

  • Two quick points: First, that "end of day" calculator is simply that, a calculator. It means almost nothing to anyone but the "average" person. And no one is average, the average person is just a mathematical measurement of all of us together. Ignore it. I don't see any value in it at all. Secondly, what everyone says…
  • It's refreshing to deal with the "hungry and cranky" topic, even indirectly. While I am eating enough calories spread out so that I don't really get hungry, I notice my mood is not as good at various times, which I attribute either to a slightly lower blood sugar (which I don't truly know because I haven't tested) or just…
  • On my gym scale before I work out, every time, which ranges from 2-6 times a week. I weigh myself on other scales when I feel like it (my boyfriend's gym, my work), but I consider the scale at my gym to be the official one and that's the only one I record. I do fluctuate, and the ups are hard to take. But then I work out…
  • I have tried acupuncture and Network Spinal Analysis (google it), both with great success for mood issues, menstrual problems and asthma. I'm glad you have an appointment with your doctor. You might consider a therapist too, but personally I'm more inclined to do the acupuncture and NSA, as they've been so successful for…
  • I do generally. You can look it up... sometimes it has a few calories, often between 2-10. Nothing very substantial. I count green tea as water too (I don't drink it very strong).
  • Hi Pam. Congrats on your upcoming grandbaby! I'm fairly new here and am looking for support as well. I live in Western New York and am a new empty-nester, single mom, state employed psychologist working with the developmentally delayed population.