Hi Comment by donnak7 September 2010
  • Don't listen to the people that have negative things to say. At one time, I was much heavier than I am now (and I still have about 20 lbs to lose). When I started losing weight, people had all kinds of great things to say, but when I got to a significantly smaller size, I heard people say I had an eating disorder, or that…
  • That sounds like a good work-out and a fun one. Great idea for a day with bad weather!