new body after first baby

Trying to get back to the old me - for the most part. :) I'm almost at my pre-pregnancy weight but I'm inches from wearing most of my pants. It's been 3.5 months since baby was born and I've taken advantage of the extra calories from breastfeeding to eat more food than normal which I wasn't inclined to do while I was pregnant. But summer is almost over and I can't keep wearing the pitifully few articles of clothing that actually fit, so... I found this App on my Android and it's been amazing - I'm only 4 days in but I'm already less hungry and craving much healthier foods. I don't know that when I reach my goal weight my pants will even fit since a big part of the problem is my hips - but they say they'll go back to normal when baby is about 6 months ?? - here's hoping - I have my fingers crossed! Good luck to every one else out there too - this website/app really is a great tool - I think we can do it. :happy:


  • jenuwine
    Good luck and welcome. good to see that with bub only .5mths old you are addressing this nice and early. my bub is almost 2 and Ive only just kicked into gear.

  • jenuwine
    *3.5mths old sorry :-)
  • beccabeccac
    beccabeccac Posts: 28 Member
    I nursed my son and took the opportunity to eat more than I needed to as well. It took me 9 months to lose all the baby weight, and here he is 2 years and 4 months now, and I've only in the past 3 months made an effort to go below my pre-baby weight. Even though I fit into a lot of my clothes around the 9 month mark, they did fit differently. My hips were a bit wider, and I had a little bit of the "mommy belly". I've now shrunk my overall waist size by about a pant size, but I still have that jiggle in the front, so now I'm moving on to more of a toning regimen. Good luck on your journey. This website is really helpful and motivational.
  • Pati13
    Pati13 Posts: 1 Member
    My son is 9 months old, and I too have not gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Unfortunately I stopped breast feeding him 7 months and now gained weight. I am trying to get myself into gear and lose some of this weight. It isn't easy and I don't have a smart phone so I have to log on to enter the info and that takes extra time.
    Good luck to you.
  • oxokatieoxo
    my son is 2 1/2 and im doing the same :) good luck ladies x
  • brockly25
    good for you and you can do it :) this place is a good place to do it. everone so helpful and are in the same boat :)
    if you need any help just send me a message :)