beccabeccac Member


  • My breakfast is about 3 - 3.5 blocks since I usually only do about a 2 block lunch (I'm not as hungry mid-day). I make an omelette using one whole egg and 2 egg whites, a bit of butter in the pan, a handful of kale, and a sprinkling of parmesan or cheddar cheese. On the side I'll either do a slice of whole grain bread with…
  • drink a protein shake (and sometimes an ibuprofin) and sit down to knit. :)
  • I've only been following this for about a month, but I would say listen to your body. Especially if you're doing a high intensity (high calorie burn) workout I would definitely follow it with some protein and then see how you feel the rest of the day. You may be fine making dinner a bit smaller, or you may still need the…
  • I started doing the zone (loosely) within the past month and a half. I'm pretty good with breakfasts, and lunches (if I plan ahead) but I'm not as precise at dinner, I just watch that I'm not overdoing my carbs and getting enough protein. I've found that with exercise (I track using a fitbit) I don't always feel like I…
  • I also make open face avocado sandwiches with whole grain bread, spread with hummus, and top with sliced avocado (and a sprinkle of salt).
  • I make a faux egg salad sandwich (in college I used to call it a poor man's egg salad sandwich since lunch wasn't included in my meal plan, but I could get all of these ingredients at breakfast and save for later). Spread miracle whip on 2 slices of whole grain bread and top with 1-2 hard boiled eggs sliced up. Quick and…
  • I would make pretzel crusted chicken tenders. Cut them into small nugget sizes (or leave them large). Pat them dry, dredge in flour, then in a beaten egg, and then roll in crushed pretzels and a dash of Parmesan cheese. Bake until chicken is not pink.
  • I wasn't actively trying to lose weight while I was breastfeeding, but one food that I found both then, and now, to be very filling and also good for me was oatmeal. As an added bonus it helps increase your milk supply. I had a variety of recipes (some healthier than others) that incorporated oatmeal. One recipe was for…
  • Facebook made some changes recently and my tickers from other sites disappeared. I don't think they're allowing them anymore (or they hid them on a tab instead of on the sidebar of your main page).
  • That looks awesome. I've made something similar using homemade french bread dough (which has a little less fat than the crescent rolls, but takes 3 hours to make), and filling it with sandwich meat and cheese. I'll definitely have to try this version. Thanks for the post.
  • I don't know that morning or night matters in how much weight you'll lose. I would say work out whenever you feel best 'cause then you'll stick with it. For me it's the noon hour. I usually work afternoons/evenings so a noon step class is perfect timing for me, since I'm not a morning person, and by the time I get done…
  • I nursed my son and took the opportunity to eat more than I needed to as well. It took me 9 months to lose all the baby weight, and here he is 2 years and 4 months now, and I've only in the past 3 months made an effort to go below my pre-baby weight. Even though I fit into a lot of my clothes around the 9 month mark, they…
  • I agree with everyone else here. You don't want to be trying to lose weight if you're pregnant, but you do want to continue any healthy eating habits you've gained along the way. Talk to your doctor about the necessary adjustments to your caloric intake to keep the baby healthy and to allow you to continue nursing. During…
  • I listen to Limp Bizkit's Significant Other when I'm working out. Mostly because all the songs are basically the same tempo so it keeps me at an even speed on the elliptical machine. I also like Kate Vogele when I'm working on the weight machines - the tempo is still upbeat, but a bit more mellow so I can focus on my…
  • One thing that I find helps me sometimes is to crank some really uptempo music (Pink in my case), and have a glass of ice cold Diet Coke on standby. On a side note, your landlord must give you 24 hours notice to enter the premises for non-emergency situations. I would let your landlord know that in the future he/she needs…
  • I wondered the same thing at first too. Originally I had set my activity setting at reasonably active since on the days I work I'm on my feet for 8 hours straight (I work in retail). But since I'm very sedentary on my days off, I changed my activity setting to sedentary, and created an exercise called "work" that burns 140…
  • I know when my weight fluctuates the first place I notice it is in my boobs. They just deflate! And no one's going to comment on shrinking boobs. Congrats though on your hard work. 35 lbs. is a great accomplishment.
  • I like oatmeal in the morning 'cause it doesn't take up much room in my stomach, but it keeps me full for a long time. I like foods with protein after a workout, so either a peanut butter sandwich or scrambled eggs with cheese.
  • I can't say my meal choices are the best, but my goal is 1200 and my food diary is open (I think). Mostly I live on peanut butter sandwiches due to a very small grocery budget, but I'm trying to add variety.
  • I've been doing a lot of interval training lately, and even combining my weights with my cardio. I've been taking step and zumba classes at my Y, and both lately have been incorporating weights. In the step class, after a stretch of cardio, we'll do sets of lunges and squats holding dumbells or medicine balls. In the zumba…
  • I was reading another post that talked about this a little bit. I've also had a few days where I've been under in my calories for the day, and I've either been bad and eaten a candy bar to hit that #, or I've just drank a glass of water and gone to bed. One thing that I think contributes to the confusion is how the…
  • I wasn't sure what to put either. I work in apparel retail, and I'm on my feet for almost my entire 8 hour shift. I usually am doing a lot of the same tasks as you - bending, picking things up, carrying around armloads of merchandise, pushing carts, etc. I have only been on this site for about a week, but I've been…
  • I know my husband swears by Metamucil. He has digestive issues, and is confined to the bathroom if he forgets to take his fiber in the morning (I'm sorry - TMI). I don't know what the sugar content is, but Metamucil seems to have the most bulk - way better than Benefiber. Also instead of having a laxative quality like some…