Shaylala Member


  • I think they should count! Drink when you are thirsty and if you feel you shouldn't while exercising, then just drink a little more for the day. Great workout! Keep hydrated!
  • I ADORE creamy dressings but Fat Free Ranch is GROSS! I do a couple things: I will mix 1/2 salsa, 1/2 ranch which makes it creamy or add water to my dressing (my SIL taught me that), you can use the cerviche mixture if you like tangy like that, or just plain salsa! You can also add a little fat free cottage cheese :) Good…
  • I have heard that the arms are one of the easiest to tone through daily push-ups. I cannot verify the validity of the statement since I have not looked it up officially but that is what I have heard! Good luck!
  • Thank you for this! I always need motivation to stop drinking soda- especially diet :)
  • I have had some amazing luck with WW- I have lost 48 lbs altogether and hope to keep moving. The new points plus works for some and although it was hard for me at first- now I LOVE it! Most fruits and veggies are zero which if you are a snacker like me, can make you very happy! Good luck!
  • This totally happened to me! I got some Under Armor running shoes and that seems to make a huge difference. If I go for long periods of time they still tend to burn though. Weird! I thought I was the only one :)
  • I have been doing WW for about a year and a half now with WONDERFUL results (47 lbs down!) but I found that trying to do both MFP and WW was throwing off both. I find it is better to just focus on one. I actually only use MFP for motivation, logging exercise and getting foodie ideas. Good luck on your journey!
  • Kayaking is SO amazing- my husband and I just got into it this year and have adored every single second out on the water. Great exercise, too! Enjoy!
  • I want to join!
  • Hi! I have lost 43 lbs on Weight Watcher and recently joined MFP. I highly recomment WW if you are able to do it although I have grown to love MFP too although it is a lot more independant. I need to be held accountable and the WW meetings really did that for me. On a daily basis- I tell myself NOTHING tastes as good as…
  • I suggest making a lot of good-for-you-things. I like to make a huge pot of vegetable soup in the crock pot. In my stir fry (and almost everything else!) I put cabbage which is a great source of fiber and is an awesome filler- it really stretches your meals. Black beans are also amazing- low in fat and tasty. You can make…
  • I have found that my salt intake can GREATLY affect my weight bouncing around. It is crazy and surprising. I gained 2lbs one week even though I had been working out consistantly- I was eating salty foods unknowingly. I also attend Weight Watchers meetings and the people there have had the same thing happen to them. Also,…
  • Totally in the same boat! My husband is a stick and so is our son- I am the odd one out- chubby and dark compared to their lean blondness. 30 more pounds to go before I can even compare!