From Here to Eternity
It's A Wonderful Life!
Fantastic Loss! I needed more motivation. Thanks!
@Hayesgang. Love your dark Brunnett shoulder length hair.
All me... or What's left of me. LOL. So, what you are saying is, if I changed my profile picture to that of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, I would get more friend requests. *Searching Google Now!*
Need I say more?
Stunning. Absolutely Stunning! One day I will get there. Thanks for the encouragement.
I'm not going nowhere. I'd miss your Beautiful face!
Oh, to be young again! LOL.
Trust me. I know Hot! And you are Hot!!! And I'm sure other guys think so, as well. Here's 2 of mine...
It's the number of strikes, in one game, needed to bowl a perfect score of 300.
I love my Nike+ GPS for the iPhone 4.
Ladies... If I told you, you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?
the last 2 Monday nights, right before my bowling league. It gives me the energy to compete for 4 hours.
What more could a man ask for... I'm all in.
@HotMama... 8.5 ~ I love brunettes with smooth skin.
My sense of humor makes me Sexy. I can brighten your day!
Ha-Larious! I can't get off the floor, now!
Laila Ali... All Day! Every Day!
Because... I learned to program in BASIC on a TI-99/4a. Anyone else have one of these?
Because... There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't. :-)
Love those muscular calves.
I'm a leg man. I love thick ankles. Followed by gorgeous legs. All incorporated into high heeled CFM pumps... This drives me wild... Any thick ankled ladies on MFP?
Is 'Hotness' just based on looks, or do 'Brains' count? If so, I must be 'Scorching'. LOL.
I think all of you ladies are 'Hot'.
I have spent my entire lunch, at my desk, laughing at this post. My co-workers must think I have lost my mind. I've got to get off the floor. ROFLMAO!
I haven't updated my picture... But how 'bout us 'bald' guys!