

  • Yea its a really solid and simple program and I just add some extra assistance work and of course my atlas stones. How many cycles have you ran?
  • I run the 5/3/1 and it has been the best program ever. I compete in NAS. Strongman competitions ans this program has brought awesome gains. I have hit a 525 dead in competition and a 210 log press and now am training for my second one in march and i have hit so many PRs in the last week its crazy. Dont judge it til you…
  • Farmers walks are where you hold heavy dumbells to your side and walk so far with them. Helps improve grip and can hammer legs/calves if heavy enough
  • I like doing static hold with a normal and/or a fat grip. Practice with a fat bar or axle bar. Once I started this I never have had any issues with grip.
  • I was hitting them numbers about the time I started shredding my weight. I have started competing strongman now and have been runnning the 5/3/1 program which has brought huge gain. Current numbers are at 241 body weight are. 525 deadlift, 210 Military Press, 365 low bar squat, and a 265 bench. Those are atleast for single…
  • oops posted under fiances account, will repost under my own!
  • I drink a protein shake with milk. I try to do 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. That has always been my rule since I do alot of lifting. It is calorie dense with the milk and protein powder and still fairly clean compared to some foods.
  • I recommend the Stronglifts 5x5 program. It has an awesome beginners program. All compound exercises to build core strength.
  • I have been lifting for roughly 3 years now and am always looking for new ways to shock my muscles so I started this program about 5 weeks ago and I love it. I have made some great gains and am making great progress still. I will go back to isolation exercises at the end of the 12 weeks but will be coming back to the…
  • I have done alot of different variations in weightlifting from isolation exercises to compounds. I myself like the compound movements for the core strength gains and for bulking. I have followed the Stronglifts 5x5 program for a while now and have made tremendous gains in it. It really targets the core muscles. I would…